Thursday, July 1, 2010

Theory of technological evolution

According to Richta and later Bloomfield [1][2], technology (which Richta defines as "a material entity created by the application of mental and physical effort to nature in order to achieve some value") evolves in three stages: tools, machine, automation. This evolution, he says, follows two trends: the replacement of physical labour with more efficient mental labour, and the resulting greater degree of control over one's natural environment, including an ability to transform raw materials into ever more complex and pliable products.

Stages of technological development

The pretechnological period, in which all other animal species remain today aside from some avian and primate species was a non-rational period of the early prehistoric man.

The emergence of technology, made possible by the development of the rational faculty, paved the way for the first stage: the tool. A tool provides a mechanical advantage in accomplishing a physical task, and must be powered by human or animal effort.

Hunter-gatherers developed tools mainly for procuring food. Tools such as a container, spear, arrow, plow, or hammer that augments physical labor to more efficiently achieve his objective. Later animal-powered tools such as the plow and the horse, increased the productivity of food production about tenfold over the technology of the hunter-gatherers. Tools allow one to do things impossible to accomplish with one's body alone, such as seeing minute visual detail with a microscope, manipulating heavy objects with a pulley and cart, or carrying volumes of water in a bucket.

The second technological stage was the creation of the machine. A machine (a powered machine to be more precise) is a tool that substitutes the element of human physical effort, and requires the operator only to control its function. Machines became widespread with the industrial revolution, though windmills, a type of machine, are much older.

Examples of this include cars, trains, computers, and lights. Machines allow humans to tremendously exceed the limitations of their bodies. Putting a machine on the farm, a tractor, increased food productivity at least tenfold over the technology of the plow and the horse.

The third, and final stage of technological evolution is the automation. The automation is a machine that removes the element of human control with an automatic algorithm. Examples of machines that exhibit this characteristic are digital watches, automatic telephone switches, pacemakers, and computer programs.

It's important to understand that the three stages outline the introduction of the fundamental types of technology, and so all three continue to be widely used today. A spear, a plow, a pen, and an optical microscope are all examples of tools.

Theoretical implications

The process of technological evolution culminates with the ability to achieve all the material values technologically possible and desirable by mental effort.

An economic implication of the above idea is that intellectual labour will become increasingly more important relative to physical labour. Contracts and agreements around information will become increasingly more common at the marketplace. Expansion and creation of new kinds of institutes that works with information such as for example universities, book stores, patent-trading companies, etc. is considered an indication that a civilization is in technological evolution.

Interestingly, this highlights the importance underlining the debate over intellectual property in conjunction with decentralized distribution systems such as today's internet. Where the price of information distribution is going towards zero with ever more efficient tools to distribute information is being invented. Growing amounts of information being distributed to an increasingly larger customer base as times goes by. With growing disintermediation in said markets and growing concerns over the protection of intellectual property rights it is not clear what form markets for information will take with the evolution of the information age.

Physics Time-Line to 1799

Nicolaus Copernicus
-585: Thales of Miletus, prediction of an eclipse
-580: Thales of Miletus, birth of scientific thought
-580: Thales of Miletus, water as the basic element
-580: Thales of Miletus, magnets and attraction to rubbed amber
-560: Thales of Miletus, first cosmologies
-550: Anaximenes, flat Earth
-525: Pythagoras, understanding the world and mathematics
-520: Anaximander, Earth surface is curved (cylinder)
-515: Parmenides, paradoxes of change and motion
-500: Pythagoreans, Earth is a sphere
-480: Oenopides, finds angle of Earth's tilt to ecliptic
-480: Protagoras, reality comes from the senses
-480: Heraclitus, fire as primary substance
-480: Heraclitus, change is the essence of being
-475: Parmenides, Earth is a sphere
-470: Anaxagoras, materials are made of "seeds" (atoms)
-470: Anaxagoras, sun, moon and stars are made of same material as Earth
-470: Anaxagoras, sun as a hot glowing rock
-460: Eudoxus, Celestial spheres
-460: Empedocles, Four elements: Earth, Air, Fire and Water
-455: Philolaus, Earth Rotates
-450: Zeno, paradoxes of discrete or continuous space and time
-445: Leucippus, indivisble atoms
-425: Democritus, Atomic theory
-390: Plato, theory of knowledge
-390: Plato, ether as a fifth element
-385: Democritus, Milky Way is composed of many stars
-370: Aristotle, Free falling bodies accelerate but heavier bodies fall faster
-360: Heracleides, Venus and Mercury orbit the sun
-352: Chinese, recorded observation of a supernova
-350: Heracleides, Rotation of the Earth
-340: Aristotle, Earth is a sphere
-340: Aristotle, Space is continuous and always filled with matter
-335: Kiddinu, precession of equinoxes
-335: Strato, experiments with falling bodies and levers
-330: Aristotle, physics and metaphysics
-330: Aristotle, geocentric cosmology
-325: Pytheas, tides are caused by moon
-306: Epicurus, support for atomic theory
-295: Euclid, elements of mathematics
-265: Zou Yan, five elements: water, metal, wood, fire and earth
-260: Aristarchus of Samos, ratio of Earth-Sun distance to Earth-Moon distance from angle at half moon
-260: Aristarchus of Samos, distance and size of moon from Earth's shadow during lunar eclipse
-260: Aristarchus of Samos, heliocentric cosmology
-250: Chinese, free bodies move at constant velocity
-240: Archimedes, Principle of levers and compound pulley
-240: Archimedes, Archimedes' principle of hydrostatics
-235: Eratosthenes, Measurement of Earth's circumference
-190: Seleucus, further support for heliocentric theory
-170: Chinese, record of sun spots
-150: Hipparchus, precession of the equinoxes
-130: Hipparchus, size of moon from parallax of eclipse
83: Chinese, loadstone compass
100: Bhaskara, diameter of the Sun
100: Hero of Alexandria, expansion of air with heat
100: Hero of Alexandria, laws of light reflection
130: Ptolemy, geocentric cosmology of epicycles
180: Egypt, alchemy
550: Johannas Philoponus, impetus keeps a body moving
721: Abu Hayyan, preparation of chemicals such as nitric acid
890: Al-Razi, atomic of matter and space
890: Al-Razi, andromeda galaxy
1000: Ali Al-hazen, reflection, refraction and lenses
1000: Ali Al-hazen, pinhole camera to demonstrate that light travels in straight lines to the eye
1054: China and Arabia Supernova of Crab Nebula recorded
1121: Al-khazini gravity acts towards centre of Earth
1155: Bhaskara first description of a perpetual motion machine
1225: Jordanus Nemorarius, mechanics of lever and composition of motion
1250: Albertus Magnus, isolation of arsenic
1260: Roger Bacon, empiricism
1267: Roger Bacon, magnifying lens
1269: Pierre de Maricourt, experiments with magnets and compass
1304: Theodoric of Freibourg, experiments to investigate rainbows
1320: William of Occam, Occam's Razor
1355: Jean Buridan, physics of impetus
1440: Nicolas Cusanus, Earth is in motion
1440: Nicolas Cusanus, infinite universe
1450: Johann Gutenberg, first printing press in Europe
1472: Johannes Regiomontanus, observation of Halley's comet
1480: Leonardo de Vinci, description of parachute
1480: Leonardo de Vinci, compares reflection of light to reflection of sound waves
1490: Leonardo de Vinci, capillary action
1492: Leonardo de Vinci, foresees flying machines
1494: Leonardo de Vinci, foresees pendulum clock
1514: Nicolaus Copernicus, writes about heliocentric theory but does not yet publish
1515: Leonardo Da Vinci, progress in mechanics, aerodynamics and hydraulics
1537: Niccolo Tartaglia, trajectory of a bullet
1551: Girolamo Cardano, studies of falling bodies
1553: Giambattista Benedetti, proposed equality of fall rates
1543: Nicolaus Copernicus, heliocentric theory published
1546: Gerardus Mercator, Magnetic pole of Earth
1572: Tycho Brahe, witnesses a supernova and cites it as evidence that the heavens are not changeless
1574: Tycho Brahe, Observes that a comet is beyond the moon
1576: Tycho Brahe, constructs a planetary observatory
1576: Thomas Digges, illustration of an infinite universe surrounding a Copernican solar system
1577: Tycho Brahe, observes that a comet passes through the orbits of other planets
1581: Galileo Galilei, constancy of period of pendulum
1581: Robert Norman, dip of compass shows that Earth is a magnet
1584: Giordano Bruno, suggests that stars are suns with other Earth's in orbit
1585: Giovanni Benedetti, impetus theory is better than Aristotle's physics
1585: Simon Stevin, law of equilibrium
1586: Simon Stevin, pressure in column of liquid
1586: Simon Stevin, verification of equality of fall rates
1589: Galileo Galilei, showed that objects fall at the same rate independent of mass
1592: Galileo Galilei, suggests that physical laws of the heavens are the same as those on Earth
1592: Galileo Galilei, primitive thermometer
1593: Johannes Kepler, related planets to platonic solids
1596: David Fabricius, observes a variable star, (Mira Ceta)
1600: Galileo Galilei, study of sound and vibrating strings
1600: William Gilbert, static electricity and magnetism
1604: Johannes Kepler, mirrors, lenses and vision
1604: Galileo Galilei, distance for falling object increases as square of time
1608: Hans Lippershey, optical telescope
1609: Lippershey and Janssen, the compound microscope
1609: Johannes Kepler, 1st and 2nd laws of planetary motion
1609: Thomas Harriot, maps moon using a telescope
1609: Johannes Kepler, notion of energy
1609: Galileo Galilei, builds a telescope
1610: Galileo Galilei, observes the phases of Venus
1610: Galileo Galilei, observes moons of Jupiter
1610: Galileo Galilei, observes craters on the moon
1610: Galileo Galilei, observes stars in the Milky Way
1610: Galileo Galilei, observes structures around Saturn
1611: Fabricius, Galileo, Harriot, Scheiner, sunspots
1611: Marco de Dominis, explanation of rainbows
1611: Johannes Kepler, principles of the astronomical telescope
1612: Simon Marius, Andromeda galaxy
1612: Galileo Galilei, hydrostatics
1613: Galileo Galilei, principle of inertia
1615: S. de Caus, forces and work
1618: Francesco Grimaldi, interference and diffraction of light
1619: Johannes Kepler, 3rd law of planetary motion
1619: Johannes Kepler, explains why a comets tail points away from the Sun
1619: Rene Descartes, vision of rationalism
1620: Francis Bacon, the empirical scientific method
1620: Francis Bacon, heat is motion
1620: Jan Baptista van Helmont, introduces the word "gas"
1621: Willebrod Snell, the sine law of refraction
1624: Galileo Galilei, theory of tides
1626: Godfried Wendilin, verification of Kepler's laws for moons of Jupiter
1630: Cabaeus, attraction and repulsion of electric charges
1631: Pierre Gassendi, observes a transit of Mercury
1632: Galileo Galilei, Galilean relativity
1632: Galileo Galilei, Support for Copernicus' heliocentric theory
1632: John Ray, water thermometer
1636: G. Pers de Roberval, gravitational forces are mutual attraction
1636: Marin Mersenne, speed of sound
1637: Rene Descartes, inertia, mechanistic physics
1637: Rene Descartes, refraction, rainbow and clouds
1638: Galileo Galilei, motion and friction
1639: Jeremiah Horrocks, observes a transit of Venus
1640: Evangelista Torricelli, theory of hydrodynamics
1641: Ferdinand II, sealed thermometer
1642: Blaise Pascal, mechanical calculator
1644: Evangelista Torricelli, mercury barometer and artificial vacuum

Physics Time-Line 1800 to 1899

1800: William Herschel, infrared rays from the Sun
1801: Johann Ritter, Ultraviolet rays
1801: Johann von Soldner, predicted Newtonian bending of light by sun
1801: Giuseppe Piazzi, first asteroid Ceres
1801: Humphry Davy, Electric arc
1801: Andres Manuel del Rio, compounds of element vanadium
1801: Charles Hatchett, element niobium in ores
1802: Heinrich Olbers, second asteroid Pallas
1802: Anders Ekeberg, element tantalum
1802: William Wollaston, dark lines in solar spectrum
1802: William Herschel, double stars are bodies in mutual orbit
1802: Thomas Young, interference and wave description of light
1802: Humphry Davy, Electrochemistry
1802: Joseph Gay-Lussac, Relation of Volume to Temperature of gases at fixed pressure
1803: William Wollaston, elements rhodium and palladium
1803: Smithson Tennant, elements osmium and iridium
1804: John Dalton, Law of partial pressures, Dalton's law
1807: Humphry Davy, isolation of elements sodium and potasium
1808: Humphry Davy, isolation of elements magnesium, strontium, barium and calcium
1808: Davy, Gay-Lussac and Thenard, isloation of element boron
1808: Joseph Gay-Lussac, Law of gas volumes in chemical reactions
1808: John Dalton, atomic theory of chemical reactions
1808: Etienne Malus, polarisation of reflected light
1809: Simeon-Denis Poisson, Poisson brackets in mechanics
1811: Amedeo Avogadro, molecular theory of gases and Avogadro's law
1811: Jean-Baptiste Fourier, harmonic analysis
1811: Bernard Courtois, element iodine
1812: David Brewster, behaviour of polarised light
1814: Joseph von Fraunhofer, spectroscope
1815: William Prout, atomic weights of elements are multiples of that for hydrogen
1815: Augustin Fresnel, theory of light diffraction
1816: Joseph von Fraunhofer, absorption lines in sun's spectrum
1817: Young and Fresnel, transverse nature of light
1817: Johan Arfvedson, element lithium
1817: Friedrich Strohmeyer, element cadmium
1817: J�autns Berzelius, element selenium
1818: Augustin Fresnel, ether as absolute rest frame
1819: Dulong and Petit, relation of specific heats to atomic weight in 12 solid elements
1820: Andre Ampere, force on an electric current in a magnetic field
1820: Hans Christian Oersted, an electric current deflects a magnetised needle
1820: Biot and Savart, force law between an electric current and a magnetic field
1821: Thomas Seebeck, thermocouple and thermoelectricity
1821: Joseph von Fraunhofer, diffraction grating

Michael Faraday
1821: Michael Faraday, plotted the magnetic field around a conductor
1821: Michael Faraday, first electric motor
1822: Andre Ampere, two wires with electric currents attract
1822: Charles Babbage, a prototype calculating machine
1822: Mary Mantell, first dinosaur fossil
1823: Michael Faraday, liquifies chlorine
1823: John William Herschel, suggests identification of chemical composition from spectrum
1823: William Sturgeon, electromagnets
1823: Heinrich Olbers, why is the sky dark?
1823: Johann Schweigger, galvanometer
1824: Sadi Carnot, Heat transfer goes from hot body to cold body
1824: J�autns Berzelius , element silicon
1824: J�autns Berzelius , isolation of element zirconium
1825: Hans Christian Oersted, isolation of element aluminium
1826: Antoine-J. Balard, element bromine
1827: Georg Ohm, electrical resistance and Ohm's law
1827: Robert Brown, Brownian motion
1828: Friedrich Wohler, isolation of element yttrium
1829: Johann Wolfgang, triads of chemical elements
1829: Thomas Graham, gas diffusion law
1829: Jons Berzelius, element thorium
1830: Charles Lyell, proposition that Earth is several million years old
1830: Nils Sefstrom, rediscovery and naming of vanadium
1831: Michael Faraday, a moving magnet induces an electric current
1831: Michael Faraday, magnetic lines of force
1831: Michael Faraday, the electric dynamo
1831: Michael Faraday, the electric transformer
1833: Michael Faraday, laws of electrolysis
1833: Joseph Henry, self inductance
1834: Emile Clapeyron, entropy
1834: John Scott Russell, observed solitary waves in a canal
1834: William Hamilton, Principle of least action and Hamiltonian mechanics
1834: Heinrich Lenz, Law of electromagnetic forces
1835: Gustav-Gaspard Coriolis, Coriolis force
1838: Bessel, Henderson, Struve, first measurements of distance to a star by parallax
1839: Karl Mosander, Lanthanum
1840: Rive Marcet anomolous specific heat of diamond
1840: Joule and Helmholtz electricity is a form of energy
1840: Auguste Comte suggests that nature and composition of stars will never be known
1841: Eugene-Melchoir Peligot isolation of element uranium
1842: Christian Doppler theory of Doppler Effect for sound and light
1842: Justin von Mayer Conservation of heat and mechanical energy
1843: James Joule mechanical and electrical equivalent of heat
1843: Howard Aiken first mechanical programable calculator
1844: Kark Klaus element 44, ruthenium
1845: Michael Faraday, rotation of polarised light by magnetism
1845: Christopher Buys-Ballet, confirmation of Doppler effect for sound using trumpeters on a train
1846: Adams, Le Verrier, predicted position of Neptune
1846: Gustav Kirchhoff, Kirchoff's laws of electrical networks

Physics Time-Line 1900 to 1949

1900: Lord Rayleigh, statistical derivation of short wavelength black body law
1900: Ernest Rutherford, first determination of a radioactive half-life
1900: Antoine Henri Becquerel, suggests that beta rays are electrons
1900: Lummer, Pringsheim, Rubens, Kurlbaum, failure of Wien's black body law at short wavelengths
1900: Max Planck, light quanta in black body radiation, Planck's black body law and Planck's constant
1900: Paul Villard, gamma rays
1900: Friedrich Dorn, element 86, radon
1900: Pyotr Lebedev, radiation pressure measured
1901: Max Planck, determination of Planck's constant, Boltzmann's constant, Avogadro's number and the charge on electron
1901: Guglielmo Marconi, Transmission of Morse signals across the Atlantic
1902: Philipp Lenard, intensity law in photoelectric effect
1902: Rutherford and Soddy, theory of transmutation by radiation and first use of the term "atomic energy"
1902: Kelvin, Thomson, plum pudding model of the atom
1902: Heaviside and Kennelly, Ionised layer capable of reflecting radio waves
1903: Ernest Rutherford, alpha particles have a positive charge
1903: Curie and Laborde, radioactive energy released by radium is large
1903: Johannes Stark, the power of the sun may be due to genesis of chemical elements
1903: Philipp Lenard, model of atom as two separated opposite charges

Albert Einstein
1904: Albert Einstein, energy-frequency relation of light quanta
1904: Hendrik Lorentz, the completed Lorentz transformations
1904: Hantaro Nagaoka, planetary model of the atom
1904: Ambrose Flemming, diode valve and rectifier
1904: Henri Poincare, conjectured light speed as physical limit
1904: Ernest Rutherford, age of Earth by radioactvity dating
1905: Albert Einstein, explains Brownian motion by kinetic theory
1905: Albert Einstein, light-quantum theory for photoelectric law
1905: Albert Einstein, special relativity
1905: Paul Langevin, atomic theory of paramagnetism
1905: Percival Lowell, postulates a ninth planet beyond Neptune
1905: Bragg and Kleeman, alpha-particles have discrete energies
1905: Hermann Nernst, third law of thermodynamics
1905: Albert Einstein, equivalence of mass and energy
1906: Albert Einstein, quantum explanation of specific heat laws for solids
1906: Joseph Thomson, Thomson scattering of X-ray photons and number of electrons in an atom
1906: Ernest Rutherford, alpha particles scatter in air
1906: Lee de Forest, triode valve
1907: Albert Einstein, equivalence principle and gravitational redshift
1907: Urbain and von Welsbach, element 71, lutetium
1908: Hermann Minkowski, geometric unification of space and time
1908: Hans Geiger, Geiger counter for detecting radioactivity
1908: Heike Kammerlingh-Onnes, liquid helium
1908: Geiger, Royds, Rutherford, identify alpha particles as helium nuclei
1909: Albert Einstein, particle-wave duality of photons
1909: Johannes Stark, momentum of photons
1909: Geiger and Marsden, anomolous scattering of alpha particles on gold foil
1909: Robert Millikan, measured the charge on the electron
1910: Albert Einstein, why the sky is blue
1910: Matthew Hunter, isolation of element titanium
1910: Theodor Wulf, excess atmospheric radiation
1911: Victor Hess, high altitude radiation from space
1911: Heike Kammerlingh-Onnes, superconductivity
1911: Ernest Rutherford, Infers the nucleus from the alpha scattering result
1912: Joseph Thomson, mass spectrometry and separation of isotopes
1912: Henrietta Leavitt, period to luminosity relationship for Cepheid variable stars
1912: Robert Millikan, measurement of Planck's constant
1912: Peter Debye, derivation of specific heat laws to low temperatures
1912: Charles Wilson, cloud chamber
1912: Max Von Laue, X-rays are explained as electromagnetic radiation by diffraction
1912: Albert Einstein, curvature of space-time
1912: Vesto Melvin Slipher, observes blue-shift of andromeda galaxy
1912: Gustav Mie, non-linear field theories
1913: Niels Bohr, quantum theory of atomic orbits
1913: Niels Bohr, radioactivity as nuclear property
1913: Jean-Baptiste Perrin, theory of size of atoms and molecules
1913: Fajans and Gohring, element 91, protactinium
1913: Bragg and Bragg, X-ray diffraction and crystal structure
1913: Hans Geiger, relation of atomic number to nuclear charge
1913: Johannes Stark, splitting of hydrogen spectral lines in electric field
1913: Frederick Soddy, the term "isotope"
1914: James Chadwick, primary beta spectrum is continuous and shows an energy anomaly
1914: Harry Moseley, used X-rays to confirm the correspondence between electric charge of nucleus and atomic number
1914: Ejnar Hertzsprung, measured distance to Large Magellanic Cloud using Cepheid variable stars
1914: Rutherford, da Costa Andrade, gamma rays identified as hard photons
1915: Albert Einstein, general relativity
1915: David Hilbert, action principle for gravitational field equations
1915: Albert Einstein, prediction of light bending and explanation for perihelion shift of mercury
1916: Robert Millikan, verification of energy law in photoelectric effect
1916: Albert Einstein, prediction of gravitational waves
1916: Albert Einstein, conservation of energy-momentum in general relativity
1916: Karl Schwarzschild, singular static solution of gravitational field equations which describes a minimal black hole
1916: Arnold Sommerfeld, Further atomic quantum numbers and fine structure of spectra, fine structure constant
1917: Harlow Shapley, estimates the diameter of the galaxy as 100000 parsecs
1917: Albert Einstein, introduction of the cosmological constant and a steady state model of the universe
1917: Vesto Melvin Slipher, observes that most galaxies have red-shifts
1917: Albert Einstein, theory of stimulated emission and loss of determinism
1917: Willem de Sitter, describes a model of a static universe with no matter
1917: Arthur Eddington, gravitational energy is insufficient to account for the energy output of stars
1917: Rutherford, Marsden, artificial transmutation, hydrogen and oxygen from nitrogen
1918: Harlow Shapley, measured distance to globular clusters using Cepheid variable stars
1918: Harlow Shapley, determined the size and shape of our galaxy
1918: Reissner and Nordstrom, solution of Einstein's equations which describe a charged black hole
1918: Emmy Noether, The mathematical relationships between symmetry and conservation laws in classical physics
1918: Francis Aston, mass spectrometer
1918: Herman Weyl, guage theory
1919: Ernest Rutherford, existence of the proton in nucleus
1919: Oliver Lodge, prediction of gravitational lensing
1919: Francis Aston, hydrogen fusion to helium will release a lot of energy
1919: Crommelin, Eddington, verification of Einstein's prediction of starlight deflection during an eclipse
1919: Arthur Eddington, predicts the size of red gaints using stellar models
1920: Ernest Rutherford, prediction of neutron
1920: Anderson, Michelson, Pease, size of star Betelgeuse using stellar interferometry
1920: Harkins, Eddington, Fusion of hydrogen could be the energy source of stars
1920: Shapley and Curtis, The Great Debate over the scale and structure of the universe
1921: Theodor Kaluza, unification of electromagnetics and gravity by introducing an extra dimension
1921: Bieler and Chadwick, evidence for a strong nuclear interaction
1921: Stern and Gerlach, measurement of atomic magnetic moments
1921: Charles Bury, electronic structure of elements from their chemistry
1922: Cornelius Lanczos, transformation of De Sitter universe to an expanding form
1922: Alexsandr Friedmann, a model of an expanding/oscillating universe with matter included
1923: Compton and Debye, theory of Compton effect
1923: Arthur Compton, verification of Compton effect confirms photon as particle
1923: Louis de Broglie, predicts wave nature of particles
1923: Davisson and Kunsman, electron diffraction
1923: Coster and von Hevesy, element 72, hafnium
1923: Herman Weyl, De Sitter universe would predict a linear relation between distance and red-shift
1924: Edwin Hubble, measured the distance to other galaxies using Cepheid variables proving that they lie outside our own
1924: Edward Appleton, ionosphere
1924: Satyendra Bose, derivation of Planck's law
1924: Bose and Einstein, statistics of photons and Bose-Einstein condensate
1924: Albert Einstein, statistical physics of quantum boson molecular gas
1924: Wolfgang Pauli, explanation of Zeeman effect and two-valuedness of electron state
1924: Wolfgang Pauli, the exclusion principle
1924: Ludwik Siberstein, claims a redshift law for nebulae
1925: Walter Elsasser, explanation of electron diffraction as wave property of matter
1925: Vesto Melvin Slipher, red-shifts of galaxies suggest a distance/velocity relationship
1925: Robert Millikan, rediscovery of "cosmic rays" in upper atmosphere
1925: Noddack, Tacke, Berg, element 75, rhenium
1925: Werner Heisenberg, transition amplitude theory of quantum mechanics
1925: Born and Jordan, matrix interpretation of Heisenberg's quantum mechanics
1925: Paul Dirac, q-number theory of general quantum mechanics
1925: Pascual Jordan, second quantisation
1925: Goudsmit and Uhlenbeck, electron spin
1925: Enrico Fermi, statistics of electrons
1926: Gilbert Lewis, first use of the term photon
1926: Oskar Klein, Kaluza-Klein theory
1926: Wolfgang Pauli, derivation of spectrum of hydrogen atom by matrix methods
1926: Erwin Schroedinger, the particle wave equation
1926: Erwin Schroedinger, derivation of spectrum of hydrogen atom using the wave equation
1926: Eckart, Pauli, Schroedinger, equivalence of wave equation and matrix mechanics
1926: Max Born, probability interpretation of wave function
1926: Albert Einstein, "God does not play dice"
1926: Paul Dirac, distinction between bosons and fermions, symmetry and anti-symmetry of wave function
1926: Dirac, Jordan, canonical transformation theory for quantum mechanics
1926: Klein, Fock and Gordon, relativistic wave equation for scalar particles
1926: Ralph Fowler, suggests that white dwarf stars are explained by the exclusion principle
1926: Born, Heisenberg, Jordan, model of a quantised field
1926: Wolfgang Pauli, momentum and position cannot be known simultaneously
1926: Werner Heisenberg, the uncertainty principle
1927: Davisson, Germer, Thomson, verification of electron diffraction by a crystal
1927: Jan Oort, observation of galactic rotation and spiral shape of our galaxy
1927: Niels Bohr, principle of complementarity
1927: Paul Dirac, quantisation of electromagnetic field, bosonic creation and anihilation operators, virtual particles, zero point energy
1927: Eugene Wigner, conservation of parity
1927: Friedrich Hund, quantum tunneling
1927: Heitler and London, quantum theory can explain chemical bonding
1927: Fritz London, electromagnetic guage is phase of Schroedinger equation
1927: Georges Lemaitre, models of an expanding universe
1927: Niels Bohr, Copenhagen interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
1928: Condon, Gamow, Gurney, alpha emission is due to quantum tunnelling
1928: Paul Dirac, relativistic equation of the spin-half electron
1928: Willem Keeson, phase transition in liquid Helium
1928: Jordan, Pauli, quantum field theory of free fields
1928: Rolf Wideroe, first prototype high energy accelerator
1928: Heisenberg, Weyl, group representation theory in quantum mechanics
1929: quartz crystal clock
1929: Ernest Lawrence, cyclotron
1929: Robert van de Graaff, Van de Graaff generator
1929: Heisenberg, Pauli, interacting quantum field theory and divergences
1929: J. Robert Oppenheimer, divergence of electron self-energy
1929: Paul Dirac, electron sea and hole theory
1929: Edwin Hubble, first measurement of Hubble's constant leading to the conclusion that the Universe is expanding
1929: Bothe, Kolhorster, cosmic rays are charged particles
1930: Clyde Tombaugh, Pluto
1930: Becker, Bothe, observed neutral rays later identified as neutrons
1930: Paul Dirac, systematic canonical quantisation
1930: Arthur Eddington, Einstein's static universe is unstable
1930: Hartree and Fock, multi-particle quantum mechanics
1931: Dirac, Oppenheimer, Weyl, prediction of anti-matter
1931: Albert Einstein, discard cosmological constant, oscillating cosmology
1931: Georges Lemaitre, the primeval atom as origin of the universe
1931: Isidor Rabi, principle of population inversion
1931: Wolfgang Pauli, neutrino as explanation for missing energy and spin in weak nuclear decay
1931: Eugene Wigner, symmetry in quantum mechanics
1931: Paul Dirac, magnetic monopoles can explain quantum of charge
1932: Raman and Bhagavantam, Verification that photon is spin one
1932: Einstein, De Sitter, Flat expanding cosmology
1932: James Chadwick, identified the neutron
1932: Knoll and Ruska, electron microscope
1932: Carl Anderson, positron from cosmic rays
1932: Cockroft and Walton, linear proton accelerators to 700 keV and verification of mass/energy equivalence
1932: Karl Jansky, first radio astronomy
1932: Dmitri Iwanenko, Neutron as a constituent of nucleus
1932: Richard Tolman, thermodynamics of oscillating cyclic universe
1932: Vladimir Fock, Fock space
1932: Urey, Brickwedde, Murphy, Washburn, deuterium
1932: Werner Heisenberg, Nucleus is composed of protons and neutrons
1932: Lev Davidovich Landau, proposed existence of neutron stars
1933: Paul Ehrenfest, theory of second order phase transitions
1933: Blackett and Occhialini, electron-positron creation and annihilation
1933: Esterman, Frisch and Stern, measurement of proton magnetic moment
1933: Baade and Zwicky, collapse of a white dwarf may set off a supernova and leave a neutron star
1933: Fritz Zwicky, dark matter in galactic clusters
1933: Arthur Milne, cosmological principle of large scale homogeneity
1933: Harlow Shapley, observation of structure in galaxy distribution
1934: Pavel Cherenkov, Cherenkov radiation
1934: Chadwick and Goldhaber, precise measurement of neutron mass
1934: Chadwick and Goldhaber, measurement of nuclear force
1934: Francis Perrin, neutrino is massless
1934: Grote Reber, discrete radio source in Cygnus
1934: Joliot and Curie-Joliot, induced radioactivity
1934: Enrico Fermi, Fermi theory of weak interaction and beta decay
1934: Esterman and Stern, magnetic moment of neutron
1934: Fermi and Hahn, fission observed
1934: Paul Dirac, polarisation of the vacuum and more divergence in QED
1935: Yukawa, Stueckelberg, theory of strong nuclear force and the pi-meson
1935: J. Robert Oppenheimer, spin statistics
1935: Enrico Fermi, hypothesis of transuranic elements
1935: Robertson, Walker, most general homogenious isotropic universe
1935: Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen, EPR Paradox of non-locality in quantum mechanics
1935: Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, calculation of mass limit for stellar collapse of a white dwarf star
1935: Erwin Schroedinger, quantum cat paradox
1935: Robert Watson-Watt, radar
1936: Niels Bohr, compound nucleus
1936: Anderson and Neddermeyer, muon in cosmic rays
1936: Leon Brillouin, theory of wave guides
1936: Breit and Coll, isotopic spin
1936: Alan Turing, computability
1937: Pyotr Kapitza, superfluidity of helium II
1937: Perrier and Segre, element 37, technetium, first element made artifically
1937: Majorana, symmetric theory of electron and positron
1937: Julian Schwinger, Neutron spin is half
1937: Blau, Wambacher, photographic emulsion as particle detector
1937: Bloch and Nordsieck, operator normal ordering
1937: John Wheeler, S-matrix theory
1938: Oppenheimer and Serber, there is an upper mass limit for stability of neutron stars
1938: Bethe, Critchfield, von Weizsacker, stars are powered by nuclear fusion CN-cycle
1938: Isador Rabi, Magnetic Resonance
1938: Hahn, Strassman, fission induced with neutrons
1938: Oskar Klein, new field equations from higher dimensional Kaluza-Klein theory
1938: Fritz Zwicky, clusters of galaxies
1938: Ernest Stueckelberg, suggests baryon number conservation
1938: Hendrick Kramers, mass renormalisation
1938: Frisch and Meitner, theory of uranium fission
1939: Joliot and Curie-Joliot, Szilard, theory of nuclear chain reaction
1939: Oppenheimer and Snyder, a collapsing neutron star will form a black hole.
1939: Bohr, Wheeler, Khariton, Zel'dovich ..., theory of U235 fission and chain reaction.
1939: Bloch and Alvarez, measurement of the neutron magnetic moment
1939: Rossi, Van Norman, Hilbery, Muon decay
1939: Teller, Szilard, Einstein, warning letter to Roosevelt
1939: Peierls and Frisch, critical mass and theory of A-Bomb
1939: Marguerite Perey, element 87, francium
1940: MacMillan, Abelson, element 93, neptunium, first transuranian elements
1940: Corson, MacKenzie, Segre, element 85, astatine synthesised
1941: MacMillan, Kennedy, Seaborg, Wahl, element 94, plutonium, second transuranian elements
1941: Lev Davidovich Landau, theory of superfluids
1941: Rossi and Hall, Muon decay used to verify relativistic time dilation
1941: Mckellar and Adams, Cosmic cyanogen observed to be at temperature of CBR, but significance not recognised
1941: "Manhatten Project" is founded to develop atomic bomb
1942: Enrico Fermi, the first self sustaining fission reaction
1942: Grote Reber, radio map of the sky
1943: Ernest Stueckelberg, renormalisation of QED
1943: Sakata, Inoue, theory of pion decay to muons
1944: Lars Onsager, general theory of phase transitions
1944: Seaborg, James, Morgan, Ghiorso, Thompson, elements 95; americium, 96; curium
1944: Leprince-Ringuet and Lheritier, the K+ found in cosmic rays
1945: Robert Oppenheimer et al, atomic bomb
1945: first electronic computer ENIAC
1946: James Hey Discovery of radio source Cygnus A
1946: George Gamow Cold big bang model
1946: Bloch and Purcell Nuclear magnetic resonance

Richard Feynman
1947: Claude Shannon, information theory
1947: Conversi, Pancini, Piccioni, indication that the muon is not the mediator of the strong force
1947: Hartmut Kallman, scintillation counter
1947: Denis Gabor, theory of holograms
1947: Powell, Occhialini, negative pion found
1947: Willis Lamb, fine structure of hydrogen spectrum, the Lamb shift
1947: Hans Bethe, renormalisation of Lamb shift calculation
1947: Kusch and Folley, measurement of the anomolous magnetic moment of the electron
1947: Hartland Snyder, quantised space-time
1948: Tomonaga, Schwinger, Feynman, renormalisation of QED
1948: Alpher, Bethe and Gamow, explain nucleosynthesis in hot big bang
1948: Alpher and Herman, prediction of cosmic background radiation
1948: Bondi, Gold, Hoyle, steady state theory of the universe
1948: Goldhaber and Goldhaber, experimental proof that beta particles are electrons
1948: Richard Feynman, path integral approach to quantum theory
1948: Bardeen, Brattain, Shockley, semi-conductors and transistors
1948: Snell and Miller, Decay of the neutron
1948: Freeman Dyson, Equivalence of Feynman and Schwinger-Tomonaga QED
1948: Hendrik Casimir, Theory of Casimir force
1949: Leighton, Anderson, Seriff, Muon is spin half
1949: Seaborg, Ghiorso, Thompson, element 97, berkelium
1949: Haxel, Jensen, Mayer, Suess, nuclear shell model
1949: Fred Hoyle, first use of the term "big bang"

PHYSICS Timeline, 1950-2000

Physics Timeline, 1950-2000
(from the site, thank you!)

1950: Paul Dirac, first suggestion of string theory
1950: Seaborg, Ghiorso, Street, Thompson, element 98, californium
1950: Jan Oort, theory of comet origins
1950: Bjorklund, Crandall, Moyer, York, Neutral pion
1950: Albert Einstein, Einstein's failed unified theory
1951: Smith and Baade, identify a radio galaxy
1951: Petermann, Stueckelberg, renormalisation group
1952: Courant, Livingston, Snyder, Strong focusing principle for particle accelerators
1952: Alvarez, Glaser, bubble chamber
1952: Seaborg et al, elements 99; einsteinium, 100; fermium
1952: Walter Baade, resolves confusion over two different types of Cepheid variable stars
1952: Edward Teller et al, hydrogen bomb
1952: Joseph Weber, described the principle of the maser
1953: Gell-Mann and Nishijima, strangeness
1953: Gerard de Vaucouleurs, galaxy superclusters and large scale inhomogenieties
1953: Charles Townes, maser
1953: Alpher, Herman, Follin, first recognition of the horizon problem in cosmology
1954: Yang and Mills, non-abelian gauge theory
1954: Low and Gell-Mann, renormalisation group revisited
1955: caesium atomic clock
1955: Martin Ryle, radio telescope interferometry
1955: John Wheeler, describes the space-time foam at the Planck scale
1955: Ilya Prigogine, thermodynamics of irreversible processes
1955: Carl von Weizsacker, Multiple Quantisation and ur-theory
1955: Seaborg et al, element 101, mendelevium
1955: Chamberlain, Segre and Wiegand anti-proton
1956: Reines and Cowan, neutrino detection
1956: Cork, Lambertson, Piccioni, Wenzel, evidence for anti-neutron
1956: Block, Lee and Yang, weak interaction could violate parity
1956: Reines and Cowan, anti-neutrino detection
1956: Erwin Muller, field ion microscope and first images of individual atoms
1956: Cook, Lambertson, Piconi, Wentzel, anti-neutron
1968: Abdus Salam, 2-component neutrino
1957: Burbidge, Burbidge, Hoyle, Fowler Formation of light elements in stars
1957: Friedman, Lederman, Telegdi, Wu, parity violation in weak decays
1957: Bardeen, Cooper, Schrieffer, BCS theory of superconductivity
1957: nobelium
1957: Hugh Everett, Many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics
1957: Feynman, Gell-Mann, Marshak, Sudarshan, V-A theory of weak interactions
1957: John Wheeler, pregeometry and space-time foam
1958: Townes and Schawlow, theory of laser
1958: Martin Ryle, evidence for evolution of distant cosmological radio sources
1958: Seaborg et al, element 102, nobelium
1958: Gary Feinberg, predicts that muon neutrino is distinct from electron neutrino
1958: David Finkelstein, resolves the nature of the black hole event horizon
1959: MIT, radar echo from Venus
1959: Ramsey, Kleppner, Goldenberg, hydrogen maser atomic clock
1959: Tulio Regge, theory of Regge poles
1960: Theodore Maiman, ruby laser
1960: Martin Kruskal, new coordinates to study Schwarzschild black hole
1960: Eugene Wigner, the unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics in natural science
1960: Pound and Rebka, measurement of gravitational red-shift
1960: Matthews and Sandage, optical identification of a quasar
1961: Sheldon Glashow, introduces neutral intermediate boson of electro-weak interactions
1961: Jeoffrey Goldstone, Theory of massless particles in spontaneous symmetry breaking (Goldstone boson)
1961: Gell-Mann and Ne'eman, The eightfold way, SU(3) octet symmetry of hadrons
1961: Robert Dicke, Weak anthropic principle
1961: Robert Hofstadter, necleons have an internal structure
1961: Ghiorso, Sikkeland, Larsh, Latimer, element 103, lawrencium
1961: Edward Ohm, prior detection of CMBR, but not identified
1961: Edward Lorenz, chaos theory
1961: Yuri Gagarin, first man in space
1961: Geoffrey Chew, nuclear democracy and the bootstrap model
1961: Tulio Regge, simplicial lattice general relativity
1962: Gell-Mann and Ne'eman, Prediction of Omega minus particle
1962: Leith and Upatnieks, first hologram
1962: Giacconi, Gursky, Paolini, Rossi, detection of cosmic X-rays
1962: Brian Josephson, theory of Jesephson effect
1962: Lederman, Steinberger, Schwartz, evidence for more than one type of neutrino
1962: Hogarth, proposes relation between cosmological and thermodynamic arrows of time
1962: Thomas Gold, time-symmetric universe
1962: Benoit Mandelbrot, fractal images
1963: Samios et al, Baryon Omega minus found
1963: Philip Anderson, Gauge theories can evade Goldstone theorem
1963: Roy Kerr, solution for a rotating black hole
1963: Schmidt, Greensite, Sandage, quasars are distant
1963: Nicola Cabibbo, weak mixing angle
1964: Brout, Englert, Higgs, Higgs mechanism of symmetry breaking
1964: Hoyle, Taylor, Zeldovich, big bang nucleosynthesis of helium
1964: Steven Weinberg, baryon number is probably not conserved
1964: Christenson, Cronin, Fitch, Turlay, CP violation in weak interactions
1964: Gell-Mann, Zweig, quark theory of hadrons
1964: Murray Gell-Mann, current algebra
1964: Bjorken and Glashow, prediciton of SU(4) flavour symmetry and charm
1964: Roger Penrose, black holes must contain singularities
1964: Ginzburg, Doroshkevich, Novikov, Zel'dovich, black holes have no hair
1964: Salpeter and Zel'dovich, black holes power quasars and radio galaxies
1964: John Bell, a quantum inequality which limits the possibilities for local hidden variable theories
1964: John Wheeler, foundations of canonical formulism for gravity
1964: soviets, element 104, rutherfordium
1964: Salam, Ward, SU(2)xU(1) model of electro-weak unification
1965: Thomas Kibble, Higgs mechanism for Yang-Mills theory
1965: Greenberg, Han, Nambu, SU(3) colour symmetry to explain statistics of quark model
1965: Zabusky and Kruskal, Numerical studies of solitons
1965: Penzias and Wilson, detection of the cosmic background radiation
1965: Dicke, Peebles, Roll, Wilkinson, indentification of cosmic background radiation
1965: Rees and Sciama, quasars were more numerable in the past
1966: X-ray source Cygnus X-1 discovered
1967: Steven Weinberg, electro-weak unification
1967: Bell and Hewish, pulsars
1967: Irwin Shapiro, radar measurment of relativistic time delays to Mercury
1967: John Wheeler, introduced the term "black hole"
1967: Andrei Sakharov, three criteria for cosmological abundance of matter over anti-matter
1967: soviets, element 105, dubnium
1968: Joseph Weber, first attempt at a gravitational wave detector
1968: Brandon Carter, Strong anthropic principle
1968: Gabriele Veneziano, Dual resonance model for strong interaction, beginning of string theory
1968: James Bjorken, theory of scaling behavior in deep inelastic scattering
1968: Richard Feynman, scaling and parton model of nucleons
1969: Kendall, Friedman, Taylor Deep inelastic scattering experiments find structure inside protons.
1969: Ellis, Hawking and Penrose, singularity theorems for the big bang
1969: Roger Penrose, conjectures that singularities are hidden by cosmic censorship
1969: Donald Lynden-Bell, black hole at the centre of galactic nuclei
1969: Raymond Davis, solar neutrino detector
1969: Charles Misner, cosmological horizon problem revisited
1969: Robert Dicke, cosmological flatness problem
1969: Neil Armstrong, first man on the moon
1969: first attempts to verify solar deflection of radio waves from quasars
1969: David Finkelstein, Space-time code
1970: Claude Lovelace, Veneziano amplitude has special properties in 26 dimensions
1970: Nambu, Nielsen, Susskind, realisation that the dual resonance model is string theory
1970: Goto, Hara, Nambu, Action for bosonic string as area of world sheet
1970: Simon Van der Meer, stochastic cooling for particle beams
1970: Glashow, Iliopoulos, Maiani, GIM mechanism and prediction of charm quark
1970: Stephen Hawking, the surface area of a black holes event horizon always increases
1971: Kenneth Wilson, the operator product expansion and the renormalisation group for the strong force
1971: Dimopolous, Fayet, Gol'fand, Lichtman Supersymmetry
1971: Ramond, Neveu, Schwarz String theory of bosons and fermions with critical dimension 10
1971: 't Hooft, Veltman, Lee, renormalisation of elctro-weak model
1971: Roger Penrose, spin networks
1971: Bolton, Murdin, Webster Cygnus X-1 identified as black hole candidate
1972: Jacob Bekenstein, black hole entropy
1972: Fritsch, Gell-Mann, Bardeen , Quantum Chromodynamics
1972: Kirzhnits, Linde, Electro-Weak phase transition
1972: Roger Penrose, Twistors
1972: Salam, Pati, SU(4)xSU(4) unification and proton decay
1972: Tom Bolton Cygnus X-1 identified as black hole
1973: Wess and Zumino, space-time supersymmetry
1973: Ostriker and Peebles, dark matter in galaxies
1973: CERN, Evidence of weak neutral currents
1973: 't Hooft, Gross, Politzer, Wilczek, Coleman, theory of asymptotic freedom in non-abelian gauge theories
1973: Klebesadel, Strong, Olson, Gamma Ray Bursts are cosmic
1973: Edward Tyron, the universe as a quantum fluctuation
1974: Yoneya, Scherk, Schwarz interpretation of string theory as a theory of gravity
1974: Ting and Richter, found J/psi, charmed quark
1974: Kenneth Wilson, lattice gauge theory
1974: Taylor and Hulse, binary pulsar and relativistic effects
1974: Kobayashi and Maskawa, CKM mixing matrix; CP violation in weak interaction requires three generations
1974: Georgi and Glashow, SU(5) as Grand Unified Theory and prediction of proton decay
1974: Georgi, Weinberg, Quinn, Convergence of coupling constants at GUT scale
1974: 't Hooft, Okun, Polyakov, heavy magnetic monopoles exist in GUTs.
1974: Stephen Hawking, black hole radiation and thermodynamics
1974: soviets and americans, element 106, seaborgium
1975: Martin Perl Tau lepton
1975: Gail Hanson quark jets
1975: Chincarini and Rood lumpiness in galaxy distributions
1975: Unruh and Davies acceleration radiation effect
1975: Mitchell Feigenbaum, universality in chaotic non-linear systems
1975: Belavin, Polyakov, Schwartz, Tyupkin instantons in Yang-Mills theory
1976: Scherk, Gliozzi, Olive Supersymmetric string theory
1976: Deser, Freedman, Van Nieuwenhuizen, Ferrara, Zumino Supergravity
1976: Levine and Vessot precision test of gravitational time dilation on rocket
1976: Gerard 't Hooft the instantons solution of the U(1) anomaly
1976: soviets element 107, bohrium
1977: James Elliot, rings of Uranus
1977: Olive and Montenen, conjecture of elecro-magnetic duality
1977: Fermilab, bottom quark
1977: Klaus von Klitzing, quantum Hall effect
1977: Tifft, Gregory, Joeveer, Einasto, Thompson, clusters chains and voids in galaxy dustributions
1977: Berkley, dipole anisotropy on cosmic background radiation
1977: Leon Lederman, upsilon, bottom quark
1977: Gunn, Schramm, Steigman, cosmological constraints imply that there are only three light neutrinos
1978: Charon, moon of Pluto
1978: Taylor and Hulse, evidence for gravitational radiation of binary pulsar
1978: Cremmer, Julia, Nahm, Scherk, 11-dimensional supergravity
1978: Prescott, Taylor, elctro-weak effect on electron polarisation
1979: Voyager, rings of Jupiter
1979: John Preskill, cosmological monopole problem
1979: Walsh, Carswell, Weymannquasar doubled by gravitational lensing
1979: DESY, evidence for gluons in hadron Jets
1979: Alexei Starobinsky inflationary universe
1980: Frederick Reines, Evidence of Neutrino oscillations
1980: DESY, measurement of gluon spin
1980: Alan Guth inflationary early universe
1981: Witten, Schoen, Yau positive energy theorem in general relativity
1981: Green and Schwarz, Type I superstring theory
1981: Binnig, Rohrer scanning tunneling electron microscope
1981: Witten and Alvarez-Gaume Difficulty of getting standard model from 11-D supergravity because of chiral modes
1981: Alexander Polyakov Path integral quantisation of strings, conformal symmetry and critical dimension
1981: Linde, Albrecht, Steinhardt new inflationary universe
1982: Green and Schwarz, Type II superstring theory
1982: Alain Aspect an experiment to confirm non-local aspects of quantum theory
1982: Darnstadt element 109, meitnerium
1982: limits on proton lifetime rule out many Grand Unified Theories
1983: Carlo Rubbia et al, W and Z bosons at CERN
1983: Andrei Linde chaotic inflationary universe
1984: Green and Schwarz, anomaly cancellations in superstring theory
1984: Darnstadt element 108, hassium
1985: Gross, Harvey, Martinec, Rohm, heterotic string theory
1985: David Deutsch, theory of quantum computing
1986: Bednorz and Mueller, high temperature superconductivity
1986: Abhay Ashtekar, new variables for canonical quantum gravity
1986: Geller, Huchra, Lapparent, bubble structure of galaxy distributions
1987: , supernova 1987a
1987: Masatoshi Koshibas, detection of neutrinos from a supernova
1988: Atiyah, Witten, topological quantum field theories
1988: Smolin and Rovelli, loop representation of quantum gravity
1989: SLAC, evidence that number of light neutrinos is 3 from Z width
1989: Tim Berners-Lee, The World Wide Web
1989: Bennett and Brassard, first quantum computer
1990: John Mather, black body spectrum of cosmic background radiation from COBE
1991: CERN, confirmation that number of light neutrinos is 3
1991: Connes, Lott, particle models from non-commutative geometry
1991: BATSE, Gamma Ray Burst distribution is isotropic
1992: Mather and Smoot, angular fluctuations in cosmic background radiation with COBE
1993: Aspinwall, Morrison, Greene, Topology change in string theory
1994: Fermilab, Top Quark
1994: 't Hooft, Susskind Holographic principle
1994: Seiberg and Witten, Electro-magnetic duality in supersymmetric gauge theory
1994: Hubble Space Telescope, Evidence for black hole at the centre of galaxy M87
1994: Peter Shor, factorisation algorithm for a quantum computer
1994: Hull, Townsend, Unity of String Dualities
1994: Darnstadt element 110
1995: Witten and Townsend, M-Theory
1995: Joseph Polchinski, D-Branes
1995: Cornell, Wieman, Anderson Bose-Einstein condensate of atomic gas
1995: CERN, Creation of Anti-hydrogen atoms
1995: Mayor and Queloz, first extra-solar planet orbiting an ordinary star
1995: Darnstadt element 111
1996: Strominger, Vafa, D-branes and black-holes
1996: Cumrun Vafa, F-theory
1996: Steven Lamoreaux, measurement of Casimir force
1996: Darnstadt element 112
1996: Banks, Fischler, Shenker, Susskind, M-theory as a matrix model
1997: BepoSAX, location of Gamma Ray Bursts demonstrates that they are extragalactic
1997: Juan Maldacena, AdS/CFT duality
1997: SLAC, photon-photon scattering produces electron-positron pairs
1998: Perlmutter, Garnavich et al, supernovae observations suggest that the expansion of the universe is accelerating
1998: Super-Kamiokande, neutrino oscillation demonstrated
1998: CERN, Fermilab, time reversal assymetry observed for K meson decay
2000: Fermilab, tau neutrino observed

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Copyright 1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006 by Magic Dragon Multimedia.
All rights reserved. May not be reproduced without permission.
May be posted electronically provided that it is transmitted unaltered, in its
entirety, and without charge.

Over 340 Kilobytes of text; may load slowly. Version of 9 July 2006
[Major updates to Best Books of 2003 and 2004].

The "Joke" version of this page, from 1997,
predicting the decade 2000-2010

The Serious Version is here, below:

Executive Summary of the Decade
Astronomy and Space
Biology and Medicine
Other Science and Technology: Physics/Chemistry
Inventions and Innovations
Major Books of the Decade
Major Films of this Decade
Major Television of this Decade
Other Key Dates and Stories of this Decade
Major Writers Born this Decade {to be done}
Major Writers Died this Decade
Hotlinks to other Timeline pages of SF Chronology
Where to Go for More: 51 Useful Reference Books

Executive Summary of the Decade 2000-2010

The decade from 2000 to 2010 is not over yet, as I write this. But we can
already see that certain events and science fiction are already important.
The decade began with the "Y2K" panic that computers would malfunction
from side effects of the date change. This was one of the more expensive science
fictional ideas believed by over a hundred million people, yet never
happened. Cynics failed to note the dramatic commercialization and
penetration of World Wide Web culture, the explosion of genotechnology,
the first few million entertainment and household robots, the commercial
development of nanotechnology, and the culmination of the (robotic)
First Interplanetary Age of Exploration. Technically, the Voyager 1's
detection [November 2003] of the Transition Zone to the Heliopause
marks a start to the First Interstellar Age.

Astronomy and Space:

It became accepted, though puzzling, that the expansion of universe was
accelerating. Cosmic background radiation was discovered to be polarized
(2002). Solar Systems were discovered in greater and greater numbers
around nearby stars, including 55 Cancri, the first detected solar
system similar to our own. Many more moons were discovered in our own
solar system, mostly around Jupiter and Saturn. The Solar Neutrino puzzle
was considered solved (2002). Which came first: the first stars or the
first galaxies? This puzzle was solved by 2003. Also in 2003, the first
nearby (2 million light years away) dark matter galaxy was discovered, a
dim entity extremely deficient in stars, being composed primarily of
hydrogen gas, held in place by otherwise invisible dark matter.

The Science Story of the Year in 2003 was the view of the cosmos given by
the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Proble (WMAP) from which we determined
that the universe is 13.7 Billion years old, flat became transparent 200
million years after Big Bang, expands at 71 km/sec/megaprasec (Hubble's
Constant) and consists of 73% Dark Energy, 23% Dark Matter, and only 4%
ordinary matter.

The science story of 2004 was the proof that substantial bodies of salty
liquid water once existed on the surface of Mars.

China became the third country to put a human being in orbit [14 Oct 2003]
when 38-year-old Air Force officer Yang Liwei orbited 14 times in Shenzhou-5.
The Decade 2000-2010 included the International Space Station finally up
and running, but with a much-reduced crew and little purpose. The Russian
Mir space station was allowed to crash to Earth (22 Mar 2001). The American
Space Shuttle program halted for months after the tragic destruction on
reentry of the Columbia [Your Humble Webmaster had worked on half a dozen
different safety engineering programs for the Space Shuttle, and lost his
job over trying to get management to fix those problems].

Later (2003) was the closest encounter of Mars with Earth in roughly
60,000 years -- when Neanderthals co-existed with Homo Sapiens and Java Man.
Mars turned out (2002,2003) to be much wetter in the past and present than
previously believed.

The largest planetary object discovered since Pluto (1930) was found
(2002) four billion miles away, half the size of Pluto, and named Quaoar.
Then in 2004, an even larger object, Sedna, was discovered in an
elliptical orbits ranging from 8 billion to 80 billion miles from the
sun -- making it the first Oort Cloud palentoid detected.
An asteroid the size of a football field zoomed within 120,000 kilometers
of Earth, as we found (2002) three days later; and a closer near-miss was
in March 2004.

Far beyond Pluto, and 26 years after launch, the Voyager 1 spacecraft
seemed to have detected the Termination Shock. This was when the
1977-launched probe was over 8 billion miles from the sun, and approaching
the Heliopause: the boundary between the Solar Wind and the interstellar
medium. Some historians considered this [Nov 2003] the start of the First
Interstellar Age.

Data from satellites partly confirmed the theory of Global Warming. This
leads to a huge conference in Kyoto, that produced no clear results. The
northern part of the Larsen B ice shelf collapsed in Antarctica.

In April 2001 NASA launched the Mars Odyssey, which orbited the red planet
in October 2003, studied minerals from orbit, and radiation, then acted as
a communications relay for 5 years. The Stardust mission, launched
earlier (1999) first collected interstellar dust in 2000, flew past
asteroid 5535 AnneFrank in November 2002, encounted the comet P/Wild 2
in January 2004, and returned comet dust captured in aerogel by capsule to
Earth, in a capsule parachuted to Earth in 2006.

The European Space Agency launched Mars Express in June 2003, rom the
Russian's Baikonur, which arrived December 2003 and landed the Beagle 2
probe on Christmas 2003. Two Mars Expedition Rovers were launched by NASA
in 2003, which arrived in 4 January 2004. Spirit landed in Gusev crater,
to see if it was one a lake. The Opportunity rover explored the Meridiani
plain. Both found evidence that lakes or seas of liquid salty water once
graced the surface of Mars.

NASA's Cassini spacecraft entered orbit around Saturn in January 2004.

14 January 2004: Cassini's Huygens probe descends through the thick
atmosphere of Saturn's giant moon Tita, and spalshes down in the liquid
methane/ethane ocean.

In September 2003 the European Space Agency launched the miniaturized
SMART-1, whose solar-powered ion drive got it to lunar orbit in late 2004.

In February 2004, the European Space Agency launched Rosetta for rendezvous
with and landing on comet Churymov-Gerasmineko in November 2014.

March 2004's launch of Messenger resulted in flyby of Mercury in July 2007
and April 2008, with insertion into orbit around Mercury in April 2009.

September 2004 marked Japan's launch of the Lunar-A mission to orbit the
moon, and drop two penetrator probes.

December 2004 was the launch date for NASA's Deep Impact, which
rendezvoused with comet P/Tempel in July 2005, studying it and impacting
on its nucleus in August 2005.

August 2005 was NASA's launch of Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, which
reached Mars in March 2006, underwent 4-6 months aerobraking, and studied
the planet for a year with instruments including the Italian shallow
subsurface sounding radar (searching for water), then acting as a
communications link for later missions.

November 2005 was the launch of the European Space Agency's Venus Express,
which arrived at the clouded planet 153 days later.

In late 2005, Japan launched Selene, for a moon orbit mission and to
deploy a lunar relay satellite and a VLBI satellite.

Near Asteroid Prospector launched in 2006-2008, by the private company

At last, in January 2006, the New Horizons Pluto Juiper Belt Fly was
launched, with gravity assist at Jupiter in February 2007, for flyby of
Pluto and Charon in 2015, and then out into the Kuiper Belt for another
5-10 years of mission activity. Its survey of Pluto marked the end of the
First Interplanetary Age of Exploration, whereas the Second Interplanetary
Age of Exploration -- the one with people -- did not hit its stride until
the decades 2040-2060, overlapping the start of the First Interplanetary
Age of Colonization and start of the First Interstellar Age of Exploration.

May 2006 included the launch of NASA's Dawn mission, whose solar electric
ion propulsion brought it to asteroid 4 Vesta in July 2010, which it orbited
for 11 months, and then on to asteroid 1 Ceres in August 2014.

In 2007 Mars Phoenix was launched, and landed near the Martian North Pole,
where it dug, found ice, then baked it and soil in 8 tiny ovens to search
for organic compounds. Also in 2007, the French Space Agency CNES launched
a remote sensing Mars orbiter and four small "netlanders" with
communications link launched by the Italian Space Agency ASI.

February 2007 was the launch of Japan's Planet-C, which swung by Earth in
June 2008, and arrived at Venus in September 2009.

October 2007's NASA launch of Kepler began an intense search for Earth-like
planets circling other stars. Each time three transits (passages of such a
planet between Kepler and the planet's star) occurred, such a discovery
was announced, and later study detailed the orbit, the planet's size (from
brightness change), and temperature.

August 2009: European Space Agency luanch of BeppoColombo, which orbited
Mercury and landed a surface element module.

In later 2009 there were NASA launches to Mars of a Smart Lander and a
Long Range Rover, plus a synthetic aperture radar satellite codeveloped
with Italy.

The Mars 2011 Scout missions and the Jupiter Icy Moons orbiter, which
succesively orbited Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto, using nuclear
propulsion to move through the deep gravity well of Jupiter, both belon to
another decade, and are not treated further on this web page.

Politics (World):

The trend towards increasing urbanization profoundly affected the
demographics and politics of the world. More than half of all human beings
lived in cities as of 2007, up from 48 percent in 2003. The world's urban
population was projected to rise from 3.3 billion in 2003, to 5.0 billion
in 2030. The global population in rural areas was projected to decline
from an estimated 3.3 billion in 2003 to 3.2 billion in 2030.

In 2015, according to the United Nations, the largest cities in the world,
by population, were:

Tokyo: 36 million (up from 35 million in 2007)
Mumbai [formerly Bombay]: 22.6 million
New Delhi: 20.9 million

The transition point was 2007, when, for the first time, the percentage
of the world's population living in cities exceeded the percentage living
in rural areas. The urban figure was "expected to exceed the 50 percent
mark by 2007, thus marking the first time in history that the world will
have more urban residents than rural residents." [Reuters, 25 Mar 2004]
The Nobel Peace Prize for 2000 went to Kim Dae-jung [born 1925], President
of South Korea, "for his work for democracy and human rights in outh Korea
and in East Asia in general, and for peace and reconciliation with North
Korea in particular."

The Nobel Peace Prize for 2001 went "for their work for a better organized
and more peaceful world", 1/2 to the United Nations [founded in 1945];
and 1/2 to Kofi Annan [born 1938], Ghana, Secretary General of the United

The Nobel Peace Prize for 2002 went to Jimmy Carter [born 1924], 39th
President of the United States of America, "for his decades of untiring
effort to find peacful solutions to international conflicts, to advance
democracy and human rights, and to promote economic and social

The Nobel Peace Prize for 2003 was announced 10 October 2003,
and went to Shirin Ebadi [born 1947] "for her efforts for democracy and
human rights" in Iran. She is a lawyer and human rights activist, with law
degree from the University of Tehran; president of the City Court of Tehran;
one of the first woman judges in Iran; was forced to resign after the 1979
revolution; now yeaches at the University of Tehran. She is widely
respected for her modern interpretation of Islamic law, enriching its
application to children's rights, women's rights, refugee rights;
democracy, equality under the law, religious frredom, and freedom of speech.

The Nobel Peace Prize leading contenders for 2004-2010 are:
{to be done}

Politics (USA Viewpoint):
This was the decade when the World Trade Center and the Pentagon
were jet-bombed by terrorists on the unforgettable 9/11/2001.
In response, the United States and its allies (including Great
Britain, Australia, and Poland) overthrew and occupied Afghanistan and
Iraq. President Clinton's Vice President, Al Gore, won the popular vote
yet (due to voting chaos in Florida) lost the Presidency to George W. Bush,
son of President George H. W. Bush. Clinton's efforts to broker peace
between Israel and Palestine failed. A pair of snipers killed and killed
repeatedly in the Washington DC area. Milosevic was handed over the the
Hague (2001). The Space Shuttle Columbia died a firey death above the United
States (2003). In the 2004 Presidential election, the democrat Howard Dean
and the Republican incumbent George W. Bush were neck and neck, with
the tie broken by suspect Diebold Corporation voting machines, which kept things
tied up the U.S. Supreme Court for a second election in a row.

For examples of Politics at the World Level, see Economics

The "Dot-Com Boom" and "Telecom Boom" in the stock markets crashed
dramatically, erasing over a trillion dollars in paper wealth. This dragged
the real economy of the United States into a recession, which did the world
economy no good. Your Humble Webmaster lost about a quarter of a million dollars
in stock value that he had earned over years of consulting. The recession
officially ended, but even afterwards there were 22 consecutive months of
job loss in the USA. Scandals rocked the economy with criminally bad news
from Enron (2002), Worldcom, and other giant firms with fraudulent
accounting. So much for Globalization and the New World Economic
Order in the first third of the decade. Then...

The following economically significant projects were completed 2005-2010:


  1. Large Hadron Collider, CERN, world's most powerful particle accelerator

  2. Shenzhen Western Corridor and Deep Bay, linking Hong Kong to Shekou
    for roughly $10 Billion

  3. Sloan Digital Sky Survey, the most complete sky map ever, all data
    available on the Web, which added a million galaxies each night

  4. Hong Kong Disneyland

  5. Playstation 3


  1. Oak Ridge's Spallation Neutron Source (world's #1 neutron diffraction facility)

  2. Betuweroute, a high-speed rail link connecting the West Coast of the
    Netherlands with the German border

  3. Cologne's "New" Exhibition Centre

  4. Jeddah Airport Extension

  5. OSDF (Onsite Disposal facility) for radioactive wastes at Fernwald,
    Southwest Ohio, where fissionables were made for weapons


  1. Shanghai World Financial Centre, the world's tallest building. taking
    the record away from Taipei 101 (1676 feet) completed Oct 2003

  2. Hong Kong's Stonecutters Bridge, with a 1,000 meter span, the longest
    stayed-cable bridge in the world

  3. Upgraded USA fleet of 31 U-2S high-altitude reconnaissance planes

  4. New Beijing International Airport

  5. CTRL: the fast Eurostar connection between London and the Chunnel

  6. Super Grid, the next-generation fiber-optic network for computerized e-science


  1. Reconstruction of Mariinski Theatre, St.Petersburg, Russia

  2. Capitol Complex Project, Washington, DC

  3. CCTV (Chinese Central TV) headquarters in Beijing

  4. NIF: National Ignition Facility, for Department of Energy, at Lawrence
    Livermore National Laboratory: laser fusion

  5. Lotte World II, world's tallest building at 107 storeys and 1,620 feet,
    in Pusan, South Korea

  6. 2nd Stage of Large Hadron Collider, CERN, world's most powerful particle accelerator


  1. 3 Gorges Dam Project, on the Yangtze River, China

  2. Bahrain International Airport

  3. Singori Nuclear Plant, South Korea

  4. 2nd building of New York's World Trade Center replacement (1776 feet)


  1. Bergama (Turkey) North Aegean Port

  2. Circle Line around Singapore

  3. Complete revision of the OED (Oxford English Dictionary). The original
    OED was started in 1857 and completed (10 volumes) 71 years later. A
    complete revision was completed in 1928, and then no more until 2010.

  4. Seoul-Pusan Bullet Train, Korea

  5. Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP), $32 Billion, 21 dams plus 17
    hydroelectric plants, which harnesses the upper reaches of the Tigris and
    Euphrates Rivers, and irrigates the semi-arid lands between them.

The "Nobel Prize" in Economics is more correctly called:
"The Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel."

The "Nobel Prize" in Economics for 2000 went 1/2 to James J. Heckman
[born 1944] USA, University of Chicago, "for his development of theory and
methods for analyzing selective samples"; and 1/2 to Daniel F. McFadden
[born 1937], USA, University of California, Berkeley, "for his development
of theory and methods for analyzing discrete choice."

The "Nobel Prize" in Economics for 2001 went "for their analyses of
markets with asymmetric information" 1/3 to George A. Akerlof [born 1940]
USA, University of California, Berkeley; 1/3 to A. Michael Spence [born
1943] USA, Stanford University, Stanford California; and 1/3 to
Joseph E. Stiglitz [born 1943], USA, Columbia University, New York.

The "Nobel Prize" in Economics for 2002 went 1/2 to Daniel Hahneman [born
1934 in Tel Aviv] Israel and USA, Princeton University, Princeton, New
Jersey, "for having integrated insights from psychological research into
economic science, especially concerning human judgment and decision-making
under uncertainty"; and 1/2 to Vernon L. Smith [born 1927], USA, George
Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, "for having established laboratory
experiments as a tool in empirical economic analysis, especially in the
study of alternative market mechanisms."

The "Nobel Prize" in Economics for 2003 was announced 8 October 2003,
and went to 1/2 to Robert F. Engle [born 1942], New York University, USA,
"for methods of analyzing economic time series with time-varying
volatility (ARCH)" [where ARCH is an acronym for "autoregressive
conditional heteroskedacity"]; and 1/2 to Clive W. J. Granger [born 1934
in Wales], University of California at San Diego, USA, "for methods of
analyzing economic time series with common trends (cointegration)."

The leading candidates for the Nobel Prize in Economics for
2004-2010, by being 2003 Thomson ISI Citation Laureates, are:

Eugene F. Fama (Robert R. McCormick Distinguished Service Professor of Finance,
Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago), and
Kenneth R. French (Carl E. and Catherine M. Heidt Professor of Finance,
Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H.)
"For their seminal contributions to understanding the relationship of
stock returns and business fluctuations."


Robert J. Barro (Robert C. Waggoner Professor of Economics,
Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Senior Fellow of the
Hoover Institution, Stanford, California) "For his pioneering contributions
in empirical macroeconomics, ranging over many fields, but especially for
work in public debt in the 1970s."


Clive W. J. Granger (Department of Economics, University of California,
San Diego, La Jolla, California) and Robert F. Engle (Michael Armellino
Professor in the Management of Financial Services, New York University
Stern School of Business, New York, N.Y.) "For their development of
cointegration analysis, an essential technique of econometrics for
time-series studies and forecasting." [good prediction: they split the
2003 Nobel, and are thus ineligible for 2004-2010]

For a summary of employment figures for over 100 employment categories in
the United States, see:
The 2000-2010 Job Outlook in Brief
The occupations that were expected to grow fastest, or provide the most
jobs, were:
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
Occupation Description %/number of jobs added Notes on prospects
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
Computer & Information 48% / 150,000 Networks, e-commerce,
Systems Managers best for MBA degreed
or tech/people skilled
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
Top Executives 15% / 464,000 Low turnover,
keen competition
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
Public Relations 36% / 49,000 Specialists help
coroporations' customer
relations; keen competition
for entry-level jobs
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
Social & Human Service 54% / 147,000 Aging population drives
Assistants demand; best odds for
post-secondary educated
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
Software Engineers 95% / 664,000 Many businesses and
organizations adopt and
integrate new technologies
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
Computer Support 92% / 677,000 Systems become more complex.
Specialists and Users need technical
Systems Administrators assistance
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
Systems Analysts, 62% / 554,000 Computer/Data Storage
Computer Scientists, industry booms. Degrees
Database Administrators in CS, CE, or MBA help
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
Teacher Assistants 24% / 301,000 Boom in special-needs stduents
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
Teachers - 23% / 315,000 18-to-24-year-old enrollment
Postsecondary expands. Replacement for
teachers retiring. Keenest
competition: tenure-track.
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
Teachers - Preschool, 15% / 571,000 Smaller class sizes,
Kingergarten, Elementary improving education,
middle and secondary replacement for
teachers retiring.
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
Physician Assistants 53% / 31,000 Health services growth,
cost containment
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
Registered Nurses 26% / 561,000 Technology, aging population,
preventative care
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
Speech-language 40% / 40,000 Health services growth,
pathologists and more people surviving
audiologists strokes, more special
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
Dental Hygienists 37% / 54,000 Demand growth, less done
by dentists. Part time
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
Medical Records 49% / 66,000 More tests, treatments,
and Health Information and procedures watched
Technicians by third-party payers,
regulators, courts
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
Pharmacy Technicians 36% / 69,000 More medications, aging
population, new tasks
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
Building Cleaning 10% / 431,000 New office and other
Workers buildings; replacement
with high turnover
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
Grounds Maintenance 27% / 304,000 Upkeep of landscaping
Workers and grounds; replacement
with high turnover
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
Chefs, Cooks, and 12% / 345,000 Increasing population
Food Preparation and income brings more
Workers people dining out
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
Food and Beverage 18% / 1,156,000 Increasing population
Food Preparation and income brings more
Workers people dining out;
high turnover; keenest
competition: fine dining
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
Dental Assistants 37% / 92,000 Demand growth, less done
by dentists. More people
keep natural teeth.
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
Medical Assistants 57% / 187,000 Growing/aging population;
technological advancement
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
Nursing, Psychiatric 30% / 623,000 More long-term care
and Home Health Care
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
Occupational Therapy 42% / 10,000 Aging/active population;
Assistants/Aides new treatments for
previously debilitating
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
Phsyical Therapy 45% / 36,000 Aging/active population;
Assistants/Aides cost-conscious management
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
Personal and Home Care 62% / 258,000 More older people; many
Aides needing assistance;
technology allows more home
care; efforts to shorten
hospitalization. High
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
Security Guards and 35% / 393,000 More private security
Gaming Surveillance replacing governmental
Officers duties; casino growth
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
Cashiers 15% / 488,000 Increased demand for
goods and services;
high turnover
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
Retail Salespersons 12% / 510,000 Population growth spurs
retail sales growth;
high turnover
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
Desktop Publishers 67% / 25,000 Replaces typesetters,
compositors, for prepress
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
Information and 20% / 1,000,000 Employment growth and
Record Clerks replacement of those who
leave the jobs permanently
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
Customer Service 32% / 631,000 Customer Service improvements
Representatives in many organizations
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
Receptionists and 24% / 256,000 Service Industry growth;
Information Clerks experience and variety helps
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
Material Recording, 10% / 346,000 Varies by occupation;
Scheduling, Dispatching, replacement of those who
Distributing (nonpostal) leave the jobs permanently
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
Office Clerks, 16% / 430,000 Employment growth;
General high turnover
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
Secretaries and 7% / 265,000 Medical and Legal in
Administrative particular; plus
Assistants Executive assistants;
other area shrink through
office automation
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
Material Moving 14% / 710,000 Expanding economy,
Occupations spending on infrastructure;
partly offset by increasing
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
Truckdrivers and 18% / 589,000 Increased freight and
Driver/Sales Workers packages
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------
---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------

Biology and Medicine:
The Decade 2000-2010 included debate and protest over GM (Genetically
Modified) crops. A series of snail-mailings of Anthrax (fall 2001)
killed 5 people, emptied government buildings, and scared much of the
USA. Mad Cow disease hurt the beef industry in Europe. Cloning and stem
cell research advanced and were partially outlawed. A fossil skull found
(2001) in Chad (western central Africa) revised our ideas about human origins.

Robots were, for the first time (2002) controlled by direct brain to
computer interface. In 2003, the world's first brain prosthesis was
tested -- an artifical hippocampus hooked to slices of living rat brain.

The mouse genome was sequenced (2002). The genomes of mosquito and malarial
parasite were sequenced (2002). The rice genome was sequenced (2002). Both the
Chimpanzee and the Cow genome were sequenced in 2003. The differences between
Human and Chimp included genes for the membranes of the ears (presumably to give
people better hearing for language), hair growth, digestion (possibly for meat),
and smell. Yet the captive bonobo Kanzi made spoken demands for grapes and
bananas, showing that some non-humans share some of our language abilities.

A 125 million-year-old fossil was found (2002) in China
and declared the oldest ancestor known of the Placental mammals, which
comprise most living mammals. T Rex was shown to run much slower than in the
Jurassic Park movies. A clever crow in New Caledonia was observed (2002)
making and using tools. A new order of insects -- Gladiators -- were discovered
(2002), raising the total number of Orders of insects to 31. The
largest-ever squid was found in the3 Ross Sea off Antacrtica, with a
25-meter-long mantle (body) -- and it was determined to be a juvenile.
Capuchin monkeys demonstrated a sense of justice or fairness. The oldest
authenticated DNA (400,000 years) was recovered Siberian permafrost.

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for 2000 went for "their
discoveries concerning signal transduction in the nervous system",
1/3 to Arvid Carlsson [born 1923] Goteborg University, Sweden;
1/3 to Paul Greengard [born 1925] Rockefeller University, New York;
and 1/3 to Eric F. Kandel [born 1929 in Vienna, Austria] Columbia
University, New York.

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for 2001 went for
"their discoveries of key regulators of the cell cycle"
1/3 to Leland H. Hartwell [born 1939], USA, Fred Hutchinson Cancer
Research Center, Seattle, Washington; 1/3 to Tim Hunt [born 1943],
United Kingdom, Imperial Cancer Research Fund; and 1/3 to Sir Paul Nurse
[born 1949], United Kingdom, Imperial Cancer Research Fund.

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for 2002 went
"for their discoveries concerning 'genetic regulation of organ development
and programmed cell death'" 1/3 to Sydney Brenner [born 1927 in Union of
South Africa], United Kingdom, the Molecular Sciences Institute, Berkeley,
California; 1/3 to Robert Horvitz [born 1947] M.I.T.; and 1/3 to
John E. Sulson [born 1942], United Kingdom, the Wellcome Trust Sanger
Institute, Cambridge, United Kingdom.

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for 2003 was announced
6 October 2003, went 1/2 to Paul C. Lauterbur [born 1929], Urbana,
Illinois, USA; and 1/2 to Peter Mansfield [born 1933], Nottingham,
England, "for their discoveries concerning magnetic resonance imaging."

The leading candidates for the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for
2004-2010, by being 2003 Thomson ISI Citation Laureates, are:

Alfred G. Knudson Jr. (Senior Advisor to the President and Fox Distinguished
Scientist, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) and
Bert Vogelstein (Professor of Oncology and Pathology with a Joint Appointment
in Molecular Biology and Genetics, The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center
at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Mayland, and Howard Hughes Medical
Institute Investigator); and Robert A. Weinberg (Daniel K. Ludwig and American
Cancer Society Professor for Cancer Research, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts,
and Member, Whitehead Institute, Cambridge, Massachusetts)
"For the discovery and elucidation of the role of tumor suppressor genes in


Sir Michael J. Berridge, FRS (Deputy Scientific Director and Head, Molecular
Signaling, The Babraham Institute, Babraham, Cambridge, United Kingdom;
Honorary Professor of Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge,
Cambridge, United Kingdom) and Yasutomi Nishizuka (President Emeritus of
Kobe University, Former Professor and Chairman, Department of Biochemistry,
School of Medicine, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan) "For breakthrough contributions
in cell signaling that revealed two fundamental biochemical processes -
Berridge for research on the second messenger inositol trisphophate and
Nishizuka for the discovery and analysis of protein kinase C."


Francis S. Collins (Director, National Human Genome Research Institute,
Senior Investigator, Genome Technology Branch, National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, Maryland) and Eric S. Lander (Professor of Biology, MIT,
Cambridge, Massachusetts; Director of the Whitehead Institute/MIT Center for
Genome Research, Whitehead Institute, Cambridge, Massachusetts) and
J. Craig Venter (President, The Center for Advancement of Genomics, Institute
for Biological Energy Alternatives, and Venter Science Foundation, Rockville,
Maryland) "For contributions to mapping the human genome."

Other Science and Technology: Physics/Chemistry
A new state of matter was produced in the laboratory (2002): Bose-Einstein
Condensate (first made 1995) was reversibly switched from superfluid to
patterned fluid. Light was stopped and stored in a crystal. Physicists
agreed that the Second Law of Thermodynamics could be violated on small
space-time intervals. Element 118 was dropped (2002) from the Periodic Table,
as its putative (1999) discovery was based on fraud. The coldest
temperature priduced in a Laboratory was reduced from a microkelvin (a
millionth of a degree above absolute zero, 1995) to half a nanokelvin (a
half of a Billionth of a degree above absolute zero, September 2003).
Another new state of matter: a Bose-Einstein Condensate of a molecule (a
diatomic metal gas) (November 2003).

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 2000 went for "the discovery and
development of conductive polymers", 1/3 to Alan Heeger [born 1936],
now at the University of California, Santa Barbara; 1/3 to
Alan G. MacDiarmid [born 1927 in Masterton, New Zealand], now at the
University of Pennsylvania; and 1/3 to Hideki Shirakawa, University of
Tsukuba, Japan.

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 2001 went 1/4 to William S. Knowles
[born 1917], USA, for "work on chirally catalysed hydrogenation reactions";
1/4 to Ryoji Noyori, Nagoya University, Japan, for "work on chirally
catalysed hydrogenation reactions"; and 1/2 to K. Barry Sharpless [born
1941], the Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, California, for "work on
chirally catalysed oxidation reactions."

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 2002, "for the development of methods for
identification and structure analyses of biological macromolecules,"
went 1/4 to John B. Fenn [born 1917], Virginia Commonwealth University"
for the development of soft desorption ionisation methods for
mass spectrometric analyses of biological macromolecules";
1/4 to Koichi Tanaka [born 1959], Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan,
"for the development of soft desorption ionisation methods for mass
spectrometric analyses of biological macromolecules"; and 1/2 to
Kurt Wuthrich [born 1938], Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich,
and the Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, California, "for his
development of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy for determining the
three-dimensional structure of macromolecules in solution."

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 2003 was announced 8 October 2003,
for "discoveries concerning channels in cell membranes", and went
1/2 to Peter Agre [born 1949], John Hopkins School of Medicine,
Baltimore, Maryland, USA "for discovery of water channels"; and 1/2
to Roderick MacKinnon [born 1954], Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the
Rockefeller University, New York, USA, "for structural and mechanistic
studies of ion channels."

The leading candidates for the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 2004-2010,
by being 2003 Thomson ISI Citation Laureates, are:

J. Fraser Stoddart (Saul Winstein Professor of Organic Chemistry,
University of California at Los Angeles); George M. Whitesides
(Mallinckrodt Professor of Chemistry, Harvard University); and
Seiji Shinkai (Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,
Kyushu University, Graduate School of Engineering,
Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan)
For "pioneering research in molecular self-assembly, which promises great
advances in the fabrication of nanoscale machinery and microelectronics."


K. C. Nicolaou (Chairman, Department of Chemistry, Aline W. and L.S. Skaggs
Professor in Chemical Biology and Darlene Shiley Chair in Chemistry,
The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, California; and Professor of
Chemistry, University of California, San Diego) "for research in organic and
natural product synthesis, especially for achieving the total synthesis of
Taxol in 1994 and vancomycin in 1998-1999."


Robert H. Grubbs (Victor and Elizabeth Atkins Professor of Chemistry,
Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena, California) "For breakthrough research in the design
and synthesis of complexes with useful catalytic actions, especially in
polymerization (the creation of so-called living polymers)."

The Nobel Prize in Physics for 2000 went 1/4 to Zhores I. Alferov [born 1930]
of Russia, for "basic work on information and communication technology";
1/4 to Herbert Kroemer [born 1928] of Germany, now at the University of
California, Santa Barbara, "for developing semiconductor heterostructures
used in high-speed and opto-electronics";
and 1/2 to Jack S. Kilby [born 1923] of Texas Instruments, USA, for his
part in inventing the Integrated Circuit.

The Nobel Prize in Physics for 2001 went 1/3 to Eric A. Cornell [born 1961],
of the University of Colorado; 1/3 to Wolfgang Ketterle [born 1957],
of Germany, now at M.I.T.; and 1/3 to Carl E. Wieman [born 1951] of the
University of Colorado. All three were recognized "for the achievement of
Bose-Einstein condensation in dilute gases of alkali atoms, and for early
fundamental studies of the properties of the condensates."

The Nobel Prize in Physics for 2002 went 1/4 to Raymond Davis Jr.,
[born 1914], USA, at University of Pennsylvania, "for pioneering
contributions to astrophysics, in particular for the detection of cosmic
neutrinos"; 1/4 to Masatoshi Koshiba, University of Tokyo, Japan,
"for pioneering contributions to astrophysics, in particular for the
detection of cosmic neutrinos"; and 1/2 to Riccardo Giacconi [born 1931 in
Genoa, Italy], at Associated Universities, Inc., Washington, D.C.,
"for pioneering contributions to astrophysics, which led to the discovery
of cosmic X-ray sources."

The Nobel Prize in Physics for 2003 was announced 7 October 2003,
was for "pioneering contributions to the theory of superconductors and
superfluids", and went to 1/3 to Alexei A. Abrikosov [born 1928], Moscow,
now Distinguished Argonne Scientist, Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois,
USA, who extended the theory of Vitaly Ginzburg and others (Type I
superconductors), to the Type II Superconductors (at high temperatures
or magnetic fields); 1/3 to Vitaly L. Ginzburg [born 1916], Moscow, former
head of the Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow [who was not included in
the 3 who shared the 1972 Nobel Prize in Physics for the "BCS" theory]; and
1/3 to Anthony J. Leggett [born 1938], London, Oxford, now MacArthur
Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, for
"the decisive theory explaining how the atoms interact and are ordered in
the superfluid state" [of Helium-3, the 1970s experimental observation of
which won the 1996 Nobel Prize for Caltech graduate Douglas D. Osheroff,
now at Stanford].

The leading candidates for the Nobel Prize in Physics for 2004-2010,
by being 2003 Thomson ISI Citation Laureates, are:

Shuji Nakamura (Professor, Materials Department, Director of the Center
for Solid State Lighting and Displays, University of California,
Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California) "For his invention of the blue laser
and blue, green and white light-emitting diodes (LEDs), through the use of
gallium nitride based semiconductors; a great leap forward in data storage
technology, lighting devices and other realms."


Yoshinori Tokura (Professor, Department of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo,
Tokyo, Japan) "For outstanding research in correlated-electron oxide materials,
including discoveries in superconducting compounds and for work on the
phenomenon of giant magnetoresistance."


Michael B. Green, FRS (John Humphrey Plummer Professor of Theoretical Physics,
Theoretical High Energy Particle Physics Group, University of Cambridge,
Cambridge, United Kingdom) and John H. Schwartz (Harold Brown Professor of
Theoretical Physics, Division of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy,
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California) and
Edward Witten (Charles Simonyi Professor, School of Natural Sciences,
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey)
"For contributions in string theory and M theory."
[Your humble Webmaster believes that it will take experimental confirmation
before Green, Schwartz, and Witten win the Nobel prize. The Nobel
committtee is not interested so much in theory.]


See: Major Events in Science Fiction for World Science Fiction Conventions:

2000 Stories/Books/Events:

2001 Stories/Books/Events:

2002 Stories/Books/Events:

2003 Stories/Books/Events:

2004 Stories/Books/Events:

2005 Stories/Books/Events:

2006 Stories/Books/Events:

2007 Stories/Books/Events:

2008 Stories/Books/Events:

2009 Stories/Books/Events:

2010 Stories/Books/Events:

J. K. Rowling's "Harry Potter" series of novels became the most
successful book launches in history, adapted to hit movies, and making
her the richest woman in Great Britain. Also on the Fantasy front, Peter
Jackson's "Lord of the Rings" trilogy of feature films
[The Fellowship of the Ring (2001), The Two Towers (2002),
Return of the King (2003)] further elevated the late J. R. R. Tolkien
in the world's attention, and were widely held to be the greatest Fantasy
films of all time.

Other huge box-office hits included Spider-Man; X-Men (2000);
The Matrix; Men in Black 2 (2002); Shrek (2002);
Star Wars: Attack of the Clones (2002); Matrix: Reloaded (2003);
Pirates of the Caribbean (2003), Alien Vs. Predator (2004),
Fantastic Four (2004); Hellboy (2004); I, Robot (2004);
A Sound of Thunder (2004); Spider-Man II (2004);
The Demolished Man (2005); Farenheit 451 (2005);
Iron Man (2005); Jurassic Park IV (2005);
Star Wars: Episode III (2005); Spider-Man 3 (2006);
X-Men 3 (2006); and Rendezvous With Rama (2006).

Eminem (a "white boy") became the top Rap star while Tiger Woods
(not a "white boy") became the top Golf star, beginning the final
demolition of racism in the USA.

Olympics were held:

  • 2000: Summer Olympics in Sydney, Australia

  • 2002: Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

  • 2004: Summer Olympics in Athens, Greece

  • 2006: Winter Olympics in Torino (Turin), Italy

  • 2008: Summer Olympics in Beijing, China

  • 2010: Winter Olympics in Vancouver, Canada

The FIFA World Cups, the biggest event in world sports, featured
football/soccer in:

  • 2002: Korea/Japan hosting; (Brazil over Germany, 2-0 in Final)

  • 2006: Germany hosting

  • 2010: Egypt or Soth Africa or Libya/Tunisia hosting

  • 2014: Brazil hosting (or elsewhere in Soth America, maybe Argentina,
    Chile, or Venezuela)

  • 2018: Australia or Nigeria hosting

The Nobel Prize for Literature in 2000 went to Gao Xingjian [born 1940 in
Ganzhour, China] now of France, "for an oeuvre of universal validity,
bitter insights and linguistic ingenuity, which has opened new paths for
the Chinese novel and drama."

The Nobel Prize for Literature in 2001 went to V. S. Naipaul [Sir Vidiadhar
Surajprasad Naipaul] [born 1932 in Trinidad], United Kingdom, "for having
united perceptive narrative and incorruptible scrutiny in works that
compel us to see the presence of suppressed histories."

The Nobel Prize for Literature in 2002 went to Imre Kertesz [born 1929],
Hungary, "for writing that upholds the fragile experience of the individual
against the barbaric arbitrariness of history."

The Nobel Prize for Literature in 2003 was announced 2 October 2003,
and went to John Maxwell Coetzee of South Africa (currently residing
in Australia) "who in innumerable guises portrays the surprising
involvement of outsiders."

Some possible candidates for Nobel Prize in Literature for 2004-2010 include:

  • Antonio Lobo Antunes (Portugal, novelist long-shot because Saramago already won

  • Gennady Aygi (Russia)

  • Ray Bradbury

  • Edward Kamau Brathwaite (Barbados)

  • Bob Dylan (really)

  • Harlan Ellison

  • Carlos Fuentes (Mexico)

  • Juan Goytisolo (Spain)

  • Ismail Kadare (Albania)

  • Ivan Klima (Czechoslovakia)

  • Milan Kundera (Czechoslovakia)

  • Mario Vargas Llosa (Peru)

  • Javier Marias (Spain)

  • Peter Nadas (Hungary)

  • Cees Nooteboom (Holland)

  • Tomas Transtromer (Swedish poet)

  • John Updike (U.S.)

  • A. B. Yehoshua (Israel)

Some Inventions and Innovations of 2000-2010 that shaped the culture:
2000: Xenotransplant proof-of-concept (organs from Pigs)
2001: Implanted Microchips give sight to 3 blind men
2001: Inventor Dean Kamen's Segway Human Transporter
2002: Iris scanners first used for airport security
2003: Peer-to-Peer music downloading sparks many lawsuits
2003: Human Genome on a Chip: several vendors sell
2003: Ultraviolet Light Emitting Diode demonstrated by Sandia Labs
2003: GloFish -- genetically engineered luminescent zebrafish
2004: {to be done}
2005: {to be done}
2006: {to be done}
2007: {to be done}
2008: {to be done}
2009: {to be done}
2010: {to be done}

Major Books of the Decade 2000-2010

Books of 2000
Books of 2001
Books of 2002
Books of 2003
Books of 2004
Books of 2005 {to be done}
Books of 2006 {to be done}
Books of 2007 {to be done}
Books of 2008 {to be done}
Books of 2009 {to be done}
Books of 2010 {to be done}

2000: BOOKS

2000 Poul Anderson: Genesis;
Winner, John W. Campbell Award for best SF novel of the year

2000 Mary Gentle: Ash;
tied for second place, John W. Campbell Award for best SF novel of the year

2000 Jack McDivitt: Infinity Beach;
tied for second place, John W. Campbell Award for best SF novel of the year

2000 Robert J. Swayer: Calculating God;
tied for second place, John W. Campbell Award for best SF novel of the year

2000 Sherii S. Tepper: Fresco;
third place, John W. Campbell Award for best SF novel of the year

2000 Vernor Vinge: A Deepness in the Sky [Tor, 1999]
Winner, 2000 Hugo Award for Best Science Fiction Novel

Other Science Fiction Books of 2000, Alphabetically:

2000 Lynn Abbey [full name Marilyn Lorraine Abbey] (1948- ):
* Forgotten Realms: The Nether Scroll [Wizards of the Coast, Sep 2000]
ISBN 0-7869-1566-8, $6.99, 311pp, paperback, Alan Pollack
cover art) [Forgotten Realms: Lost Empires]
Novelization adapted from role-playing games, ÒLost EmpiresÓ #4.
* Out of Time [Ace, July 2000] ISBN 0-441-00751-1, $5.99, 311pp,
paperback, Phil Howe cover art
Contemporary Fantasy, protagonist is a librarian

2000 Dan Abnett:
* Warhammer 40,000: First & Only (Games Workshop/Black Library, Mar 2000]
first US edition, ISBN 0-671-78375-0, $6.95, 272pp,
paperback, Kenson Low cover art) \
* Warhammer 40,000: GauntÕs Ghosts, Novelization adapted from
role-playing game world
* Warhammer 40,000: Ghostmaker [Black Library, May 2000,
ISBN 1-84154-032-3, £5.99, 287pp, paperback, Martin Hanford
cover art
* Warhammer: Hammers of Ulric [co-authors Nik Vincent, James Wallis)]
[Black Library, Apr 2000] ISBN 1-84154-033-1, £5.99, 320pp,
paperback, Martin Hanford cover art

2000 Justin Achilli: World of Darkness: Giovanni [White Wolf, Apr 2000]
ISBN 1-56504-826-1, $5.99, 267pp, trade paperback, John Van Fleet
cover art, Novelization adapted from "Clan" role-playing games.

2000 Peter Ackroyd, full name Peter Warwick Ackroyd (1949-):
The Plato Papers [Doubleday, Feb 2000] ISBN 0-385-49768-7, $21.95,
173pp, hardcover, Timothy Hsu cover art; SF/Satire novella,
a Plato of 3700 AD analyzes his past, which includes our present
with many insightful and/or hilarious misunderstandings.
First US edition [London: Chatto & Windus, Apr 1999]

2000 Douglas Adams, full name Douglas Noel Adams (1952-2001):
The Hitchhiker's Trilogy [omnibus edition]
[Science Fiction Book Club #03306, June 2000] $14.98, 839pp,
hardcover, Gary Ruddell cover art
Reprint [Heinemann, 1995] as
"The Hitch HikerÕs Guide to the Galaxy: A Trilogy in Five Parts"
omnibus of all five novels in the series:
* The HitchhikerÕs Guide to the Galaxy [1979]
* The Restaurant at the End of the Universe [1980]
* Life, the Universe and Everything [1982]
* So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish [1984]
* Mostly Harmless [1992]

2000 Richard Adams, full name Richard George Adams (1920-):
* The Outlandish Knight [Severn House, Jan 2000] ISBN 0-7278-5496-8, £17.99,
249pp, harcover; Historical/Mainstream novel, by the author best
known for Watership Down, featuring a family which is,
[similar to "Forest Gump" or Woody Allen's "Zelig"]
coincidently there at miscellaneous Historical turning points

2000 Joan Aiken, full name Joan Delano Aiken (1924-):
* the "Wolves" Young-Adult Alternate History series of novels,
set in an alternate version of the English History era of James III:
* The Wolves of Willoughby Chase [Delacorte, Nov 2000] 1st of series
ISBN 0-385-32790-0, $16.95, 181pp, hardcover,
Edward Gorey cover art [Reprint of: Cape 1962]
Illustrated by Pat Marriott and Patricia Eleanor Howard.
* The Cuckoo Tree [Houghton Mifflin, Oct 2000] 5th of series
ISBN 0-618-07023-0, $5.95, 289pp, trade paperback,
Edward Gorey cover art [Reprint of: Cape 1971]
* Dangerous Games [Delacorte, July 2000] 9th in series
ISBN 0-440-41593-4, $4.99, 251pp, trade paperback,
Christer Eriksson cover art; [Reprint of Delacorte, 1999]
about Dido Twite
* Limbo Lodge (Red Fox, Apr 2000] ISBN 0-09-926627-X, £3.99, 220pp,
paperback, Mark Robertson cover art
[Reprint of Delacorte, 1999, titled as "Dangerous Games"
* The Stolen Lake [Houghton Mifflin, Oct 2000]
ISBN 0-618-07020-6, $16.00, 314pp, trade paperback,
Edward Gorey cover art [Reprint of Cape, 1981]

2000 R. V. Albon: Tales from the Vienna Woods
[The Book Guild, Nov 2000] ISBN 1-85776-454-4,
£8.95, 85pp, hardcover, Viccari Wheele cover art;
Collection, 13 original folk tales, as if told to a
traveller at a Vienna Woods inn, celverly in old style, as with
Italo Calvino's "Italian Tales" [which hides one original among many

2000 Vivien Alcock (1924-):
* The Monster Garden [Houghton Mifflin, Apr 2000]
ISBN 0-618-00337-1, $4.95, 164pp, paperback,
Barbara McClintock cover art [Reprint of: Methuen, 1988]
Young-adult novel about genetic engineering.

Brian W. Aldiss, full name Brian Wilson Aldiss (1925-):
* Art After Apogee: The relationships between an idea, a story, and
painting [co-author Rosemary Phipps]
[Avernus, Aug 2000] ISBN 1-871503-07-8, £, 31+8pp, pamphlet,
Brian Aldiss cover art; Chapbook combining AldissÕs story
"Apogee Again" [originally published in the anthology,
with comments by Aldiss and artist Rosemary Phipps]
Also has 8 full-page, unpaginated illustrations, including black &
white drawings by Aldiss and full-color paintings by Phipps.
Signed, limited edition of 100.
order from:
39 St. Andrews Road
Old Headington
Oxford OX3 9DL
website: []
* A Chinese Perspective [James Goddard, Aug 2000] no ISBN, £7.95, 72pp,
SF novella [originally published in anthology Anticipations, 1978]
Text revised; new introduction by Aldiss. First in a series of
"Science Fiction Rediscoveries."
Available from:
James Goddard
Flat 4
13 Lockwood St.
Driffield East Yorkshire
YO25 6RU, UK;
or The Official Brian W. Aldiss Web site: [].
* Non-Stop [Orion/Millennium, Sep 2000] ISBN 1-85798-998-8, £6.99, 241pp,
trade paperback, Fred Gambino cover art;
[Reprint of: Faber, 1958] classic Sciendce Fiction novel about
exploration of a far-future flora-dominated Earth and Moon;
Volume 33 in the "SF Masterworks" series.
* When the Feast is Finished: A Memoir of Love and Bereavement
[co-author Margaret Aldiss]
[Little Brown/Warner UK, May 2000] ISBN 0-7515-2995-8, £7.99, 230pp,
trade paperback, [Reprint of Little, Brown UK, 1999 as
titled: "When the Feast is Finished: Reflections on Terminal Illness"]
Memoir os an astonishing life in the orient, War, Science
Fiction, and the wider worlds of literature and culture.
* White Mars, or, The Mind Set Free [co-author Roger Penrose]
[St. Martin's, Apr 2000] ISBN 0-312-25473-3, $23.95, 323pp,
hardcover, Utopian SF novel of a fledgling Martian colony
fallen out of communications with Earth.
[First US edition of Little, Brown UK, Nov 1999]

2000 Buzz Aldrin (1930-): The Return [co-author John Barnes
[Tor, May 2000] ISBN 0-312-87424-3, $25.95, 301pp,
hardcover, Technothriller about space shuttle public relations flap,
plus atomic war between India and Pakistan which puts the
International Space Station at risk.

2001 BOOKS

{to be done}

2001 Carol Emshwiller: The Mount [Small Beer Press]
The 2002 Philip K. Dick Award Winner,
announced at Norwescon 26 in SeaTac, Washington.
The Philip K. Dick Award is given annually to the distinguished
original science fiction paperback published for the first time in the
US. The award is sponsored by the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society.

2001 China Mieville: Perdido Street Station [Del Rey]
winner of 2002's Arthur C. Clarke Award, given annually for the
best science fiction novel receiving its first British publication
in the previous year.
a Final Nominee for 2002 Nebula Award for Best Novel

2001 J. K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
[Bloomsbury; Scholastic/Levine]
Winner, 2001 Hugo Award for Best Novel

2002 BOOKS

2002 Kevin J. Anderson: Hidden Empire: The Saga of Seven Suns, Book 1
[Warner Books, July 2002]
Preliminary Ballot, 2003 SFWA Nebula Awards¨

2002 Ray Bradbury: One More for the Road [Morrow]
Winner, Bram Stoker Award for Best Fiction Collection,
from the 2003 Horror Writers Association

2002 David Brin: Kiln People, [Tor]
second place, John W. Campbell Award for best SF novel of the year;
voted #5 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award for Best Novel

2002 Lois McMaster Bujold: Diplomatic Immunity, [Baen, May 2002]]
voted #9 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award for Best Novel
(thus did not make final ballot)
Final Ballot, 2003 SFWA Nebula Awards¨

2002 Ramsey Campbell, Ramsey Campbell, Probably: On Horror and Sundry
, [P.S. Publishing]
Winner: British Fantasy Award for Best Collection (awarded 24 Nov 2003)

2002 Vincent di Fate: The Science Fiction Art of Vincent di Fate [Paper Tiger]
voted #8 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award for Best Related Book
(thus did not make final ballot)

2002 Bob Eggleton and John Grant: Dragonhenge [Paper Tiger]
voted #4 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award for Best Related Book

2002 Carol Emshwiller, The Mount [Small Beer Press, June 2002]
Final Ballot, 2003 SFWA Nebula Awards¨

2002 Kelley Eskridge: Solitaire [Eos]
a Final Nominee for 2002 Nebula Award for Best Novel

2002 Cathy Fenner & Arnie Fenner (edited by):
Spectrum 9: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art
[Underwood Books]
voted #5 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award for Best Related Book

2002 Jasper Fforde: The Eyre Affair, [Viking]
voted #11 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award for Best Novel
(thus did not make final ballot)

2002 Gregory Frost, Fitcher's Brides [Tor, Dec 2002]
Preliminary Ballot, 2003 SFWA Nebula Awards¨

2002 Neil Gaiman: American Gods [Eos]
Winner, 2002 Nebula Award for Best Novel;
Winner, 2002 Hugo Award for Best Novel

2002 Neil Gaiman: Coraline, [HarperCollins]
Winner, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Novella;
Winner, Bram Stoker Award for Best Work for Younger Readers,
from the 2003 Horror Writers Association

2002 Kathleen Ann Goonan, Light Music [Eos, June 2002
Final Ballot, 2003 SFWA Nebula Awards¨

2002 Stephen Jones (Editor): Keep Out the Night [P.S. Publishing]
Winner: British Fantasy Award for Best Anthology (awarded 23 Nov 2003)

2002 M. John Harrison: Light, [Gollancz]
voted #15 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award for Best Novel
(thus did not make final ballot)

2002 Brian A. Hopkins: El Dia de Los Muertos [Earthling Publications]
Tied for Winner, Bram Stoker Award for Best Long Fiction,
from the 2003 Horror Writers Association

2002 Alexander C. Irvine, A Scattering of Jades [Tor, July 2002]
Preliminary Ballot, 2003 SFWA Nebula Awards¨

2002 Kay Kenyon, Maximum Ice [Bantam, Feb 2002]
Preliminary Ballot, 2003 SFWA Nebula Awards¨

2002 Nancy Kress: Probability Space, [Tor]
winner, John W. Campbell Award for best SF novel of the year;
voted #7 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award for Best Novel
(thus did not make final ballot)

2002 Justine Larbalestier: The Battle of the Sexes in Science Fiction
[Wesleyan University Press]
voted #3 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award for Best Related Book

2002 John Lawrence and Robert Jewett: The Myth of the American Superhero
[William B. Eerdmans, Mar 2002] Nonfiction
Winner, 2004 Mythopoeic Scholarship Award in General Myth and Fantasy Studies

2002 Ursula K. Le Guin: The Other Wind [Harcourt Brace]
a Final Nominee for 2002 Nebula Award for Best Novel

2002 Thomas Ligotti: "My Work Is Not Yet Done"
[My Work Is Not Done Yet: Three Tales of Corporate Terror]
Tied for Winner, Bram Stoker Award for Best Long Fiction,
from the 2003 Horror Writers Association

2002 Jack McDevitt: Chindi, [Ace, July 2002]
voted #14 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award for Best Novel
(thus did not make final ballot)
Final Ballot, 2003 SFWA Nebula Awards¨

2002 Judith Merril & Emily Pohl-Weary:
Better to Have Loved: The Life of Judith Merril, [Between the Lines]
Winner, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Related Book

2002 Robert A. Metzger: Picoverse [Ace]
a Final Nominee for 2002 Nebula Award for Best Novel

2002 China Mieville: The Scar, [Macmillan; Del Rey, June 2002]
voted #2 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award for Best Novel;
Awarded a special Philip K. Dick citation;
August Derleth Award for Best Novel (from British Fantasy Society)
Preliminary Ballot, 2003 SFWA Nebula Awards¨

2002 Ron Miller and Frederick C. Durant III: The Art of Chesley Bonestell
Winner, 2002 Hugo Award for Best Non-Fiction Book

2002 Lyda Morehouse, Fallen Host [Roc, May 2002]
Preliminary Ballot, 2003 SFWA Nebula Awards¨

2002 John Pelan, ed.: "The Darker Side: Generations of Horror" [Roc]
Winner, Bram Stoker Award for Best Anthology,
from the 2003 Horror Writers Association

2002 Tom Piccirilli: The Night Class [Leisure]
Winner, Bram Stoker Award for Best Novel,
from the 2003 Horror Writers Association

2002 Terry Pratchett: Night Watch, [Doubleday UK; HarperCollins]
voted #8 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award for Best Novel
(thus did not make final ballot)

2002 Christopher Priest: The Separation
winner of 2003's Arthur C. Clarke Award, given annually for the
best science fiction novel receiving its first British publication
in the previous year.
This is Priest's first Clarke Award win, after having been shortlisted
twice, for "The Prestige" in 1996, and "The Extremes" in 1999.
The Separation has not yet been published in the US.

2002 Mike Resnick: The Science Fiction Professional [Farthest Star]
voted #6 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award for Best Related Book
(thus did not make final ballot)

2002 Alastair Reynolds: Redemption Ark, [Gollancz; Ace]
voted #10 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award for Best Novel
(thus did not make final ballot)

2002 Kim Stanley Robinson: The Years of Rice and Salt, [Bantam]
voted #3 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award for Best Novel

2002 Don Sakers: Dance for the Ivory Madonna, [Speed of C]
voted #6 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award for Best Novel
(thus did not make final ballot)

2002 Robert J. Sawyer: Hominids, [Analog Jan-Apr 2002; Tor]
Winner, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Novel;
third place, John W. Campbell Award for best SF novel of the year

2002 Karl Schroeder: Permanence, [Tor]
voted #12 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award for Best Novel
(thus did not make final ballot)

2002 Alice Sebold: The Lovely Bones [Little, Brown]
Winner, Bram Stoker Award for Best First Novel,
from the 2003 Horror Writers Association

2002 Allen Steele: Coyote, [Ace]
voted #13 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award for Best Novel
(thus did not make final ballot)

2002 Bruce Sterling: "Tomorrow Now: Envisioning the Next 50 Years"
voted #7 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award for Best Related Book
(thus did not make final ballot)

2002 Michael Swanwick: Bones of the Earth, [Eos]
voted #4 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award for Best Novel;
a Final Nominee for 2002 Nebula Award for Best Novel

2002 Harry Turtledove: Ruled Britannia, [New American Library, Nov 2002]
voted #7 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award for Best Novel
(thus did not make final ballot)
Preliminary Ballot, 2003 SFWA Nebula Awards¨

2002 Jerry Wiest: Ray Bradbury: An Illustrated Life, [Morrow]
voted #2 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award for Best Related Book

2002 The Science of Discworld II: The Globe Emury
voted #9 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award for Best Related Book
(thus did not make final ballot)

2002 The Art of Jeffrey Jones by Jeffrey Jones (Underwood Books)
voted #10 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award for Best Related Book
(thus did not make final ballot)

2002 Bad Astronomy by Philip Plait
voted #11 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award for Best Related Book
(thus did not make final ballot)

2002 Mapping Mars by Oliver Morton
voted #12 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award for Best Related Book
(thus did not make final ballot)

2002 Adventures in the Dream Trade by Neil Gaiman (NESFA Press)
voted #13 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award for Best Related Book
(thus did not make final ballot)

2002 The Making of the Movie Trilogy: Lord of the Rings by Brian
Sibley (Houghton Mifflin)
voted #14 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award for Best Related Book
(thus did not make final ballot)

2002 LOTR - TTT Visual Companion
voted #15 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award for Best Related Book
(thus did not make final ballot)

2002 Paper Tiger Fantasy Art Gallery edited by Paul Barnett (Paper Tiger)
voted #16 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award for Best Related Book
(thus did not make final ballot)

2002 Best Short Fiction

2002 Eleanor Arnason, "The Potter of Bones" [Asimov's, Sep 2002]
Final Ballot, Best Novella, 2003 SFWA Nebula Awards¨

2002 Eleanor Arnason, "Knapsack Poems" [Asimov's, May 2002
Final Ballot, Best Short Story, 2003 SFWA Nebula Awards¨

2002 Richard Bowes, The Mask of the Rex" Ê[F&SF, May 2002]
Final Ballot, Best Novelette, 2003 SFWA Nebula Awards¨

2002 Cory Doctorow, "0wnz0red" [, Aug 2002]
Final Ballot, Best Novelette, 2003 SFWA Nebula Awards¨

2002 Carol Emshwiller, "Grandma" [F&SF, Mar 2002]
Final Ballot, Best Short Story, 2003 SFWA Nebula Awards¨

2002 Karen Joy Fowler, "What I Didn't See" [Sci Fiction, 10 July 2002]
Final Ballot, Best Short Story, 2003 SFWA Nebula Awards¨

2002 Neil Gaiman, "Coraline" [HarperCollins, July20 02]
Final Ballot, Best Novella, 2003 SFWA Nebula Awards¨

2002 Molly Gloss, "Lambing Season" [Asimov's, July 2002]
Final Ballot, Best Short Story, 2003 SFWA Nebula Awards¨

2002 Theodora Goss, "The Rose in Twelve Petals" [Realms of Fantasy, Apr 2002]
Preliminary Ballot, Best Short Story, 2003 SFWA Nebula Awards¨

2002 John Kessel, "Stories for Men" Ê[Asimov's, Oct/Nov 2002]
Final Ballot, Best Novella, 2003 SFWA Nebula Awards¨

2002 Ellen Klages, "Taste of Summer" [Black Gate, Feb 2002]
Preliminary Ballot, Best Short Story, 2003 SFWA Nebula Awards¨

2002 Ian MacLeod, "Breathmoss" [Asimov's, May 2002]
Final Ballot, Best Novella, 2003 SFWA Nebula Awards¨

2002 Greg van Eekhout, "Will You Be an Astronaut?" [F&SF, Sep 2002]
Preliminary Ballot, Best Short Story, 2003 SFWA Nebula Awards¨

2002 James Van Pelt, "The Last of the O-Forms" [Asimov's, Sep 2002]
Final Ballot, Best Short Story, 2003 SFWA Nebula Awards¨

2002 Ray Vukcevich, "The Wages of Syntax"Ê (Sci Fiction, 16 Oct 2002]
Final Ballot, Best Novelette, 2003 SFWA Nebula Awards¨

2003 BOOKS

2003 Kage Baker: The Anvil of the World [Tor, 2003]
Award-winning author of "In the Garden of Iden" and "The Graveyard Game"
starts a new fantasy series, from the viewpoint of a retired
freelance assassin who starts a new job as caravan master, and is
drawn into a complex plot involving demons and half-humans.
a San Francisco Chronicle Holiday Book Selection

2003 Steven Barnes: Zulu Heart, [Warner, Mar 2003]
Sequel to "Lion's Blood": an alternate hostory where Africa conquered
Europe and colonized North America...
Winner: #7, Top 10 Editors' Pick: Science Fiction & Fantasy

2003 Stephen Baxter: Coalescent [Del Rey, Dec 2003]
2004 Short List for Arthur C. Clarke Award

2003 Greg Bear: Darwin's Children [Del Rey, Apr 2003]
2004 Short List for Arthur C. Clarke Award

2003 K. J. Bishop: The Etched City [Prime Books, Feb 2003]
Nominated for 2004 International Horror Guild Award for Best First Novel
Nominated for 2004 World Fantasy Award for Best Novel

2003 M. M. Buckner: Hyperthought [Ace]
Finalist for 2003 Philip K. Dick Award, sponsored by the Philadelphia
Science Fiction Society; awards to be presented 9 Apr 2004 at
Norwescon 27 in Seattle.

2003 Mark Budz: Clade [Bantam Spectra]
Finalist for 2003 Philip K. Dick Award, sponsored by the Philadelphia
Science Fiction Society; awards to be presented 9 Apr 2004 at
Norwescon 27 in Seattle.

2003 Lois McMaster Bujold: Paladin of Souls [Eos]
Winner, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Novel [awarded 4 Sep 2004]

2003 Jack Cady: Ghosts of Yesterday [Publisher? Date?]
Nominated for 2004 World Fantasy Award for Best Collection

2003 Ramsey Campbell: Told by the Dead [PS Publishing, 2003]
Nominated for 2004 International Horror Guild Award for Best Collection

2003 Ramsey Campbell, Jack Dann, and Dennis Etchison, editors:
Gathering the Bones [Harper-Collins Voyager, Tor, 2003]
Nominated for 2004 International Horror Guild Award for Best Anthology
Nominated for 2004 World Fantasy Award for Best Anthology

2003 Jacqueline Carey: Kushiel's Avatar, [Tor, Apr 2003]
3rd novel in seris about an alternative Renaissance, following on
"Kushiel's Dart" [2001] and "Kushiel's Chosen" [2002]
Winner: #10, Top 10 Editors' Pick: Science Fiction & Fantasy

2003 John Clute: Scores: Reviews 1993-2003 [Beccon Publications, 2003]
Final Ballot, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Related Book

2003 Bill Congreve, editor: [Sandglass Enterprises, 2003]
Southern Blood: New Australian Tales of the Supernatural
Nominated for 2004 International Horror Guild Award for Best Anthology

2003 Ellen Datlow, editor: The Dark: New Ghost Stories [Tor, 2003]
Winner, 2004 International Horror Guild Award for Best Anthology
Nominated for 2004 World Fantasy Award for Best Anthology

2003 Matthew B. J. Delaney: Jinn [St. Martin's, 2003]
Winner 2004 International Horror Guild Award for Best First Novel

2003 Cory Doctorow: Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom, [Tor, Jan 2003; trade paperback Dec 2003]
A rising star author from cyberculture packs 10 novels' worth of
ideas into this tale of a century-old denizen of a strangely altered
Disney World... Revolutionaries take over the Hall of Presidents.
Winner: #8, Top 10 Editors' Pick: Science Fiction & Fantasy;
Finalist: Borders "Best of 2004: Science Fiction & Fantasy"

2003 Tananarive Due: The Good House [Altria Books, Sep 2003]
Nominated for 2004 International Horror Guild Award for Best Novel

2003 Clare B. Dunkle: The Hollow Kingdom [Henry Holt, Oct 2003]
Winner, 2004 Mythopoeic Fantasy Award for Children's Literature;

2003 Cathy & Arnie Fenner: Spectrum 10: The Best in Fantastic Contemporary Art
[Nonfiction] [Underwood Books, 2003]
Final Ballot, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Related Book

2003 Neil Gaiman & various artists: Endless Nights [DC/Vertigo, 2003]
Award-winning author is joined by several fine artists in a return
to the world of the Sandman (created by Neil Gaiman) in a series of
seven short stories collected as a Graphic Novel about a family of
the nearly-god-like Endless...
a San Francisco Chronicle Holiday Book Selection

2003 John Garth: Tolkien and the Great War: The Threshold of Middle-earth
Nonfiction [Harper Collins, Houghton Mifflin, 2003]
Winner, 2004 Mythopoeic Scholarship Award in Inkling Studies

2003 William Gibson: Pattern Recognition, [Putnam, Feb 2003]
Futuristic take on present-day pop-culture, "hipper than thou" slant,
from Tokyo, London, Moscow and other points of the archipelago of
style; by the master of the genre once called Cyberpunk.
Winner: #4, Top 10 Editors' Pick: Science Fiction & Fantasy
Winner: #2, Top 10 Customers' Choice: Science Fiction & Fantasy
2004 Short List for Arthur C. Clarke Award
Short List for 2003 British Science Fiction Association Award

2003 Terry Goodkind: Naked Empire, [Tor, July 2003]
8th book in immense "Sword of Truth" series...
Winner: #8, Top 10 Customers' Choice: Science Fiction & Fantasy

2003 John Grant, Elizabeth Humphrey, and Pamela D. Scoville
The Chesley Awards for SF & Fantasy Art: A Retrospective
[Nonfiction] [Artists & Photographer's Press Ltd., 2003]
Winner, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Related Book [awarded 4 Sep 2004]

2003 Jon Courtenay Grimwood: Felaheen [Earthlight, May 2003]
Winner, Best Novel, 2003 British Science Fiction Association Award

2003 Michael Gruber: Tropic of Night [William Morrow, 2003]
Nominated for 2004 International Horror Guild Award for Best First Novel

2003 Laurell K. Hamilton: Cerulean Sins, [Berkley, Apr 2003]
11th book in immense "Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter" series, set
in an alternate reality where magic works and both werewolves and
vampires inhabit the human cities...
Winner: #6, Top 10 Customers' Choice: Science Fiction & Fantasy

2003 Elizabeth Hand: Bibliomancy [PS Publishing, 2003]
Nominated for 2004 International Horror Guild Award for Best Collection
Nominated for 2004 World Fantasy Award for Best Collection

2003 Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson: The Machine Crusade, [Tor, Sep 2003]
2nd book in prequel series to Brian's father Frank Herbert's "Dune" series...
Winner: #10, Top 10 Customers' Choice: Science Fiction & Fantasy

2003 Brian Herbert: Dreamer of Dune: The Biography of Frank Herbert
[Nonfiction] [Tor Books, 2003]
Final Ballot, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Related Book

2003 Glen Hirshberg: The Two Sams: Ghost Stories [Carroll & Graf, 2003]
Winner (tie) 2004 International Horror Guild Award for Best Collection
Nominated for 2004 World Fantasy Award for Best Collection

2003 Robert Holdstock: Celtika [Tor, 2003]
Award-winning author of "Mythago Wood" ingeniously combines the
Celtic myth of Merlin with the Greek myth of Jason and the Aronauts
in a bizarre tale that starts with a quest for a frozen lake in
Lapland where a dead man howls from under the ice, and Jason's two
sons are kidnapped by his wife Medea...
a San Francisco Chronicle Holiday Book Selection

2003 Nalo Hopkinson: The Salt Roads [Warner, Nov 2003]
Final Ballot, 2003 Nebula Awards

2003 Jane Jensen: Dante's Equation [Del Rey]
Finalist for 2003 Philip K. Dick Award, sponsored by the Philadelphia
Science Fiction Society; awards to be presented 9 Apr 2004 at
Norwescon 27 in Seattle.

2003 Kij Johnson: Fudoki [Tor, Oct 2003]
Set in the same world as "The Fox Woman"
Nominated for 2004 World Fantasy Award for Best Novel

2003 Gwyneth Jones: Midnight Lamp [Gollancz SF, 2003]
Short List for 2003 British Science Fiction Association Award
2004 Short List for Arthur C. Clarke Award
Book 3 of the "Bold as Love" series, the first of which
(Bold as Love) won the Arthur C. Clarke Award in 2001

2003 Stephen Jones, editor: By Moonlight Only [PS Publishing, 2003]
Nominated for 2004 International Horror Guild Award for Best Anthology

2003 Robert Jordan: Crossroads of Twilight, [Tor, Jan 2003]
10th and final book in immense "The Wheel of Time" series, which
actually reads like one vast super-novel
Winner: #1, Top 10 Customers' Choice: Science Fiction & Fantasy

2003 J. Gregory Keyes: The Briar King, [Del Rey, Jan 2003]
also known as "Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone, Book 1" [4 in series]
Winner: #3, Top 10 Editors' Pick: Science Fiction & Fantasy

2003 Stephen King: Wolves of the Calla, [Donald M. Grant/Scribners, Nov 2003]
5th book in immense "The Dark Tower" series, by the modern master
of fantasy that cannot be classed as purely popular or purely literary
Winner: #4, Top 10 Customers' Choice: Science Fiction & Fantasy
also a San Francisco Chronicle Holiday Book Selection
[note: an expanded edition of the first book in the series:
"The Gunslinger" was selling intensely again, and was
Winner: #9, Top 10 Customers' Choice: Science Fiction & Fantasy]
Nominated for 2004 International Horror Guild Award for Best Novel

2003 Erik Larson: The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness
at the Fair That Changed America

Winner, Nonfiction, International Horror Award

2003 Kelly Link, ed.: Trampoline: An Anthology [Publisher? Date?]
Nominated for 2004 World Fantasy Award for Best Anthology

2003 Ian R. MacLeod: The Light Ages [Ace / Penguin Putnam, May 2003]
Aether mines and Machine Age / Medieval "Fantasy with Rivets"
Nominated for 2004 World Fantasy Award for Best Novel

2003 Patricia McKillip: In the Forests of Sere, [Berkeley, June 2003]
She previously won a World fantasy Award, and now crafts a novel
reminiscent of Ursula K. Le Guin and Jane Yolen, yet distinctive
Winner: #5, Top 10 Editors' Pick: Science Fiction & Fantasy

2003 Robin McKinley: Sunshine [Berkley, Oct 2003; UK: Bantam]
Sunshine, a young baker, is kidnapped at night by a vampire gang, as
bait for another vampire. Sunshine escapes the manshion where she was
imprisoned, but she was now pursued by both the vampires and the
half-demon police, in this blend of Fantasy, Romance, Humor, and
Winner, 2004 Mythopoeic Fantasy Award for Adult Literature;
a San Francisco Chronicle Holiday Book Selection

2003 George R. R. Martin: GRRM: A RRetrospective [Subterranean Press, 2003]
Nominated for 2004 International Horror Guild Award for Best Collection
Nominated for 2004 World Fantasy Award for Best Collection

2003 Farah Mendlesohn: Reading Science Fiction
Winner, Best Non-Fiction, British Science Fiction Award

2003 Elizabeth and Thomas Monteleone, editors: Borderlands 5 [Borderlands, 2003]
Nominated for 2004 International Horror Guild Award for Best Anthology

2003 Elizabeth Moon: The Speed of Dark, [Ballantine, Jan 2003]
Ruthless early-21st-century USA corporate life has surprises in store
for pattern-recognition expert Lou Arrendale...
Winner: #2, Top 10 Editors' Pick: Science Fiction & Fantasy
Winner, Best Novel, 2003 SFWA Nebula Awards¨

2003 Richard K. Morgan: Altered Carbon [Del Rey]
Finalist for 2003 Philip K. Dick Award, sponsored by the Philadelphia
Science Fiction Society; awards to be presented 9 Apr 2004 at
Norwescon 27 in Seattle.

2003 Chris Moriarty: Spin State, [Bantam, Sep 2003]
Debut novel on human and post-human chaos of clones, Artificial
Intelligence, class-warfare, and murder...
Winner: #6, Top 10 Editors' Pick: Science Fiction & Fantasy;
Finalist for 2003 Philip K. Dick Award, sponsored by the Philadelphia
Science Fiction Society; awards to be presented 9 Apr 2004 at
Norwescon 27 in Seattle.

2003 Stewart O'Nan: The Dark Country [Farrar, Strauss, Giroux, 2003]
October, small town, teenagers, country road, car wreck... and ghosts.
Nominated for 2004 International Horror Guild Award for Best Novel

2003 Reggie Oliver: The Dreams of Cardinal Vittorini [Haunted River, 2003]
Nominated for 2004 International Horror Guild Award for Best Collection

2003 Rosalie Parker, ed.: Strange Tales [Publisher, date?]
Nominated for 2004 World Fantasy Award for Best Anthology

2003 Matthew Pearl: The Dante Club [Random House, 2003]
Nominated for 2004 International Horror Guild Award for Best First Novel

2003 Mike Resnick, The Return of Santiago [Tor, Feb 2003]
Preliminary Ballot, 2003 SFWA Nebula Awards¨

2003 Alastair Reynolds: Absolution Gap [Gollancz SF2003; May 2004 paperback]
Short List for 2003 British Science Fiction Association Award

2003 Justina Robson: Natural History [Macmillan, Apr 2003]
Short List for 2003 British Science Fiction Association Award

2003 Robert J. Sawyer: Humans [Tor, Feb 2003]
Final Ballot, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Novel
Preliminary Ballot, 2003 SFWA Nebula Awards¨

2003 John Shirley: Crawlers [Del Rey, June 2003]
Critis say it's the author's most commercial book, in a good way --
as accessible as Stephen King, in chilling us with a man-made
Nominated for 2004 International Horror Guild Award for Best Novel

2003 Mark Siegal: Echo & Narcissus [Aardwolf Press, 2003]
Nominated for 2004 International Horror Guild Award for Best First Novel

2003 Dan Simmons: Ilium, [July 2003]
Ambitious and very impressive epic spawling across Earth, Mars, and
Jupiter, modelled on "The Iliad" and this both Literary and Science
Winner: #1, Top 10 Editors' Pick: Science Fiction & Fantasy
also a San Francisco Chronicle Holiday Book Selection
Final Ballot, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Novel

2003 Robert Silverberg, ed.: Legends II: New Sort Novels by the Masters of Modern Fantasy,
[Ballentine, Dec 2003, hardcover]
Authors include Terry Brooks, Orson Scott Crad, Tad Williams.
Finalist: Borders "Best of 2004: Science Fiction & Fantasy"

2003 Michael Marshall Smith: More Tomorrow & Other Stories [Earthling Productions, 2003]
Winner (tie) 2004 International Horror Guild Award for Best Collection
Nominated for 2004 World Fantasy Award for Best Collection

2003 Neal Stephenson: Quicksilver [William Morrow, Harper Collins, Sep 2003]
Tour de force blockbuster historical Science Fiction about the dawn
of Newtonian and Leibnitzian world view, with pirates, battles,
romance, and much, much more... First of a vast trilogy
2004 Short List for Arthur C. Clarke Award

2003 Peter Straub: Lost Boy Lost Girl [Random House, 2003]
Revisits the characters from award-winner Straub's "Blue Rose" novel
series, mixing the genres of Horror and Teen Fiction in a unique
supernatural short thriller
a San Francisco Chronicle Holiday Book Selection
Winner, 2004 International Horror Guild Award for Best Novel

2003 Charles Stross: Singularity Sky [Ace]
Final Ballot, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Novel

2003 Tricia Sullivan: Maul [Orbit. Nov 2003]
2004 Short List for Arthur C. Clarke Award
Short List for 2003 British Science Fiction Association Award

2003 Steve Rasnic Tem: The Book of Days [Subterranean Press, 2003]
Nominated for 2004 International Horror Guild Award for Best Novel

2003 Jeff Vandermeer: Veniss Underground [Prime, 2003]
First novel blends the Orpheus and Euridyce myth with a far-future of
biotechnology under a desert city... Bladrunner meets Heart of Darkness
a San Francisco Chronicle Holiday Book Selection
Nominated for 2004 International Horror Guild Award for Best First Novel
Nominated for 2004 World Fantasy Award for Best Novel

2003 Jeff Vandermeer and Mark Roberts, Editors:
The Thackery T. Lambshead Pocket Guide to Eccentric &
Discredited Diseases
[Borderlands, 2003]
Nominated for 2004 International Horror Guild Award for Best Anthology
Final Ballot, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Related Book
Nominated for 2004 World Fantasy Award for Best Anthology

2003 John Varley: Red Thunder, [Ace, Apr 2003]
First novel lately by 5-time winner of Hugo and Nebula Awards
Winner: #9, Top 10 Editors' Pick: Science Fiction & Fantasy
Preliminary Ballot, 2003 SFWA Nebula Awards¨

2003 Jo Walton: Tooth and Claw [Tor, 2003]
Quasi-Victorian dragons
Nominated for 2004 World Fantasy Award for Best Novel

2003 William J. Widder: Master Storyteller: An Illustrated Tour of the
Fiction of L. Ron Hubbard
[Nonfiction] [Bridge Publications, 2003]
Final Ballot, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Related Book

2003 Liz Williams: Nine Layers of Sky [Bantam Spectra, 2003]
British author of "The Poison Master" starts with a chase across the
chaotic former USSR which moves through a fatal traffic accident in
Uzbekistan, via a mysterious metal object, to an altern ate dimension where the
viewpoint character Elen Irinova (a scientist now forced to work as a
janitor) is pursued by apparently supernatural beings...
a San Francisco Chronicle Holiday Book Selection

2003 Robert Charles Wilson: Blind Lake [Tor]
Final Ballot, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Novel

2003 Ann Tonsor Zeddies: Steel Helix [Del Rey]
Finalist for 2003 Philip K. Dick Award, sponsored by the Philadelphia
Science Fiction Society; awards to be presented 9 Apr 2004 at
Norwescon 27 in Seattle.

MORE 2003 Books: {to be done}

2003 Best Short Fiction

2003 Catherine Asaro, "Walk in Silence" [Analog, Apr 2003]
Final Ballot, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Novella

2003 Kage Baker, "The Empress of Mars" [Asimov's, July 2003]
Final Ballot, Best Novella, 2003 SFWA Nebula Awards¨
Final Ballot, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Novella

2003 Kevin Brockmeier, "The Brief History of the Dead" [New Yorker, 8 Sep 2003]
Final Ballot, Best Short Story, 2003 SFWA Nebula Awards¨

2003 Michael Burstein, "Paying It Forward" [Analog, Sep 2003]
Final Ballot, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Short Story

2003 Harlan Ellison, "Goodbye to All That"
[Envisioning the Future: Science Fiction and the Next New Millenium, 2003;
McSweeney's Mammoth Treasury of Thrilling Tales, Apr 2003]
Final Ballot, Best Short Story, 2003 SFWA Nebula Awards¨

2003 Jeffrey Ford, "The Empire of Ice Cream" Ê [Sci Fiction, 26 Feb 2003]
Winner, Best Novelette, 2003 SFWA Nebula Awards¨
Final Ballot, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Novelette

2003 Neil Gaiman, "Coraline"
Winner, Best Novella. 2003 Nebula Award

2003 Neil Gaiman, "A Study in Emerald"
[Shadows Over Baker Street, Del Rey, 2003]
Winner, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Short Story [awarded 4 Sep 2004]

2003 Neil Gaiman and David McKean, "The Wolves in the Wall"
Winner, Best Short Fiction, British Science Fiction Award

2003 Joe Haldeman, "Four Short Novels" [Fantasy & Science Fiction, Nov 2003]
Final Ballot, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Short Story

2003 Glen Hirshberg, "Dancing Men"
Winner, Medium Fiction, International Horror Award

2003 Brian Hodge, "With Acknowledgments to Sun Tzu"
Winner, Short Fiction, International Horror Award

2003 James Patrick Kelly, "Bernardo's House" [Asimov's, June 2003]
Final Ballot, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Novelette

2003 Jay Lake, "Into the Gardens of Sweet Night"
[Writers of the Future XIX, Bridge Publications, 2003]
Final Ballot, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Novelette
[note: Jay Lake won the John W. Campbell Award for New Writer, 4 Sep 2004]

2003 David D. Levine, "The Tale of the Golden Eagle" [F&SF, June 2003]
Preliminary Ballot, Best Short Story, 2003 SFWA Nebula Awards¨
Final Ballot, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Short Story

2003 Robert Reed, "Hexagons" [Asimov's, July 2003]
Final Ballot, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Novelette

2003 Mike Resnick, "Robots Don't Cry" [Asimov's, July 2003]
Final Ballot, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Short Story

2003 Lucius Shepard, "Louisiana Breakdown"
Winner, Long Fiction, International Horror Award

2003 Charles Stross, "Nightfall" [Asimov's, Apr 2003]
Final Ballot, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Novelette

2003 Michael Swanwick, "Legions in Time" [Asimov's, Apr 2003]
Winner, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Novelette [awarded 4 Sep 2004]

2003 Walter Jon Williams, "The Green Leopard Plague" [Asimov's, Oct-Nov 2003]
Final Ballot, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Novella

2003 Connie Willis, "Just Like the Ones We Used to Know" [Asimov's Dec 2003]
Final Ballot, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Novella

2003 Vernor Vinge, "The Cookie Monster" [Analog, Oct 2003]
Winner, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Novella [awarded 4 Sep 2004]

2004 BOOKS

2004 Douglas Adams and Terry Gilliam: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy --
25th Anniversary Edition
[Crown Publishing Group, Aug 2004] annotated hardcover
Not just a repackaging, but almost scholarly fun with new annotations
and a strong introduction by film director Terry Gilliam of Monty
Python fame, plus 42 pages of new material. Why 42? If you don't
know, don't panic. But bring a towel.
Finalist: Borders "Best of 2004: Science Fiction & Fantasy"

2004 Max Barry: Jennifer Government: A Novel [Knopf, Jan 2004] Trade paperback
American supercorporations rule the world. This satirical adventure
follows Hack Nike (last names denote employer) in a series of deadly
shootings planned as a marketing ploy, with the eponymous Jennifer
Government trying to rescue him and the world.
Finalist: Borders "Best of 2004: Science Fiction & Fantasy"

2004 Marion Zimmer Bradley and Diana L. Paxon,
Marion Zimmer Bradley's Ancestors of Avalon: A Novel of Atlantis
and the Ancient British Isles
[Penguin USA, June 2004, hardcover]
Collaboration (posthumous for Bradley) in which "The Mists of Avalon"
as a Romano-Celtic Arthurian background seen from women's points of view,
is connected in a semi-prequel to Paxon's priestesses of Atlantis.
Finalist: Borders "Best of 2004: Science Fiction & Fantasy"

2004 Susanna Clarke: Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell: A Novel
[Bloomsbury Publishing Group, Sep 2004] hardcover
Ignore the intense PR hype: this really might be the Fantasy novel
of the year -- or the decade. Jane Austen meets Tolkien,
stylistically speaking, in precisely the era of Austin's novels, yet
in an alternate England where magic works, a magician rules the
North, and yet magic has not been seen for centuries as is dismissed
as archaic and extinct. A new powerful magician upsets the order.
Best-seller of deep literary merit. Certain to be a blockbuster movie.
Nominated, 2004 Booker Prize
Finalist: Borders "Best of 2004: Science Fiction & Fantasy"

2004 Stephen Donaldson: The Runes of Earth: Last Chronicles of
Thomas Covenant Series #1
[Penguin USA, Oct 2004] hardcover
Two decades ago the sprawling saga ended with tragedy, death, and a
slender victory. Now The Land has not been left behind, as Linden
Avery foretells a new round of saga, and the profit/Loss statements
back up the prediction with a huge ad budget.
Finalist: Borders "Best of 2004: Science Fiction & Fantasy"

2004 Sarah Douglass: The Nameless Day: Crucible Book 1 [Tor, 1 July 2004]
hardcover, 448 pages
After the Black Death killed a third of the people of Europe, the
Hundred Years War approaches a climax as both French and English
peasants revolt. But is there a dark supernatural pattern to this? Yes.
#9 of Amazon's 2004 "Top 10 Editors' Picks: Science Fiction & Fantasy"

2004 Steven Erikson: Gardens of the Moon: Malazan Book of the Fallen,
Malazan Book of the Fallen Ser
[Tom Doherty Associates LLC, June 2004] hardcover
For the first of a projected Dekology (10-book series) first-time
novelist Steven Erikson introduces the vast Malazan Empire, on the
borderline between realistic and fantastic, under growing external
and internal pressure to change. Is Erikson the new Robert Jordan?
Finalist: Borders "Best of 2004: Science Fiction & Fantasy"

2004 Minister Faust: The Coyote Kings of the Space-Age Bachelor Pad
[Del Rey, 3 Aug 2004] paperback, 544 pages
Bizarre and funny novel mixes, in alphabetical order: Black Culture, Canada,
Cannibals, Comic Books, Drugs, Magic, Mythology, Organic Food,
and Television.
#10 of Amazon's 2004 "Top 10 Editors' Picks: Science Fiction & Fantasy"

2004 William Gibson: Pattern Recognition, [Putnam, Feb 2003;
Penguin USA, Feb 2004, Trade Paperback]
Technically a mainstream novel as it is set entirely in the present,
yet on this list because of both Gibson's leading role in the
Cyberpunk movement and the utterly science fictional atmosphere.
The future has become now.
Finalist: Borders "Best of 2004: Science Fiction & Fantasy"
see 2004 BOOKS for awards and nominations for 2003 first edition

2004 Eileen Gunn: Stable Strategies And Others [Tachyon Publications,
28 Aug 2004] paperback, 206 pages
Splendid, thoughtful, and deftly written stories by Eileen Gunn,
who writes slowly, but crafts a gem every time. The collection ends
with a collaboration "Green Fire" in which Isaac Asimov and Robert
Heinlein have unexpected careers in alternate histories.
#4 of Amazon's 2004 "Top 10 Editors' Picks: Science Fiction & Fantasy"

2004 Theodore Judson: Fitzpatrick's War [Penguin USA, Aug 2004] hardcover
Debut novel set centuries hence after civilization was destroyed by
biowar. A neo-steampunk Yukon Confederacy is deconstructed in this
putative re-edited memoir of military genius Isaac Prophet Fitzpatrick by his
fighting companion, ostensibly 50 years after the first edition of
the memoir. "The Postman" meets "Pale Fire."
Finalist: Borders "Best of 2004: Science Fiction & Fantasy"

2004 Greg Keyes: The Charnel Prince (The Kingdom of Thorn and Bone, Book 2)
[Del Rey, 17 Aug 2004] hardcover, 528 pages
Sequel to The Briar King, with the eponymous hero awake and the land
of Crotheny torn by mythical creatures, with a king and princesses
betrayed and killed.
#2 of Amazon's 2004 "Top 10 Editors' Picks: Science Fiction & Fantasy"

2004 Stephen King: The Dark Tower (The Dark Tower, Book 7)
[Donald M. Grant/Scribner, 21 Sep 2004] hardcover, 864 pages
Illustrated by Michael Whelan, this amazing novel ties up plot
threads that weave into roughly half of ALL Stephen King novels,
establishing King as the King of Hypernovels.
Winner: #1 of Amazon's 2004 "Top 10 Editors' Picks: Science Fiction & Fantasy"

2004 George Lucas: Star Wars Trilogy [Ballantine, Aug 2004] trade paperback
Three novelizations in an omnibus edition. Featuring a new
introduction by George Lucas, this gives new ammunition to both
sides in the debate over whether this is the greatest 20th century
archetypal saga of a Science Fiction cosmos, or the franchise that
set Science Fiction backwards by 50 years.
Finalist: Borders "Best of 2004: Science Fiction & Fantasy"

2004 Patricia McKillip: Alphabet of Thorn [Ace, 3 Feb 2004] Hardcover 1st
Edition, 320 pages
One of the best fantasy writers in a century of American fiction,
Patricia McKillip proves once again why she deserved her multiple
World Fantasy Awards and Mythopoeic Awards. Remarkable novel.
#6 of Amazon's 2004 "Top 10 Editors' Picks: Science Fiction & Fantasy"

2004 Sarah Micklem: Firethorn: A Novel [Simon & Schuster, June 2004, hardcover]
Promising first Fantasy novel about female servant with supernatural
powers who defies caste-like social convention because of her love for a
nobleman. Romantic, with detailed subcreation.
Finalist: Borders "Best of 2004: Science Fiction & Fantasy"
#7 of Amazon's 2004 "Top 10 Editors' Picks: Science Fiction & Fantasy"

2004 Larry Niven: Ringworld's Children [Tom Doherty Associates LLC, June 2004] hardcover
For the first time in a decade, Niven returns to his tales of
Ringworld, the astonishing setting for Hugo and Nebula winning
novels. War might destroy the biodiverse Ringworld, an alien
construction with 3,000,000 times the land area of Earth. The only
hope comes from a new generation, and the human adventurer Louis Wu,
restored to action. Hard SF that can't be beat.
Finalist: Borders "Best of 2004: Science Fiction & Fantasy"

2004 Nick Sagan: Idlewild [Penguin USA, July 2004] trade paperback
In a Virtual Reality equivalent of Caltech, techno-elite students are
immersed in VR 24/7. Protagonist Gabriel Kennedy Hall awakens with
amnesia, and walks a fine line between Cyberpunk and Thriller.
Promising debut novel by Nick Sagan.
Finalist: Borders "Best of 2004: Science Fiction & Fantasy"

2004 Ian Stewart and Jack Cohen: Heaven [Aspect, 11 May 2004] hardcover, 352 pages
Mathematician and Biologist collaborate in this dense and fascinating
future tale of interstellar Neanderthals in exotic settings such as
the planet No-Moon, interacting with intricately designed aliens such
as the aquatic Second-Best Sailor. Irrestible to people such as Your
Humble Webmaster, who is a published Mathematical Biologist, but
don't let that spoil your fun -- this is a wonderful book even if
you are scientifically illiterate and just dig action with weird
characters in original settings.
#5 of Amazon's 2004 "Top 10 Editors' Picks: Science Fiction & Fantasy"

2004 Harry Turtledove and Noreen Doyle, eds.: First Heroes: New Tales of the
Bronze Age
[Tor, 1 June 2004] hardcover 1st edition, 368 pages
14 stirring and tragic tales from the period of Gilgamesh and
Odysseus. All original, all Fantasy, almost all excellent.
#3 of Amazon's 2004 "Top 10 Editors' Picks: Science Fiction & Fantasy"

2004 Tad Williams: Shadowmarch [Daw, 2 Nov 2004] hardcover, 656 pages
High Fantasy for the first time in a decade from New York Times
bestselling author Tad Williams. The first book of a strong trilogy.
#8 of Amazon's 2004 "Top 10 Editors' Picks: Science Fiction & Fantasy"

Other contenders, in alphabetical order month by month:

2004 Steve Aylett: Karloff's Circus [Orion/Gollancz, Jan 2004] trade paperback
2004 Ben Bova: Tales of the Grand Tour [Tor, Jan 2004] hardcover story collection
2004 Trudi Canavan: The Magicians' Guild [HarperCollins/Eos, Jan 2004] 1st US Edition
2004 Arthur C. Clarke & Stephen Baxter: Time's Eye
[Ballantine Del Rey, Jan 2004] hardcover
2004 David Gerrold: Blood and Fire [BenBella Books, Jan 2004] trade paperback
2004 Robert A. Heinlein: For Us, the Living [Scribner, Jan 2004] hardcover
eagerly awaited first novel, never before published
2004 Robert Jordan: New Spring [Time Warner UK/Orbit, Jan 2004] hardcover
[Tor, Jan 2004] hardcover
2004 Dean Koontz: Odd Thomas [HarperCollins UK, Jan 2004] hardcover
[Bantam, Jan 2004] hardcover
2004 Sophie Masson: Dame Ragnel [Hodder Silver, Jan 2004]
Young Adult novel, trade paperback
2004 Julian May: Conqueror's Moon [Ace, Jan 2004] hardcover, 1st US edition
2004 Wil McCarthy: Lost in Transmission [Bantam Spectra, Jan 2004]
2004 Patrick Nielsen Hayden, editor: New Magics [Tor Teen, Jan 2004]
Anthology, hardcover
2004 Garth Nix: The Keys to the Kingdom, Book 2: Grim Tuesday
[Scholastic, Jan 2004] Young Adult novel, trade paperback
2004 Kim Stanley Robinson: Forty Signs of Rain [HarperCollins UK, Jan 2004] hardcover
2004 Robert Silverberg, editor: Legends II Ballantine Del Rey, Jan 2004]
1st US edition, Anthology, hardcover
2004 Sheree R. Thomas, editor: Dark Matter: Reading the Bones
[Warner Aspect, Jan 2004] hardcover
2004 Sean Williams & Shane Dix: Heirs of Earth [Ace, Jan 2004]
2004 Gene Wolfe: The Knight [Tor, Jan 2004] hardcover
2004 Sarah Zettel: The Firebird's Vengeance
[HarperCollins/Voyager, Jan 2004] hardcover and trade paperback

2004 Kelley Armstrong: Dime Store Magic [Time Warner UK/Orbit, Feb 2004]
2004 Catherine Asaro: The Charmed Sphere [Harlequin/Luna, Feb 2004] trade paperback
2004 Stephen Baxter: Hunters of Pangaea [NESFA Press, Feb 2004]
story collection, hardcover
2004 Ben Bova: The Silent War [Hodder & Stoughton, Feb 2004] hardcover
2004 John Brosnan: Mothership [Orion/Gollancz, Feb 2004] hardcover/trade paperback
2004 C. J. Cherryh: The Collected Short Fiction of C. J. Cherryh
[DAW, Feb 2004] story collection, hardcover
2004 Steve Cockayne: The Seagull Drovers
[Time Warner UK/Orbit, Feb 2004] trade paperback
2004 John M. Ford: Heat of Fusion and Other Stories
[Tor, Feb 2004] story collection, hardcover
2004 Andrew M. Greeley, editor: Emerald Magic: Great Tales of Irish Fantasy
[Tor, Feb 2004] anthology, hardcover
2004 Thomas Harlan: House of Reeds [Tor, Feb 2004] hardcover
2004 Elizabeth Haydon: Elegy for a Lost Star [Tor, Feb 2004] hardcover
2004 Robin Hobb: Fool's Fate [Bantam Spectra, Feb 2004]
1st US edition, hardcover
2004 Robert Holdstock: Iron Grail [Tor, Feb 2004] 1st US edition, hardcover
2004 Katharine Kerr: Silver Wyrm [HarperCollins/Voyager, Feb 2004] hardcover/trade paperback
2004 Ken MacLeod: Newton's Wake [Time Warner UK/Orbit, Feb 2004] hardcover
2004 Barry Malzberg & Bill Pronzini: On Account of Darkness and Other Stories
[Gale Group/Five Star, Feb 2004] story collection, hardcover
2004 George R. R. Martin: A Feast for Crows
[HarperCollins/Voyager, Feb 2004] hardcover/trade paperback
2004 Paul McAuley: White Devils [Tor, Feb 2004] hardcover
2004 Patricia A. McKillip: Alphabet of Thorn [Ace, Feb 2004] hardcover
2004 Paul Park: No Traveller Returns [PS Publishing, Feb 2004] hardcover
2004 Victoria Strauss: The Burning Land [HarperCollins/Eos, Feb 2004] hardcover
2004 Michael Swanwick: A Field Guide to the Mesozoic Megafauna &
Five British Dinosaurs
[Tachyon Publications, Feb 2004]
story collection, trade paperback
2004 Michael Swanwick: The Periodic Table of Science Fiction
[PS Publishing, Feb 2004] story collection, hardcover
2004 Freda Warrington: A Dance in Blood Velvet
[Meisha Merlin, Feb 2004] trade paperback, 1st US edition

2004 K. J. Anderson: Mr. Wells and the Martians [Pocket, Mar 2004] hardcover
2004 Neal Asher: The Cowl [Macmillan/Tor UK, Mar 2004] trade paperback)
2004 Gregory Benford: Beyond Infinity [Time Warner UK/Orbit, Mar 2004]
2004 Gregory Benford: Beyond Infinity [Warner Aspect, Mar 2004]
1st US edition, hardcover)
2004 Mark Chadbourn: Queen of Sinister [Orion/Gollancz, Mar 2004]
hardcover/trade paperback)
2004 Lindsay Clarke: The War at Troy [HarperCollins/Voyager,Mar 2004] hardcover
2004 Paul Di Filippo: Neutrino Drag [Four Walls Eight Windows, Mar 2004]
story collection, trade paperback)
2004 Cory Doctorow: Eastern Standard Tribe [Tor, Mar 2004] hardcover)
2004 Mary Gentle: Cartomancy [Orion/Gollancz, Mar 2004] trade paperback)
2004 Peter F. Hamilton: Pandora's Star [Ballantine Del Rey, Mar 2004]
hardcover, 1st US edition
2004 Anne Harris: Inventing Memory [Tor, Mar 2004] hardcover)
2004 Guy Gavriel Kay: The Last Light of the Sun [Penguin/Roc, Mar 2004] hardcover)
2004 Lois Lowry: Messenger [Houghton Mifflin/Lorraine, Mar 2004]
Young Adult novel, hardcover
2004 Laurie J. Marks: Earth Logic [Tor, Mar 2004] hardcover)
2004 Vonda McIntyre, editor: Nebula Awards Showcase 2004
[Penguin/Roc, Mar 2004] anthology, trade paperback
2004 Sean McMullen: Glass Dragons [Tor, Mar 2004] hardcover/trade paperback
2004 Richard Morgan: Market Forces [Orion/Gollancz, Mar 2004] trade paperback)
2004 Richard K. Morgan: Broken Angels [Ballantine Del Rey, Mar 2004]
1st UD edition, trade paperback)
2004 Lucius Shepard: Two Trains Running [Golden Gryphon Press, Mar 2004]
story collection, hardcover)
2004 Sharon Shinn: Angel-Seeker [Ace, Mar 2004] hardcover)
2004 Brian Stableford: Designer Genes and Other Stories
[Gale Group/Five Star, Mar 2004] story collection, hardcover)
2004 Karen Traviss: City of Pearl [HarperCollins/Eos, Mar 2004]
2004 Harry Turtledove: Out of the Darkness [Tor, Mar 2004] hardcover)
2004 Lisa Tuttle: My Death [PS Publishing, Mar 2004] hardcover)
2004 Sarah Zettel: In Camelot's Shadow [Harlequin/Luna, Mar 2004]
trade paperback)

2004 Forrest Aguirre, editor: Leviathan, Volume Four: Cities
[Night Shade Books/Ministry of Whimsy Press, April 2004]
anthology, trade paperback
2004 Neal Asher: The Skinner [Tor, April 2004] 1st US edition, hardcover
2004 Patricia Bray: Devlin's Justice [Bantam Spectra, April 2004]
2004 Steven Brust: Sethra Lavode [Tor, April 2004] hardcover
2004 Leah R. Cutter: The Caves of Buda [Penguin/Roc, April 2004]
2004 Raymond E. Feist: King of Foxes [HarperCollins/Eos, April 2004]
1st US edition, hardcover
2004 David Gemmell: Swords of Night and Day [Ballantine Del Rey, April 2004] hardcover)
[Transworld/Bantam UK, April 2004] hardcover
2004 Howard V. Hendrix: The Labyrinth Key [Ballantine Del Rey, April 2004] trade paperback)
2004 Tanya Huff: Smoke and Shadows [DAW, April 2004] hardcover
2004 Paul Kearney: The Sea Beggars [Transworld/Bantam UK, April 2004] hardcover
2004 Joe R. Lansdale: Bumper Crop [Golden Gryphon Press, April 2004] story collection, hardcover)
2004 Maxine McArthur: Less Than Human [Warner Aspect, April 2004]
2004 Paul McAuley: Little Machines [PS Publishing, April 2004]
story collection, hardcover
2004 China MiŽville: The Iron Council [Macmillan UK, April 2004] hardcover
2004 Rudy Rucker: Frek and the Elixir [Tor, April 2004] hardcover
2004 Neal Stephenson: The Confusion [HarperCollins/Morrow,
April 2004] 1st US edition, hardcover
2004 Neal Stephenson: The Confusion [Heinemann, April 2004] hardcover
2004 Caroline Stevermer: Scholar of Magics [Tor, April 2004] hardcover

2004 Sarah Ash: Prisoner of the Ironsea Tower
[Transworld/Bantam UK, May 2004] trade paperback
2004 Greg Bear: Deadlines [HarperCollins UK, May 2004] hardcover/trade paperback
2004 Ben Bova: The Silent War [Tor, May 2004] hardcover
2004 Julie E. Czerneda: Survival [DAW, May 2004] hardcover
2004 Tony Daniel: Superluminal [HarperCollins/Eos, May 2004] hardcover
2004 Bill Fawcett, editor: Masters of Fantasy [Baen, May 2004]
anthology, hardcover
2004 Amanda Hemingway: The Cup of Blood [HarperCollins/Voyager, May 2004]
trade paperback)
2004 Tanith Lee: Cast a Bright Shadow [Macmillan/Tor UK, May 2004] trade paperback)
2004 Jane Lindskold: The Buried Pyramid [Tor, May 2004] hardcover)
2004 Louise Marley: The Child Goddess [Ace, May 2004] hardcover
2004 Bruce Sterling: The Zenith Angle [Ballantine Del Rey, May 2004] hardcover)
2004 Charles Stross: The Atrocity Archives [Golden Gryphon Press, May 2004] story collection, hardcover)
2004 Peter Watts: Behemoth [Tor, May 2004] hardcover
2004 Leslie What: Olympic Games [Tachyon Publications, May 2004] trade paperback)
2004 Chris Wooding: The Skein of Lament [Orion/Gollancz, May 2004]
hardcover/trade paperback Ê

2004 Ashok K. Banker: Siege of Mithila [Warner Aspect, June 2004]
hardcover, 1st US edition
2004 Paul Brandon: The Wild Reel [Tor, June 2004] hardcover)
2004 C. J. Cherryh: Forge of Heaven [HarperCollins/Eos, June 2004] hardcover)
2004 Andy Duncan & F. Brett Cox, editors:
Crossroads: Southern Stories of the Fantastic
[Tor, June 2004] anth, hardcover)
2004 Steven Erikson: Gardens of the Moon [Tor, June 2004] hardcover
1st US edition
2004 David G. Hartwell & Kathryn Cramer, editors: Year's Best SF 9
[HarperCollins/Eos, June 2004] anthology
2004 Tom Holt: In Your Dreams [Time Warner UK/Orbit, June 2004] hardcover
2004 Gwyneth Jones: Band of Gypsies [Orion/Gollancz, June 2004]
hardcover/trade paperback)
2004 Dean Koontz: The Taking [Bantam, June 2004] hardcover)
2004 Pat Lupoff & Dick Lupoff, editors: Best of Xero
[Tachyon Publications, June 2004] non-fiction, trade paperback
2004 Ian R. MacLeod: Breathmoss and Other Exhalations
[Golden Gryphon Press, June 2004] story collection, hardcover)
2004 George R. R. Martin: A Feast for Crows [Bantam Spectra, June 2004]
1st US edition, hardcover
2004 Lyda Morehouse: Apocalypse Array [Penguin/Roc, June 2004]
2004 Larry Niven: Ringworld's Children [Time Warner UK/Orbit, June 2004] hardcover)
2004 Alastair Reynolds: Absolution Gap [Ace, June 2004]
1st US edition, hardcover
2004 Kim Stanley Robinson: Forty Signs of Rain [Bantam, June 2004]
1st US edition, hardcover
2004 Al Sarrantonio, editor: Flights: Extreme Visions of Fantasy
[Penguin/Roc, June 2004] anth, hardcover)
2004 Jeff VanderMeer: Secret Life [Golden Gryphon Press, June 2004]
story collection, hardcover)
2004 Gene Wolfe: Innocents Abroad [Tor, June 2004] story collection, hardcover

July-December 2004 {to be done}

2005 Ê{to be done}

2006 Ê{to be done}

2007 Ê{to be done}

2008 Ê{to be done}

2009 Ê{to be done}

2010 Ê{to be done}

Major Films of this Decade 2000-2010

1999 Galaxy Quest [DreamWorks SKG], Director: Dean Parisot;
screenplay by David Howard and Robert Gordon; story by David Howard;
Winner, 2000 Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation

Films of 2000
Films of 2001
Films of 2002
Films of 2003
Films of 2004
Films of 2005
Films of 2006
Films of 2007
Films of 2008 {to be done}
Films of 2009 {to be done}
Films of 2010 {to be done}

2000 Films:

2000 Alien: Resurrection

2000 Aquarius

2000 Astronomy of Errors; [comedy] 84-minutes;

2000 Attack of the Giant Moussaka

2000 The Battle of Little Roger Mead;
9-minute short; [musical/comedy/sci-fi]

2000 Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000
adapted from the novel by L. Ron Hubbard;
Director: Roger Christian;
Starring: John Travolta; Barry Pepper; Forest Whitaker; Tim Post
ALIENS: list of 400+ movies/TV movies with Aliens, last updated 26 May 2003

2000 Blood Drinkers

2000 Blood Red Planet

2000 Blue Matrix; hardcore sex sci-fi

2000 Blue Planet [animated]

2000 Carapaces; French 7-minute short, adapted from comic

2000 The Cell; R-rated [violence/sex/nudity/language]
USA/Gemany production; stylish psychiatric thriller/science fiction;
Director: Tarsem Singh;
Screenplay: Mark Protosevich;
Jennifer Lopez as Catherine Deane;
Vincent D'Onofrio as Carl Rudolph Stargher

2000 The Convent [Horror] [R-rated]

2000 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Winner, 2001 Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation

2000 Dog Days; 24-minute; bleak post-apocalypse

2000 Donggam [Asian title; also known as "Ditto"]

2000 Dude, Where's My Car? [comedy]
Starring: Ashton Kutcher [first major film role since
TV series "That 70's Shoe"]

2000 Dune; television mini-series; 3 90-minute episodes;
also known as Frank Herbert's Dune;
writer/director John Harrison;
William Hurt as Duke Leto Atreides;
US/Canada/Germany/Italy/Czech Republic production

2000 Exit; French; 110 minutes; Crime/Sci-Fi

2000 Explodium; 3-minute Canadian comedy [animation]

2000 Fade; Spanish, 22-minute short

2000 Foiled [Britain] [comedy]
Director: Henry Burrows;
Adatpted from Play by Henry Burrows;

2000 Freeware [animation] 7 minutes;
Writer/Director: Alex Orrelle

2000 Frequency;
TIME TRAVEL: Annotated link-list of 120
movies, television movies, and videogames about time travel,
last updated 29 July 2003

2000 Furia; France; 90 minutes;
Writer/Director: Alexandre Aja

2000 Guardian; Crime/Sci-Fi/Thriller; 89 minutes;
Writer/Director: John Terlesky
Plot: drug called "Chaos" must be stopped by LAPD

2000 Happy Accidents; Comedy/Romance/Sci-Fi;
Writer/Director: Sam Anderson;
Marisa Tomei as Ruby Weaver;
Vincent D'Onofrio as Sam Deed

2000 The Hayflick Limit; Denmark; 9 minutes;
Writer/Director: Ulrik Horten

2000 Heavy Metal 2000; animated; 88-minutes; Canada/USA/Germany;

2000 Highlander: Endgame; 4th in series; 87 minutes;
Adrian Paul as Dncan MacLeod;
Christopher Lambert as Connor MacLeod

2000 Hollow Man; [Rated R]; 112 Minutes;
Director: Paul Verhoeven
Sub-Genre: {visibility {hotlink to be done}
Elisabeth Shue;
Kevin Bacon;
Josh Brolin;

2000 I. K. U.; [Rated X] [Japan; Japanese/English language]
Sex Robot

2000 Intolerance

2000 Last Summer; TV Movie; 52-minutes;
Candian end-of-the-world feature;
adapted from story by P. K. Page;
Director: Anna Tchernakova

2000 The Lift; 16-minute short science fiction;
sardonic take on Afterlife as part of corporate globalism;
Writer/Director Jason Allen

2000 L.I.N.X.
Writer/Director: Bryan Bagby
90 Minutes;
Time Travel {hotlink to be done}

2000 Last Stand

2000 Lava
Germany; Crime/Comedy/Sci-Fi; 83 Minutes

2000 Lensman: Power of the Lens [anime]

2000 The Limited; 12 minute short; quirky look at Afterlife;
writer/director Katherine Makinney

2000 Mars and Beyond; allegedly a comedy;
Writer/Director: Herbert Wright;
Edward Asner;
Majel Barrett

2000 Men in Black Alien Attack [Universal Studios (Florida)
Theme Park Ride]

2000 Millennium's End: The Fandom Menace [parody]

2000 Mission to Mars;
Director: Brian De Palma;
113 Minutes; rescue mission by 2nd manned Mars mission;
Gary Sinise;
Tim Robbins;
Don Cheadle;
Connie Nielsen;
Jerry O'Connell;
Peter Outerbridge;

2000 Moloch [animation] Czech Republic

2000 Mr. Plimpton [short Mystery/Sci-Fi]
Writer/Director: Savvas Paritsis

2000 Memoire Morte [France; short Sci-Fi/Thriller]
Writer/Director: Jean-Jacques Dumonceau

2000 Narcosys [Australia] [Action/Sci-Fi/Thriller]
85 Minutes

2000 Nico & Parker [Uruguay; Spanish language; short]

2000 Nightfall; also known as "Isaac Asimov's Nightfall"
Adapted from Isaac Asimov story by John William Corrington;
Director: Gwyneth Gibby;
82 Minutes;
on a planet in a multiple-star system, where night falls only once in
a thousand years; civilization nears self-destruction

2000 Nomina Domine [Switzerland; German language]
22 minutes; technophobic Horror

2000 Nostradamus [USA/Canada]
88 Minutes; cops versus medieval cult with real magic

2000 Odd Noggins [Horror/Comedy]

2000 Oregon
short; 12 Minutes;
cigarette smoking is capital crime in hyper-conformist dystopia

2000 Pitch Black [Horror/Sci-Fi]
Nasty deadly aliens come out at night in ringed
multi-sun planet; astronomy is all wrong;
Director: David Twohy;
Vin Diesel
ALIENS: list of 400+ movies/TV movies with Aliens, last updated 26 May 2003

2000 Plunge [22-minute short; black and white]

2000 Possible Worlds [Canada; English language]
Mystery/Science Fiction; 93 minutes;
Writer/Director: Robert Lepage;
one man in several alternate worlds and alternate lives

2000 Radius [short; 33 Minutes]

2000 Re-Minding [short] [Switzerland; German language]
Writer/Director: Simon Spiegel;
drug distorts memories

2000 Red Planet
Director: Anthony Hoffman;
Screenplay: Check Pfarrer, Jonathan Lemkin;
106 Minutes;
Val Kilmer;
Carrie-Ann Moss;
Benjamin Bratt;
Tom Sizemore;
Simon Baker;
Terence Stamp;

2000 Revolution [animated short; 9 minutes; musical/comedy/sci-fi]
Writer/Director: Manuel Otero

2000 Robot Love [comedy/sci-fi short]

2000 Roy [Canadian] [11-minute short] surrealistic

2000 Seven Storeys [Canada] [Hospital Horror] [25 Minutes]
Writer/Director: Boris Ivanov

2000 The Six-Minute Time Slacker [comedy/sci-fi] [6 Minutes]

2000 Software [short; comedy/sci-fi]
Writer/Director: Scott Billups;
Adapted from Rudy Rucker novel;

2000 Space Cowboys
Director: Clint Eastwood;
Screenply: Ken Kaufman & Howard Klausner;
Too-old ex-astronaut trainees needed to stop
military satellite catastrophe; celever and funny;
good space sequences;
130 Minutes;
Clint Eastwood;
Tommy Lee Jones;
Donald Sutherland;
James Garner;
Jamew Cromwell;
Marcia Gay Harden;
William DeVane;

2000 Spiders [Rated R]

2000 Split
Writer/Director: Chaim Bianco

2000 Starforce [Rated R: violence] [93 minutes]
soldier, ex-con babe, commandos, savage planet

2000 Static
Writer/Director: Paul Giorgi Sam Grossman;

2000 Submitted For Your Approval; 32-minute short;
Writer/Director: Paul Giorgi

2000 Supernova [Rated PG; 90 minutes]
Directors: Walter Hill, Francis Ford Coppola;
all hell breaks loose in medical spaceship rescue gone awry;
James Spader;
Angela Bassett;
Robert Forster;
Lou Diamond Phillips;

2000 Sync [Mystery/Thriller/Sci-Fi]
Writer/Director: Aaron Michael Lacey;
135 minutes;
Clones [hotlink to be done}

2000 They Nest; also known as "Creepy Crawlers" [made for TV]

2000 This Guy is Falling [comedy short; 12 minutes]
Writer/Director: Michael Horowitz
winner of an Aspen Sundance Award

2000 Time With Nyenne [British] [Short]
Writer/Director: Olivier Beguin;

2000 Titan A.E. [animated] [Don Bluth]
beautiful to watch, visually speaking;
94 Minutes;
Starring [voices]:
Drew Barrymore;
Jim Breuer;
Ken Hudson Campbell;

2000 Today's Life [short; 13 minutes]
Writer/Director: Noah Kadner;
astronaut in interstellar isolation broods on past, lost love;

2000 Tracker [Crime/Ghost/Romance/Sci-Fi] [Short]
Writer/Director: James Soward;

2000 Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust [animation] [Horror/Sci-Fi]
[Japan/Hong Kong/USA]
103 Minutes

2000 Waiting for the Giants
Writer/Director: Phillip Lacey
88 Minutes

2000 What Planet Are You From? [comedy]
[Rated R: sex and language]
104 Minutes;
Director: Mike Nichols;
Screenplay: Gary Shandling & Michael Leeson;
Gary Shandling;
Annette Bening;
John Goodman;
Linda Fiorentino;

2000 What Where [short] [Ireland]
Director: Damien O'Donnell;
Adapted from Samuel Beckett;
future library, surviving humans harass each other grotesquely
in this literary metaphysical creepy short;

2000 Wild Zero [Japan]
98 Minutes

2000 X Change [Canada]
Director: Allan Moyle;
Screenplay: Christopher Pelham;
future transportation is by exchanging bodies;
this goes awry when terrorists steal protagonist's body;
110 Minutes;
Stephen Baldwin;
Kyle MacLachlan

2000 X-Men [Rated PG]
hit adaptation of Marvel comics series;
Director: Brian Singer;
Hugh Jackman;
Patrick Stewart;
Ian McKellan;
Halle Berry;
104 Minutes;

2000 The 6th Day

2000 [Hong Kong]

2001 Films:

2001 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring,
Winner, 2002 Nebula Award for Best Script
Fran Walsh, Philippa Boyens, & Peter Jackson [New Line Cinema];
based on the novel by J. R. R. Tolkien

2001 "2002"

2001 24/24

2001 Acceptable Risk

2001 Advanced Warriors

2001 Adventures of O-Girl Trapped in Time [direct to video]

2001 Aki's Dream [direct to video]

2001 Aliens Vs. Predator
ALIENS: list of 400+ movies/TV movies with Aliens, last updated 26 May 2003

2001 Aliens: Colonial Marines

2001 The American Astronaut

2001 Anachronix

2001 Another Day

2001 Anti Trust

2001 Aquarios

2001 Area 52

2001 Arret d'urgence

2001 Artificial Intelligence: AI

2001 Asian Sex Super Spy [direct to video]

2001 Atlantis: The Lost Empire [animated]

2001 Avalon

2001 Avatars

2001 Beat the Blue

2001 Beer Money [Made for TV]

2001 Betaville

2001 Beyond the Lost World: Alien Conspiracy
ALIENS: list of 400+ movies/TV movies with Aliens, last updated 26 May 2003

2001 Biohazardous

2001 Black Mask 2: City of Masks

2001 Black Noise

2001 Bodyjackers

2001 The Braindead

2001 The Breed

2001 The Brothers Grimm

2001 Caravan

2001 Chained Rage: Slave to Love [direct to video]

2001 Cheonsamong [also known as "Dream of a Warrior"]

2001 Command & Conquer: Yuri's Revenge [videogame]

2001 Commander Keen

2001 Conspiracy Guy: Beyond the Coat [Made for TV]

2001 Cowboy Bebop: Lnockin' on Heaven's Door [anime]

2001 Crime Cities

2001 Dakota Bound

2001 Date With a Vampire [direct to video]

2001 The Day the World Ended

2001 Deep Freeze [also known as "Ice Crawlers"]

2001 Deuces

2001 Diagnosis

2001 Donnie Darko
TIME TRAVEL: Annotated link-list of 120
movies, television movies, and videogames about time travel,
last updated 29 July 2003
The disturbed (schizophrenic?) medicated Junior High School
teenager Donnie Darko, during the 1988 Presidential Election,
sleepwalks out of his Middlesex, Iowa, home one night. He is
confronted by a huge rabbit-demon named Frank who warns him that the
world will end "in 28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes, and 12 seconds."
The next morning, as he heads home, he is shocked to find that a jet
plane's turbine engine has crashed through his roof and bedroom. His
vaguely dysfunctional family, and more totally dysfunctional school
are no help to his attempts to figure out why he survived, and how to
save the world.
The creepy bunny becomes his guru, leading him to subversive and
destructive acts that escalate from overcoming the school bully, a
knee-jerk conservative Health Ed teacher, and a smarmy self-help
lecturer (Patrick Swayze as the cultish head Jim Cunningham of the
"Controlling Fear" seminars, which have entranced many in the town),
to vandalism, career-destruction, flooding the school, and arson
against a sexually perverted writer. That writer is the epitome of
specialization -- Donnie Darko insists that things are not so
simple -- one must recognize the entire spectrum of human emotions.
The subtle plot eventually discloses that Donnie Darko did
actually die in "our" universe, and he's in a strange parallel
alternate reality. He is faced with an ultimate choice: save the
world by sacrificing himself, or save himself in the tangent world by
dooming his home universe. The ending resolves as weird a set of
paradoxes as have ever been paradoctored.
Donnie Darko is directed by Richard Kelly, and well-acted by Jake
Gyllenhaal as the title character
Hip, clever, ironic, and unique. Cool sound track, too.

2001 Earth vs. the Spider

2001 Ecks vs. Sever

2001 El

2001 Emmanuelle 2000

2001 Emperor: Battle for Dune [videogame]

2001 En mi tumba

2001 Enterprise: Broken Bow [made for TV]

2001 Euphoria [direct to video]

2001 Ever Since the World Ended

2001 The Evil Awakens

2001 Evolution
Starring: David Duchovney
ALIENS: list of 400+ movies/TV movies with Aliens, last updated 26 May 2003

2001 f8

2001 Fear Effect 2: Retro Helix [videogame]

2001 Final

2001 Final Fantasy: Chronicles [videogame]

2001 Final Fantasy X [videogame]

2001 Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within [computer animated]

2001 The Final True [direct to video]

2001 Flesh + Steel: the Making of "RoboCop" [direct to video]

2001 G Spots?

2001 Galactea (A conquista da via lactea)

2001 Gauntlet Dark Legacy [videogame]

2001 Ghost Reader

2001 Ghosts of Mars [also known as John Carpenter's Ghosts of Mars]

2001 Godzilla 2001

2001 Gojira, Mosura, Kingu Gidora

2001 El Gran Marciano

2001 The Greatest Intergalactic Hero

2001 Die Grune Wolk

2001 Gundam Neo Experience 0087: Green Divers [anime]

2001 Half-Life: Blue Shift [videogame]

2001 Halo: Combat Evolved [videogame]

2001 Happiness is a Warm Gun

2001 Heavy Metal: Geomatrix [videogame]

2001 Hey, Happy!

2001 Holocausto Cannabis [direct to video]

2001 Horrorvision

2001 Horses on Mars

2001 How I Saved the World

2001 How to Make a Monster

2001 I/O Error

2001 Ice Planet

2001 Imagining Total Recall [direct to video]

2001 The Infinite Worlds of H. G. Wells

2001 Intolerance II: The Invasion

2001 Jan Tenner: Artefakt der Macht [videogame]

2001 Jason X

2001 Jetblast

2001 Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius [computer animated]

2001 Jurassic Park III

2001 K-PAX
ALIENS: list of 400+ movies/TV movies with Aliens, last updated 26 May 2003

2001 Kosmonaut

2001 The Krone Experiment

2001 Kuen sun

2001 Kurzzeithelden

2001 Laura Crotch: Tomb Raider [parody]

2001 Lipgloss Explosion!

2001 Little Ricky

2001 Making of "Planet of the Apes" [made for TV]

2001 The Man with No Eyes

2001 Mech Warror 4: Black Knight Expansion [videogame]

2001 Metal

2001 Metropolis [anime]

2001 Micro-Gerbil

2001 Mimic 2

2001 Mind Meld: Secrets Beyond the Voyage of a Lifetime [direct to video]

2001 Mindstorm

2001 MOB 2025

2001 The Moon Project [videogame]

2001 Mujeres en un tren [also known as Women in a Train]

2001 Mutant Aliens

2001 Mutation 2: Generation Dead

2001 Never Die Twice

2001 New Detroit

2001 The New Woman

2001 N02

2001 El Numero

2001 Odyssee

2001 On the Edge [made for TV]

2001 The One

2001 Ortel

2001 Other Voices: Creating "The Terminator" [direct to video]

2001 Paipe

2001 Un Perro llamada Dolor [also known as "A Dog Called Pain"]

2001 The Pharoah Project

2001 Planet der Kannibalen

2001 Planet of the Apes [remake]

2001 Planet of the Apes [videogame]

2001 Planet of the Apes: Rule the Planet [Made for TV]

2001 The Prisoner [direct to video]

2001 Puni puni poemi [made for TV]

2001 Raptor [direct to video]

2001 Read or Die [direct to video]

2001 ReBoot: Daemon Rising [made for TV]

2001 Recoil

2001 The Remnant

2001 Replicant

2001 Return to Catle Wolfenstein [videogame]

2001 Rocketman X6 [videogame]

2001 Santa Cristal

2001 Santo: Infratesrrestre

2001 Saturday Night Fear

2001 Savage Season

2001 Scary Movie 2 [comedy]

2001 Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chase [direct to video]

2001 Seduction of Cyber Jane

2001 Seung fei [also known as "Princess D"]

2001 Shadow Fury

2001 Shark Hunter

2001 She-Bat

2001 Shoo-Fly

2001 Shurayuki-Hime [also known as the Princess Blade"]

2001 Silent Story

2001 Simulacra

2001 Smash Cuts! Super Sci-Fi Short Fest [direct to video]

2001 Sonic Adventure 2 [videogame]

2001 Soulkeeper

2001 The Source [also known as "The Secret Craft" in Great Britain]

2001 Space Banda

2001 Star Trek: Armada II [videogame]

2001 Star Trek: Away Team [videogame]

2001 Star Trek: Shattered Universe [videogame]

2001 Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron 2 [videogame]

2001 Star Wars: Episode I: Battle for Naboo [videogame]

2001 Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds [videogame]

2001 Star Wars : Obi-Wan [videogame]

2001 Star Wars: Star Fighter [videogame]

2001 Star Wars: Super Bombad Racing [videogame]

2001 Startopia [videogame]

2001 Stranded

2001 Strange Frequency [made for TV]

2001 Strange Invaders

2001 Sugar High Glitter City

2001 Sweet Sixteen

2001 Tara

2001 Teenage Caveman [made for TV]

2001 Thrasher

2001 The Tomorrow Man [also known as "Time Shifters"]

2001 Top 10 TV Sci-Fi [made for TV]

2001 Tremors 3: Back to Perfection [direct to video]

2001 Tryumf pana Kleska

2001 Urutoraman Kosumosu: First Contact
[also known as "Ultraman Cosmos: First Contact"]

2001 Vacaciones en la Tierra [direct to video]

2001 Vanilla Sky

2001 Virtual Girl 2: Virtual Vegas [direct to video]

2001 Virtualia Episode One: Cyber Sex [direct to video]

2001 Virus

2001 The Void [direct to video]

2001 Vortex

2001 Wave Twisters

2001 Wired 03:36

2001 The Woman Every Man Wants

2001 Zenon: The Zequel

2001 Zone of the Enders [Japanese videogame]

2001 {many more} {to be done}

2002 Films:

2002 Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
directed by Peter Jackson [New Line Cinema]
Winner, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Long Form Dramatic Presentation

2002 Minority Report [July 2002]
voted #2 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award
for Best Long Form Dramatic Presentation
Final Ballot, Best Script, 2003 SFWA Nebula Awards¨
[Frank, Scott and Cohen, John; Dreamworks]

2002 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
voted #3 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award
for Best Long Form Dramatic Presentation;
Harry Potter -- Daniel Radcliffe;
Herminione Granger -- Emma Watson;
Ronald "Ron" Weasley -- Rupert Grint;
Gamekeeper Rubeus Hagrid -- Robbie Coltrane;
Headmaster Albus Dumbledore -- xxxxxxxxxxxxx;
Professor Severus Snape -- Alan Rickman;
Professor Minerva McGonagall -- Maggie Smith;
Caretaker Argus Filch -- David Bradley;
Draco Malfoy -- Tom Felton;
Uncle Vernon Dursley -- Richard Griffiths;

2002 Spider-Man
voted #4 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award
for Best Long Form Dramatic Presentation

2002 Spirited Away [animated][Sep 2002]
voted #5 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award
for Best Long Form Dramatic Presentation
Final Ballot, Best Script, 2003 SFWA Nebula Awards¨
[Miyazaki, Hayao and Hewitt, Cindy Davis & Hewitt, Donald H.
(English screenplay); Studio GhibliÊand Walt Disney Pictures]

2002 Lilo and Stitch [animated]
voted #6 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award
for Best Long Form Dramatic Presentation
(thus did not make final ballot)

2002 Star Trek Nemesis
voted #7 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award
for Best Long Form Dramatic Presentation
(thus did not make final ballot)

2002 Signs
voted #8 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award
for Best Long Form Dramatic Presentation
(thus did not make final ballot)

2002 Star Wars: Attack of the Clones
voted #9 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award
for Best Long Form Dramatic Presentation
(thus did not make final ballot)

2002 Ice Age [animated]
voted #10 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award
for Best Long Form Dramatic Presentation
(thus did not make final ballot)

2002 Metropolis [animated]
voted #11 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award
for Best Long Form Dramatic Presentation
(thus did not make final ballot)

2002 Taken [miniseries]
voted #12 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award
for Best Long Form Dramatic Presentation
(thus did not make final ballot)

2002 Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring extended version
voted #13 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award
for Best Long Form Dramatic Presentation
(thus did not make final ballot)

2002 Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers [Dec 2002]
Winner, Best Script, 2003 SFWA Nebula Awards¨
[Walsh, Fran & Bowens, Philippa & Sinclair, Stephen &
Jackson, Peter; New Line Cinema]

2002 Solaris [remake]
voted #14 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award
for Best Long Form Dramatic Presentation
(thus did not make final ballot)

2002 Men in Black II
voted #15 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award
for Best Long Form Dramatic Presentation
(thus did not make final ballot)

2002 Treasure Planet [animated]
voted #16 by number of nominations for 2003 Hugo Award
for Best Long Form Dramatic Presentation
(thus did not make final ballot)

2002 Shrek [animated]
Finalist Nominee, 2002 Nebula Award for Best Script;
Ted Elliott, Terry Rossio, Joe Stillman, & Roger S. H. Schulman

2002 Frailty, screenplay by Brant Hanley [Lion's Gate Films]
Winner, Bram Stoker Award for Screenplay,
from the 2003 Horror Writers Association

Other 2002 Films in Alphabetical Order:

2002 2009 Lost Memories
2009 Lost Memories (2002)
Korean, with Korean/Japanese Language Track and Removable English
Subtitles, on Korean DVD (Region 3 NTSC, enterOne 2-disk set,
16x9 Anamorphic Widescreen).
Director: Lee Si-Myung;
Starring: Jang Dong-Gun (star of blockbuster "Friend") as
Masayuki Sakamoto;
Toru Nakamura ("Gen-X Cops", "Tokyo Raiders") as Shojiro Saigo;
Seo Jin-Ho as Hye;
Additional Cast:
Shin Gu; Ahn Kil-Sang; Cho Sang-Keun; Chun Ho-Jin;
Genres: Sci-Fi/Alternate History/Action;
Plot Summary:
In 1909 the Japanese statesman Ito Hirobumi was assassinated by
Korean Nationalist An Chung-Gun. In the Alternate History of
"2009 Lost Memories", Ito was saved when An was stopped. As a result,
the Korean Nationalist cause was never successful. Japan won World
War II -- with the USA as an ally! Korea has been totally ruled by
Japan for a century, and almost completely Japanized. Korean people
and culture are relegated to scattered "Koreatown" ghettos. But a
violent grassroots Korean movement called Hureisenjin engages in
sporadic terrorism.
The JBI (Japanese Bureau of Investigation) tries to crush
Hureisenjin. JBI cops Masayuki Sakamoto and Shojiro Saigo try to
solve the terrorism-related theft of mysterious artefacts of Korean
culture. Masayuki Sakamoto has a private agenda, because his father,
also a cop, was shot by his own group's officers while working for the
Hureisenjin. Complicating his motives, Sakamoto is ethnically
Korean, but sees the underground nationlist group as essentially
criminal (as opposed to patriotic). He is indifferent, idologically,
to Korean Nationalism.
The plot thickens in a "Bladerunner" style, as Sakamoto dreams
about a quarter-moon necklace, which is somehow one of the
sought-after artefacts. The artefacts are owned by a shadowy Inoue
Foundation, a rich, powerful, and ruthless corporate conglomerate.
When Sakamoto sniffs round the Inoue scene, he sets subplots in
motion, that (unknown to him) depend on the founder being the very man
who killed the assassin An Chung-Gun in 1909.
Hureisenjin may hunger for revenge and justice more than
nationalism. There are interesting themes introduced, and science
fictional twists and turns. But the spectacular fight and action
sequences get the upper hand over the promising philosophical matters,
and three-quartewrs through the 2 hour film, it becomes evident where
the plot is going. The film twists and counter-twists, as if Lee
Si-Myung can't decide whether to go for mainstream crowd-pleaser or
art-film sophistication. In Philip K. Dick's Alternate History "The
Man in the High Castle", Japan and Germany have conqured the USA, but
we are not clear whether the Japanese are good or bad, and we have no
idea where the plot is heading. Ironically, the American Philip K. Dick
used the Chinese "I-Ching" to make pseudo-random plot choices, while
the Korean Lee Si-Myung uses Hollywood happy ending protocol. Still,
this is an intense and very watchable film.

2002 28 Days Later

2002 A.E.R. Adult Entertainment Robots Volume 1 [direct to video]

2002 A.E.R. Adult Entertainment Robots Volume 2: The New Breed [direct to video]

2002 Adios querida luna

2002 The Adventures of Pluto Nash
Starring Eddie Murphy

2002 Aedena [France] [6-minute short]
Writer/Director: Ben Elia

2002 Alien Love Triangle

2002 Alien Voices

2002 Aliens vs. Predator 2: Primal Hunt [videogame]

2002 Alive

2002 Antibody [direct to video]

2002 Armitage: Dual Matrix [direct to video]

2002 Attack of the B-Movie Monster [direct to video]

2002 Automata

2002 Avatar

2002 Babylon 5: The Legend of the Rangers [made for TV]

2002 Bare Wench Project 3: The Nymphs of Mystery Mountain [direct to video]

2002 Beccerra

2002 Bedlam

2002 Below

2002 Big, Bigger & Biggest
Director: Dariusz Zawislak;
Screenplay: Rebecca Smith

2002 Bikini Planet [direct to video]

2002 Broken Allegiance

2002 Callous Sentiment [13-minute short]
Writer/Director: Vincent Grashaw;
Brutal film reminds me of "Lord of the Flies" in an urban
environment, where boys in a deserted playground toryure, murder, and

2002 Candy Von Dewd and the Girls from Latexplotia

2002 Chasm

2002 Chik yeung tin sai

2002 Christmas Tauntauns [animation]
winner, amateur Star Wars

2002 Chronotrip

2002 The Chubbchubbs!

2002 Chut!

2002 Clockstoppers
Directed by Jonathan Frakes.
Blatantly ripped off from "The Girl, the Gold Watch, and Everything."
But without the kinky sex of "The Fermata" (2005?), currently being
scripted by Hugo Award-winning Best Novelist Neil Gaiman.
Dim Leave-It-To-Beaver teenager Zak Gibbs has never had a tougher
puzzle than how to buy a car (think: "Dude, Where's My Car?").
His inventor father left a weird wristwatch among his gadgets.
When Zak puts it on, he soon discovers that it can stop the world
around him, freezing everyone and everything in place while he moves
through hypertime. He and his purportedly clever girlfriend Francesca
waste this amazing opportunity with pathetic practical jokes. Soon,
they are in over their heads, because they are not the only ones
maneuvering in hypertime. Juvenile and disappointing.

2002 Command & Conquer: Renegade [videogame]

2002 Corner of the Eye

2002 The Crawling Brain [direct to video]

2002 Crimson Sea [Japan; videogame]

2002 Cultivision (Collapsing Stars) [made for TV]
Director: Neill Calabro
really a meta-film, so dense is it with filmic references and in-jokes

2002 Cybermutt [made for TV]

2002 Cypher [Japan]
Director: Vincent Natali ("Cube");
rather clever, character-driven corporate espionage thriller,
with twist ending;
95 Minutes;

2002 D.N.A.: Dark Native Apostle [videogame]

2002 D7Peacemaker: Stage 1 [direct to video]

2002 Dark Angel [videogame]

2002 Darth Vader's Psychic Hotline

2002 The Day the Dolls Struck Back [direct to video]

2002 De noche van a tu cuarto

2002 The Dead Zone [direct to video]
Adapted from Stephen King adapted TV series

2002 Deadly Species [direct to video]

2002 Dealer's Day

2002 Deep Shock

2002 Defender [videogame]

2002 Dimensionless Woman [short]
Director: Anita Salamone;
Valerie -- Maeve McCaffery

2002 Discovering Dinotopia [made for TV]

2002 Dragonfly

2002 Dream Hackers

2002 Duke Nukem Advance [videogame]

2002 Duke Nukem Manhattan Project [videogame]

2002 The E. T. Reunion [direct to video]

2002 Earth and Beyond [videogame]

2002 Eight Legged Freaks

2002 Eireville

2002 Elysium [South Korea]
85 Minutes
Four knights battle "The Elysian" to save humanity's last defense,
"The Ark"

2002 An Enraged New World
Director: Mike A. Martinez;
Screenplay and Story: Wil H. Harris;
Astronauts returning from Jupiter's moon Ganymede arrive at a planet
like, but not identical to, Earth

2002 Equilibrium

2002 The Erotic Time Machine [direct to video][comedy]
TIME TRAVEL: Annotated link-list of 120
movies, television movies, and videogames about time travel,
last updated 29 July 2003
X-rated for woman-woman action, introducing Kelli Summers.
The Time Travel frame-plot is just an excuse for Seduction Cinema
anthologizing of scenes you don't want the under-aged, or Attorney
General Ashcroft, to watch. Basically here to warn you not to be
fooled by the title into expecting a real plot.

2002 Essence of the Force [direct to video]

2002 Fairie
Writer/Director: Willo Hausman
75 Minutes

2002 Fans and Freaks: The Culture of Comics and Conventions [documentary]

2002 Farvelose verden [also known as "Bleached World"] [Denmark]
[10-minute short]
Writer/Director: Rasmus Hoegdall Moelgaard;
Dystopia where color is outlawed, and young man wants to give a blue
flower to his settheart

2002 Firestarter 2: Rekindled
Sequel to adaptation of Stephen King novel

2002 Fish + Dog

2002 Frankenthumb

2002 Freedom Force [videogame]

2002 Getting Shirty

2002 Ghost Ship [Horror]

2002 Ghost Watcher

2002 Gojira tai Mekagojira [also known as "Godzilla verses Meka-Godzilla"]

2002 Gorilla Warfare: Battle of the Apes [direct to video]

2002 Grasp

2002 Groom Lake

2002 Hoshi no koe

2002 The Human Being

2002 Hypercube: Cube 2
Fine sequel of outstanding film.

2002 Impostor

2002 Inseguito

2002 Interceptor Force 2

2002 It's a Haunted Happening! [direct to video]

2002 Itse valtiaat - Avaruumusikaali [made for TV]

2002 The Jedi Hunter

2002 Jet Li is "The One" [direct to video]

2002 Katedra

2002 The Key

2002 Killing Castro

2002 Know Your Foe [direct to video]

2002 Kowaremono

2002 La Puppe

2002 Lathe of Heaven [made for TV remake of superb made for TV film]
Adapted from Ursula K. Le Guin novel

2002 Legends of Show Business

2002 Lilo & Stitch [animated]

2002 Lilo & Stitch [videogame]

2002 Little Girl With Blue Eyes

2002 The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra

2002 Luminal

2002 Made Incorrect

2002 The Making of "Tron" [direct to video]

2002 Mark of the Astro-Zombies [direct to video]

2002 Max Hell Comes to Frogtown [direct to video]

2002 McAllister Affair: The Gathering [also known as "Just Another Mary!"]

2002 Mech Warrior 4: Mercenaries [videogame]

2002 Megalodon
Shark from the Age of Dinoaurs. "Jaws" meets "Jurassic Park"

2002 Men in Black II [see featured films at tope of 2002 Films page]

2002 Mercano, el marciano

2002 Meridian

2002 Meteroido fyusion [also known as Metroid 4"]

2002 Metroid Prime [videogame]

2002 Minority Report
[see featured films at top of 2002 Films page]

2002 Miu haan fook wood [also known as "Second Time Around"]

2002 Monkeys and Robots

2002 Mosquito Night

2002 Mutant Swinger from Mars [direct to video]

2002 Mutation 3: Century of the Dead [direct to video]

2002 New World

2002 No Law 4000 [Sweden]

2002 Odyssey 5 [Made for TV]

2002 Off

2002 On to Victory

2002 Palumu no ki [also known Tree of Palme]
Good buzz at Berlin Film Festival

2002 The Petting Zoo

2002 Phoenix

2002 Picture Perfect

2002 Pink Five [direct to video]

2002 Planet of the Erotic Apes [direct to video]

2002 Play-Mate of the Apes [direct to video]

2002 Pluto's Plight [direct to video]

2002 Project V.I.P.E.R.

2002 Project Valkyrie

2002 Psyclops [direct to video]

2002 Pulse Pounders

2002 Python 2

2002 Raising Dead

2002 Raices de sangre

2002 Rear View Mirror

2002 Reign of Fire
future: firebreathing dragons versus heroic idiots

2002 Repli-Kate

2002 Resident Evil
adapted from computer game series

2002 Returner [Japan] [also known as "Ritaanaa"]

2002 Rewind

2002 Rick Baker: Alien Maker [direct to video]

2002 Riverworld [made for TV]
adapted from Phillip Jose Farmer novels;
one of the great concepts of modern science fiction:
everybody who ever lived is resurrected by alines on the shores of a
million-mile river. Changes from books are not dramtically necessary.

2002 Robotech: Battlecry [videogame]

2002 Rocketmen vs. Robots

2002 Rolie Polie Olie: The Great Defender of Fun [direct to video]

2002 Rollerball [remake]
I liked the James Caan original better, but this does have its

2002 The Roswell Crash: Startling New Evidence [made for TV]
If there'd been anything to this, you'd have heard. Or is that what
THEY want you to think?

2002 S.E.T.I.
The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

2002 S1m0ne
Fall in love with a virtual girl? This was done first, and better, by
the Cyberpunk master William Gibson in "Idoru"

2002 Saint Sinner [also known as "Clive Barker's Saint Sinner"] [made for TV]

2002 Salvation

2002 {at least 64 more, alphabetically} {to be done}

2002 Virtualia Episode Five: The Dark Side [Direct to video]
Produced in Sweden. English language. X-rated?

2002 Where No Fan Has Gone Before [April 2002]
Final Ballot, Best Script, 2003 SFWA Nebula Awards¨
[Goodman, David A.; Futurama]

2003 Films:

2003 28 Days Later
Similar to "The Day of the Triffids" in portraying England
quickly descending into chaos from a biological mutation gone astray,
this is a dystopian film noir with an atypically sunny ending.
Studios: DNA Films/Fox Searchlight;
Director: Danny Boyle;
Screenplay: Alex Garland;
Final Ballot, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation (Long Form)

2003 2004: A Light Knight's Odyssey

2003 2046

2003 30:13

2003 Absolon

2003 Acne

2003 The Affidavit

2003 Ainoa

2003 Alien Agen

2003 Alien Dreamtime

2003 Alien Gods

2003 Animatrix: A Detective Story [short computer animation]

2003 The Animatrix: Beyond [short computer animation]

2003 Animatrix: Final Flight of the Osiris [short computer animation]

2003 The Animatrix: Kid's Story [short computer animation]

2003 The Animatrix: Matriculated [short computer animation]

2003 The Animatrix: The Second Renissance, Part I [short computer animation]

2003 The Animatrix: The Second Renissance, Part II [short computer animation]

2003 The Animatrix: World Record [short computer animation]

2003 Anubis: Zone of the Enders

2003 Aquanoids

2003 Arachnia

2003 Avatar

2003 Barbarellas

2003 Bad Police Movie Case #1: Galaxy of the Dinosaurs

2003 Big Fish [opens 10 Dec 2003 in limited release][Fantasy]
Director: Tim Burton;
Plot: father lies to son all his life about fantasic incidents from
the past. The son is eventually disenchanted, and believes
nothing his father ever told him. This sets up an interestiong
conflict, which the film never properly resolves, about whether
colorful lies can be better than mundane truth.
Starring [voices]:
Young Edward Bloom -- Ewan McGregor;
Young Edward Bloom -- Albert Finney [good name for a fish]
??? -- Billy Crudup
??? -- Helena Bonham Carter [while pregnant with Tim Burton's child]
Awards: Nominated for 3 Golden Globes (including Picture, Musical or
Comedy; and Best Supporting Actor [Albert Finney]. Also, Original
Song [Man of the Hour]. Winners will be announced 25 Jan 2004).

2003 Brain Child [made for TV]

2003 The Brink [direct to Video]

2003 Bugs [made for TV]

2003 The Cancer

2003 The Children of Men

2003 Chimera [made for TV]

2003 Christmas on Mars

2003 Chrome

2003 Code 46

2003 The Core [though ALL the science is bogus]

2003 Curse of the Komodo

2003 D7Peacemaker: Nightfall

2003 Daemus Rising [direct to Video]

2003 Dark Walker [direct to Video]

2003 Deadly Stingers

2003 Deathlands [made for TV]

2003 Decoys

2003 Despiser [direct to Video]

2003 Die You Zombie Bastards!

2003 Dimension Alternativa

2003 Do or Die [made for TV]

2003 Doom III: The Legacy
sequel to adaptation of computer game

2003 Dr. Jekyll and Mistress Hyde [direct to Video]

2003 Dragon Fighter [direct to video]

2003 Dragon Storm [direct to Video]

2003 Dreamcatcher
Director: Lawrence Kasdan;
Adapted: from the novel by Stephen King;
Screenplay: William Goldman & Lawrence Kasdan;
Executive Producer: Bruce Berman;
Morgan Freeman as Col. Abraham Curtis;
Damien Lewis as Prof. Gary "Jonesy" Jones;
Thomas Jane as Dr. Henry Devlin;
Jason Lee as Joe "Beaver" Clarendon;
Timothy Olyphant as Pete Moore;
Tom Sizemore as Capt. Owen Underhill;
Andrew Robb as Young Duddits;
Production Companies:
Castle Rock Entertainment [USA];
NPV Entertainment [USA];
SSDD Films Inc. [Canada];
Village Roadshow Prods. [Australia];
Special Effects:
Industrial Light & Magic;
Steve Johnson's Edge FX;
Length: 136 minutes (134 in USA);
Rated: R;
Genres: Alien/Telepathy/Horror/Sci-Fi/Military/Male-Bonding;
Plot Summary:
The critics simply "did not get" this movie. That's because few
of them read the thick novel of the same name by Stephen King. It is
actually one of the best screen adaptations of King, and compresses
most of its subplots into a complicated and fast-paced thoughtful
action-adventure film, a rare combination indeed. The critics also
couldn't tell if this was Horror or Sci-Fi. It's neither. It is true
Science Fiction. The critics also condemned the film as derivative,
and a rehash of King's favorite themes. Actually, the film captures
King's unique spin on each otherwise familiar element.
Four closely-bonded men, having a hard time with life, meet for
their annual drinking/hunting getaway in the remote Maine woods.
At first, the foursome from fictional Derry, Maine, are threatened
only by a blizzard. But things go unhinged when a disoriented
stranger staggers in. The four already have mid-life crises to
contend with, and ready to talk them out at "Hole in the Wall."
Comic/Sad Beav has problems with the opposite sex; Henry, a bookish
psychiatrist, is close to suicide. Pete has slipped into beery
alcoholism. Jonesy has weird premonitions, ever since a hallucination
almost caused him to die as a pedestrian hit by a car. But the
stranger talks about lights in the sky, wild animals with odd red
patches migrate past the cabin, and the stranger has something bloody
moving around inside him, which kills him horribly. What was it, and
how can they fight it? And is the greater danger inside or outside?
The story takes on paranormal tones as they recall the heroic
act that bound them together, in childhood. They'd saved an apparent
idiot, Duddits, from being tortured by school football-team bullies.
But the idiot is something more unusual, and the four have even
stranger powers as a result.
Soon we are plunged into a nightmare of interplanetary aliens
with either shape-shifting or telepathic powers, or both, and
something deadly that is either symbiote or not, and a fast-growing
red fungus. And is the secret military hero leading forces against
the aliens a real hero, or a psychotic vigilante? Nothing is quite
what it seems. And the blizzard bears down on all.
Who will prevail: the aliens, or the Colonel? Will the Colonel
destroy the town to save it, kill innocent civilians, or even nuke
Maine? And has an alien taken over one of the four friends' minds,
or become lost in the man's mental warehouse? And what about
spreading the alien invasion through the water supply?
This is a tricky and exciting film. My wife and I loved it.
So did Stephen King, who often hates his screen adaptations. The
critics miss the boat completely. Recommended.

2003 Dreamweaver

2003 Duck Dodgers in Attack of the Drones [animation; direct to video]

2003 Duke Nukem Forever [videogame]

2003 Enter the Matrix [videogame]

2003 Exhumed [direct to video]

2003 Exit

2003 Fifth City

2003 Finding Nemo [computer animated]
Blockbuster success, really not Science Fiction or Fantasy,
but listed here in part for its gorgeous look, fine voice acting,and
nomination for a major Science Fiction/Fantasy Award.
Studios: Pixar/Walt Disney Studios;
Directors: Andrew Statnon, Lee Unkrich;
Screenplay: Andrew Stanton, Bob Peterson & David Reynolds;
Story: Andrew Stanton;
Final Ballot, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation (Long Form)

2003 First Watch

2003 Firstborn

2003 Freelancer [videogame]

2003 Frog-g-g!

2003 Gamma Project

2003 Gojira tai Mosura tai Mekagojira: Tokyo S.O.S.
also known as Godzilla, Mothra, Mechagodzilla: Tokyo S.O.S.

2003 Good Boy!

2003 Gothika (opens 21 Nov 2003)
Producers: Joel Silver, Robert Zemeckis;
Studio: Dark Castle ["Ghost Ship", "House on Haunted Hill"];
Director: Mathieu Kassovitz [France];
Halle Berry as criminal psychologist;
Penelope Cruz as mental patient Chloe;
Robert Downey, Jr.

2003 The Great War of Magellan

2003 Los Guerreros del Apocalipsis

2003 Half-Life 2 [videogame]

2003 Halo 2 [videogame]

2003 Hamlet_X

2003 High Ground [direct to video]

2003 Hulk
Adapted from Marvel Comics series

2003 The I Inside

2003 I Was an Atomic Mutant [videogame]

2003 If

2003 Inbred Redneck Alien Abduction [videogame]

2003 It's About Love

2003 Jigereul jikyeora! [also known as "Save the Planet!"]

2003 Julie and Jack

2003 Kohtalon Kirja [also known as "The Booke of Fate"]

2003 Koi... Mil Gaya

2003 The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Adapted from Graphic Novel

2003 Leeches!

2003 Lost in Space: The Journey Home [made for TV]

2003 The Low Budget Time Machine
TIME TRAVEL: Annotated link-list of 120
movies, television movies, and videogames about time travel,
last updated 29 July 2003

2003 Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter

2003 Makai Tensho

2003 Man with the Screaming Brain [made for TV]

2003 Man-Thing

2003 The Matrix: Reloaded

2003 Matrix Revolutions: The IMAX Experience

2003 May Day [direct to video]

2003 Messengers

2003 Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes

2003 Midnight Sun

2003 Mimic: Sentinel
also known as "Mimic 3"

2003 Mindgame

2003 My Life with Count Dracula

2003 Mas de mil cameras velan por tu suguridad
[also known as "More than a Thousand cameras are Working for Your Safety"]

2003 The Name

2003 Natural City

2003 Natural Selection

2003 Noctivagant

2003 Numb

2003 P.I.: Post Impact

2003 Painkillers

2003 Parasite

2003 Patalghar

2003 Paycheck [opens 25 Dec 2003]
Adapted from Philip K. Dick short story of same name.
Plot: psychologist tries to restore Michael Jennings'
memory, which was erased by a shadowy corporation.
Director: John Woo;
Ben Affleck as Michael Jennings;
Uma Thurman [who did many of her own stunts, after "Kill Bill" training];
Aaron Eckhart ["The Core"; "The Missing"] as Rethrick [Ben's nemesis]

2003 Perfect Dark Zero [videogame]

2003 Peter Pan [yet another live-action remake]
opens 25 December 2003;
Peter Pan -- Jeremy Sumpter;
Mr.Darling/Captain Hook -- Jason Isaacs in dual role
[as traditionally cast in 1904];
Wensy darling -- Rachel Hurd-Wood;
Mrs.Darling -- Olivia Williams;

2003 Phoenix Point

2003 Pinocchio

2003 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Worth seeing for the sets, effects, costumes, and the amazingly weird
portrayal by Johnny Depp, from whom you can't take your eyes away.
A fairly throught-through Fantasy, which makes one wish that they'd
film "Strange Tides" by Tim Powers, in the sqame sub-sub-genre of works
inspired by the Disney Theme Park ride.
Studio: Walt Disney Pictures;
Director: Gore Verbinksi;
Screenply: Ted Elliott & Terry Rossio;
Screen Story: Ted Elliott, Terry Rossio, Stuart Beattie & Jay Wolpert;
Awards: Nominated for 1 Golden Globe (Best Actor [Johnny Depp].
Winners will be announced 25 Jan 2004).
Final Ballot, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation (Long Form)

2003 Radium [videogame]

2003 Rats [also known as "Killer Rats"]

2003 Ruampatrouille Orion -- Rucksturz ins Kino

2003 Real Buddy

2003 Red Dwarf: The Movie
Adapted from the British TV series

2003 The Return of the King (also known as Lord of the Rings III)
opened 17 Dec 2003
Director: Peter Jackson
[New Line Cinema]
Viewers will be surprised to find Sauruman (played by Christopher Lee)
missing in the film (but appearing in the DVD)
I saw this film the day after it opened, and enjoyed it very much. It
is clearly the Film of the Year. There were some annoyances in the
midst of the splendid entertainment. For example, the "Scouring of
the Shire" is completely missing, even contradicted, which violates
things Tolkien had said in his letters about that chapter being, in
some sense, the whole point of the novel. A cheesy moment comes when
Aragorn is crowned, and his elf-pricess love takes his hand (and
[resumably becomes Queen of Gondor). Her dad smiles a goofy "look
what a nice son-in-law I have" grin, even though he realizes that his
daughter is comitting slow suicide. The Battle of Pelinor is one of
the most amazing war scenes ever filmed -- Peter Jackson calls it
"World War Zero." Gollum is in such high resolution that a
dermatologist could probably diagnose his various skin diseases.
Shelob out-spider-monsters her cousin in Harry Potter II. There is
more humor than some critics give this credit, astonishing sets,
design, costumes, acting, and drama. After Peter Jackson does his
remake of King Kong, he will probably film "The Hobbit" as a prequel
to the Lord of the Rings series. He is unlikely to film The
Silmarillion as a prequel to the prequel (the rights to which are
owned by a different entity that LOTR and Hobbit)...
Awards: Nominated for 4 Golden Globes (including Best Drama;
Best Director; Best Orginal Score [Howard Shore]; Best Original
Song [Into the West]. (winner, Oscar; announced 25 Jan 2004).
Final Ballot, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation (Long Form)

2003 Ripper II [direct to video]

2003 Rollie Pollie Ollie: The Baby Bot Chase

2003 Ronzio delle mosche II

2003 Rottweiler

2003 Run Leia Run [parody]

2003 Scary Movie III [Horror/Comedy]
This broke records for biggest October box office and biggest Miramax
opening. It parodoes "The Ring", "Signs", and "Matrix."
Director: David Zucker [of "Airplane" films and "Naked Gun" films;
who will take over the franchise from the Wayans brothers];

2003 Se dagens lys [made for TV]

2003 Secret War [direct to video]

2003 Sex, Lies & Superheroes

2003 Silent But Deadly 2

2003 Silent Warnings [videogame]

2003 Snakehead Terror

2003 The Snell Show

2003 Den Sorte celle

2003 Space Psychos 4

2003 Space Specks

2003 Space Wolf [direct to video]

2003 Spider
Winner, Best Film, International Horror Award

2003 Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over

2003 Star Trek: Elite Force II [videogame]

2003 Star Trek: The Experience -- Borg Invasion 4D

2003 Star Wars: Jedi Knight -- Jedi Academy [videogame]

2003 Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic [videogame]

2003 StarCraft: Ghost
Adapted from computer game

2003 Strange Attractor

2003 Subterano

2003 Sumuru [also known as "Sax Rohmer's Sumaru"] [South Africa]

2003 Terminator III: Rise of the Machines
TIME TRAVEL: Annotated link-list of 120
movies, television movies, and videogames about time travel,
last updated 29 July 2003

2003 Terra

2003 This Corrosion

2003 Those Who Walk In Darkness [direct to video]

2003 Threshold [made for TV]

2003 Time Enough At Last

2003 Timeline [opens 26 Nov 2003]
Adapted from Michael Crichton novel
TIME TRAVEL: Annotated link-list of 120
movies, television movies, and videogames about time travel, updated 29 July 2003
Director: Richard Donner;
Adapted: from the novel by Michael Crichton;
Screenplay: Frank A. Cappello;
Paul Walker as Chris Hughes;
[Paul Walker also helped choreograph some fight scenes]
Gerard Butler as Andre Marek;
Frances O'Connor as Kate Erickson;
Ethan Embry as David Stern;
Billy Connoly as Professor Edward Johnson;
David Thewlis as Robert Doniger;
Michael Sheen as Lord Oliver, a knight
Locations: Berlin, Germany;
Plot Summary:
Chris, Andre, Kate, and David are four college students of
brilliant but eccentric Professor Edward Johnson. Working at an
archaeological site in France, the Professor becomes missing.
The four students are brought quickly to the US by a mysterious
corporation, ITC.
Insomniac ITC President Robert Doniger tells them about the Time
Machine he's developed. He sends them back to rescue their professor
from medieval France, or maybe an Alternate History timeline.
Chris, Andre, and Kate go back in Time, while David stays in the
present to deduce ITC's real motive.
I didn't find the medieval stuff or the high-tech stuff credible.
Where is the Michael Crichton of "Andromeda Strain"? Trapped in the
wealth and power of "Jurassic Park" and "ER."
The film deviates from the book, anyway. These are some of the
changes that Director Richard Donner made:
* Chris is (in the film only) the son of Professor Edward Johnson
* Andre Marek is (in the film only) unfamiliar with medieval weapons
* Andre Marek is (in the film only) surprised that things are not as
he knew them to be in that historical era
* The Middle Ages have (in the film only) no medieval languages

2003 Torus [direct to video]

2003 The Trap

2003 Tremors 4

2003 Tron 2.0 [videogame]

2003 Typhoon

2003 UFOs: Put to the Test [made for TV]

2003 The Ugly One

2003 Undead

2003 The Uninvited

2003 The Visual Effects of X-Men [direct to video]

2003 Webs [made for TV]

2003 The Wicksboro Incident [direct to video]

2003 The Winter People

2003 Wonderful Days

2003 World Future Inc.

2003 The X-Files: Resist or Serve [videogame]

2003 X-Men production Scrapbook [direct to video]

2003: X2 [also known as "X-Men 2"; also known as "X-Men United";
Studio: 20th Century Fox/Marvel;
Director: Bryan Singer;
Screenplay: Michael Dougherty, Dan Harris & David Hayter;
Story: Zak Penn, David Hayter & Bryan Singer;
Final Ballot, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation (Long Form)

2004 Films:

2004 @lien [Comedy / Romance / Sci-Fi]
Director: Gregg Hale;
Screenplay: Rachel Davis, Gregg Hale;
Henry Tidwell -- Brandon Bales;
Hannah Everland -- Suli Holum;
Real Estate Agent -- Mary Kraft;
Fireworks Cashier -- Steve Warren;

2004 10 Again [British; 10-minute short]
Director: Simon Ellis

2004 Alien Vs. Predator [Aug 2004]
Adapted from Comics series;
20th Century Fox;
Director: Paul Anderson;
Screenplay: Paul Anderson and Shane Salerno;
Locations: Prague;
Sanaa Latham as Lex Kline;
Raoul Bova;
Lance Henriksen as Weyland [in "Alien", Lance Henriksen
played the android Bishop; now he plays the billionaire
Weyland who created Bishop, and whose conglomerate
Weyland-Yutani Corporation caused much of the trouble)
Plot: scientists discover prehistoric pyramid in Antarctica,
and two previously unknown alien species; world gets caught in
war between those aliens;

2004 Anacondas
Director: Dwight H. Little;
Screenplay: John Claflin, Michael Miner, others;
Plot: Set in Borneo, big snakes ruin search for life-extension
flower "the Black Orchid."

2004 Babylon Babies [Sci-Fi / Action]
Plot: extrapolates growing gap between rich and poor;
Adapted: from book by Maurice G. Dantec;
Executive Producer: Marc Olla;
Director: Matthieu Kassovitz [Gothika];
Screenplay: Eric Besnard, Maurice G. Dantec, Matthieu Kassovitz;
Vincent Cassel [Brotherhood of the Wolf];

2004 Birth [Drama / Mystery / Fantasy elements]
Director: Jonathan Glazer;
Screenplay: Milo Addica, John-Claude Carriere, others;
Starring: Nicole Kidman;
Nicole Kidman suspects 10-year-old reincarnates her dead husband;

2004 Blast

2004 Blind Horizon [Thriller]
Director: Michael Haussman;
Screenplay: F. Paul Benz, Steve Tomlin;
Frank -- Val Kilmer;
Chloe -- Neve Campbell;
Sheriff Kolb -- Sam Shepard;
Plot: Frank 's had amnesia since shot in New Mexico;
this may relate to an attempt to assassinate the President;

2004 Bogeyman

2004 The Butterfly Effect [Time Travel];
113 minutes;
Plot: boy travels back in time to be in his childhood body, hoping to
overcome trauma, but everything he does makes things different in
unexpected ways;
Production Company: Blackout Entertainment;
Distributors: CDI [Italy], Icon Films Distribution [UK],
Kathy Morgan International, New Line Cinema [USA],
New Line Home Video [USA]
Executiver Producers: Jason Goldberg, Ashton Kutcher, William Shively;
Producers: Chris Bender, A.J. Dix, Anthony Rhulen, Lisa Richardson, J.C. Spink;
Co-Producer: David Krintzman;
Directors: Eric Bress, J. Mackye Gruber;
Screenplay: J. Mackye Gruber, Eric Bress, others;
Cinematographer: Matthew F. Leonetti;
Film Editor: Peter Amundson;
Special Effects: Schminken Studios, Inc. [USA], Toybox [Canada];
Evan Treborn -- Ashton Kutcher;
Kayleigh Miller -- Amy Smart;
George Miller -- Eric Stoltz;
Tommy Miller -- William Lee Scott;

2004 The Chronicles of Riddick [Sci-Fi Action/Thriller]
Plot: 500 years from now, a 10th crusade is in progress,
involving aliens.
Director: David Twohy;
Screenplay: David Twohy;
Richard B. Riddick -- Vin Diesel;
Aeron (Elemental) -- Judi Dench
Lord Marshall -- Colm Feore;

2004 Constantine
Adapted from the DC-Vertigo comic "Hellblazer",
about the supernatural detective John Constantine;
specifically the 1994 graphic novel in the series known as
"Dangerous Habits" written by Garth Ennis;
Plot: John Constantine is a supernatural detective who has returned
from hell, faced with dying from lung cancer;
Studio: Warner Bros.;
Producer: Lauren Shuler Donner ["Timeline" 2003];
Director: Francis Lawrence;
Screenplay: Steve Bissette (co-creator), Mark Bomback, others;
John Constantine -- Keanu Reeves;
Angela Dodson -- Rachel Weisz;
Pap Midnite -- Djimon Hounsou;
Gabriel -- Tilda Swinton;
??? -- Shia LeBeouf;
Locations: Downtown Los Angeles, Long Beach, Warner Bros. Burbank lot
Sequel?: Keanu Reeves told SciFi Wire "I'm really enjoying the
character, and hopefully we'll make a good film that's really
going to dictate whether or not we continue telling stories about him..."

2004 The Crow: Wicked Prayer [sequel]
Plot: Luc Crash seeks to be an eternal demon, starting as a gang
leader who has Jimmy Cuervo and his lady-love murdered;
Director: Lance Mungia;
Screenplay: Jeff Most, lance Mungia, others;
Jimmy Cuervo -- Edward Furlong;
Luc Crash/Death -- David Boreanz;
Tara Reid -- Lola Byrne;
El Nino -- Dennis Hopper;

2004 Cube Zero [Canada] [3rd in series]
Director: Ernie Barbarash;
Screenplay: Ernie Barbarash;
Dodd -- David Huband;

2004 Cursed [Horror / Thriller]
Plot: werewolves of Los Angeles;
Director: Wes Craven;
Screenplay: Kevin Williamson;
Starring: {to be done}

2004 Dark Queen
Taglines: "not all monsters are ugly"; "her reign of terror begins!"
Director: Ken LaVan;
Screenplay: Lou Aguilar;
Helen/Cassandra -- Tian Kitchen;
Gary -- Sean Klitzner;
Horn -- Michael Marks;

2004 The Day After Tomorrow
Plot: the new Ice Age gripa New York, but global warming is about to
upset everything...
Director: Roland Emmerich;
Sdapted: from the book by Art Bell;
Screenplay: Roland Emmerich, others;
Professor Jack Hall -- Dennis Quaid;
Sam Hall -- Jake Gyllenhall;
Laura -- Emily Rossum
Lucy -- Sela Ward

2004 Deathlok
Plot: Man is (unknown to himself) being experimentally turned into a
Cyborg, one organ or limb at a time...
Director: Lee Tamahori;
Screenplay: Raven Metzner, Stu Zicherman;

2004 Delgo [Animation/Fantasy/Adventure/Romance]
Director: Marc F. Adler, Jason Maurer;
Story: Marc F. Adler, Scott Biear;
Starring (voices):
Sedessa -- Anne Bancroft;
Bogardus -- Val Kilmer;
Princess Kyla -- Jennifer Love Hewitt;
Filo -- Chris Kattan;
Zahn -- Lou Gossett, Jr.;
Spig -- Eric Idle;
Kurrin -- Kelly Ripa;
Elder marley -- Michael Clark Duncan;
Raius -- Malcolm McDowell;

2004 Deus Ex [Action-Adventure / Sci-Fi / Mystery]
Plot: 2052 has killer disease, global economic failure, rampant
Screenplay: Greg Pruss;

2004 Don't Be Afraid of the Dark [remake of 1973 TV?]

2004 Dracula 3000 [Germany / South Africa]
Plot: Count Dracula creeps out the spaceship crew...
Director: Darrel James Roodt;
Screenplay: Darrel Roodt;
Erika Eleniak;
Alexandra Kamp-Groenvald;
Professor -- Grant Swanby;
Caspar Von Dien;

2004 Dragon Ball Z
Adapted from the Anime series

2004 Dragon's Lair
Adapted from 1983 videogame and its sequels;

2004 Earwigs [made for TV]

2004 Ella Enchanted [April 2004] [Comedy / Fantasy / Romance]
Miramax's Fantasy about medieval girl fighting an Obedience Curse;
Adapted: from the novel by Gail Carson Levine;
Director: Tommy O'Haver;
Screenplay: Laurie Craig;
Ella -- Anne Hathaway;
Prince Charmont -- Hugh Dancy;
Prince Gregent Efgar -- Cary Elwes;
Mandy -- Minnie Driver;
Fairy Lucinda -- Vivica A. Fox;
Dame Olga -- Joanna Lumley;

2004 Evangelion [anime]

2004 The Extractors
Screenplay: James DeMonaco, Kevin Fox;
Ice Cube;

2004 Fantastic Four
Adapted from Marvel Comics series;
Plot: bunch of astronauts exposed to radiation get super powers,
battle their antagonist Doctor Victor Von Doom;
Story: Michael France;
Screenplay: Mark Frost;

2004 The Final Cut [remake of 1995 film?]

2004 Frankenstein [made for TV]
Director: Kevin Connor;
The Creature -- Luke Goss;
Victor Frankenstein -- Alex Newman;
Elizabeth -- Nicole Lewis;
Caroline Frankenstein -- Julie Delpy;
Captain Walton -- Donald Sutherland;
Professor Waldman -- William Hurt;

2004 From Other Worlds [Comedy / Sci-Fi]
Director: Barry Strugatz;
Screenplay: Barry Strugatz;
Joanne Schwartzbaum -- Cara Buono;
Abraham -- Isaach De Bankole;
Brian Scwartzbaum -- David lansbury;
Baker -- Robert Downey, Sr.;

2004 Galactic Raiders
Plot: Earthlings kidnapped to other planet, where may be found the
crystal that many seek, blah blah blah...
Director: Larry Arpin;
Screenplay: Larry Arpin;

2004 George and the Dragon
The First Crusade, an Historical Fantasy [Action / Romance / Comedy]
Writer/Director: Tom Reeve;
Screenplay: Tom Reeve, Michael Burks;
George -- James Purefoy;
Princess Lunna -- Piper Perabo;
Garth -- Patrick Swayze;

2004 The Ghastly Love of Johnny X [Horror / Sci-Fi / Mystery]
[black & white]
Director: Paul Bunnell;
Screenplay: Paul Bunnell, Steve Bingen;
Chip -- Les Willaims;

2004 Gingerbreed [Comedy / Sci-Fi]
Plot: Retro scfi-fi set on Mars colony as we might have imagined it in
1980. In the middle of the Cold War, US and USSR must combine
forces to fight martian gingerbread men... I'm not making this up ...
Director: Jonathan Dorfman, Szymon Weglasrski;
Screenplay: Jonathan Dorfman, Szymon Weglarski;

2004 The Grudge [English-language remake of Japanese film "Ju-On"]
Plot: someone dies angry, and his grudge is passed on as a curse, from
victim to victim, like a virus. Jason Behr plays the college
student boyfriend of Sarah Michelle Gellar at an international
university in Tokyo;
Production Company: Ghost House Pictures [Sam Raimi's division of
Senator International];
Distributor: Columbia Pictures;
Executive Producer: Sam Raimi;
Producers: Taka Ichise [Ringu; and the original],
Sam Raimi, Rob Tapert, Roy Lee;
Director: Takashi Shimizu [who directed the orginal];
Screenplay: Stephen Susco [combing original with 3 sequels];
Locations: shooting begins january 2004 in Tokyo
Sarah Michelle Gellar [Buffy];
Jason Behr [Roswell];

2004 Guardian of the Realm
Director: Ted Smith;
Josh Griffin -- Glen Levy;
Alex Marlowe -- Tanya Dempsey;
Nikki -- Lana Pirian;

2004 Halloween 9 [31 Oct 2004 release]

2004 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban [12 June 2004 release]
Adapted: from the novel by J. K. Rowling;
Taglines: "Something wicked this way comes...";
"Have you seen this wizard?"
Screenplay: Steven Kloves [Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)]
Director: Alfonso Cuaron;
Plot: Feared prisoner escapes from the Prison of Azkaban,
where evil wizards are incarcerated, and Harry Potter
fears for his life... but the escapee has an unexpected
connection to the boy...
Harry Potter -- Daniel Radcliffe;
Herminione Granger -- Emma Watson;
Ronald "Ron" Weasley -- Rupert Grint;
Gamekeeper Rubeus Hagrid -- Robbie Coltrane;
Sirius Black -- Gary Oldman;
Headmaster Albus Dumbledore -- Michael Gambon;
Professor Severus Snape -- Alan Rickman;
Deputy Headmistress/Professor Minerva McGonagall -- Maggie Smith;
Professor Remus Lupin -- David Thewliss;
Caretaker Argus Filch -- David Bradley;
Madam Rosmerta -- Julie Christie;
Draco Malfoy -- Tom Felton;
Uncle Vernon Dursley -- Richard Griffiths;
many more {to be done}

2004 Hellboy
Adapted from Comics series [written by Mike Mignola]
Release: 2 April 2004;
Plot: Nazi's summon an infant demon, whom they raise, but who becomes
a battler against dark forces;
Director del Toro said to Sci-Fi Wire:
"the comic is a masterpiece, and the movie is definitely
reverential of that";
Director: Guillermo del Toro [Chronos; Blade II];
Screenplay: Mike Mignolia, Guellermo del Toro;
Budget: $60 million;
Hellboy -- Ron Perlman
Abe Sapien -- Doug Jones
Liz Sherman -- Selma Blair
Professor Bruttenholm -- John Hurt
John Myers -- Rupert Evans

2004 Hero
an Historical Fantasy, about the First Emperor of China

2004 Los Hijos del Topo

2004 A Home at the End of the World
Adapted: from the novel by Michael Cunningham;
Director: Michael Mayer;
Screenplay: Keith Bunin, others;
Reiner -- Joshua Close
Bobby -- Colin Farrell
Clare -- Robin Wright Penn
Alice Glover -- Sissy Spacek

2004 I, Robot
Adapted from Isaac Asimov stories
Plot: Cop who hates robots investigates a murder which has a robot
Director: Alex Proyas;
Screenplay: Akiva Goldsman;
Detective Del Spooner -- Will Smith;
Dr. Susan Calvin -- Bridget Moynahan;
lance Robertson -- Bruce Greenwood;
Lt. John Bergin -- Chi McBride;
Sonny -- Alan Tudyk;
Dr. Alfred Lanning -- James Cromwell;

2004 If Only [Romance / Comedy]
Director: Gil Junger;
Screenplay: Christina Welsh;
Emily -- Jennifer Love Hewitt;
Peter Wyndham -- Paul Nicholls;

2004 Innocence: Ghost in the Shell [anime]
[also known as Innocence: Kokaku kidotai]
Director: Mamoru Oshii;
Screenplay: Mamoru Oshii;
Story: Masamune Shirow;
Major Motoko Kusanagi -- Atsuko Tanaka;

2004 John Doe [Sci-Fi / Thriller]
Adapted from the TV series
Director: Zak Penn;
Screenplay: Zak Penn;
John Doe -- Wesley Snipes;

2004 Journey to the Center of the Earth [another remake]
Plot: Jules Verne did not write this as fiction (the story goes) but
took the trip himself, as a newly discovered manuscript
establishes... A bunch of kids decide to do the same...
Director: Gavin Scott;
Screenplay: Paul Chart, Gavin Scot, others;

2004 Knight's Castle

2004 Knowing [Sci-Fi Thriller]
Plot: broken water main leads to rediscovery of school's time capsule,
but it includes prophetic kids' drawings of terrible disasters,
most of which have happened over the past four decades, and authorities
try to stop the last and worst from coming true...
Director: Richard Kelly;
Screenplay: Richard Kelly, Ryne Douglas Pearson;

2004 The Last 2 People on Earth

2004 Lemony Snicket: A Series of Unfortunate Events
Paramount/DreamWorks, set for Holiday 2004 release
[production start Nov 2003]
adapted from Daniel Handler's novel series
Director: Brad Silberling;
Jim Carrey;
Meryl Streep;
Lude Law;
Liam Aiken as Klaus Baudelaire;
Emily Browning as Violet Baudelaire;
Jennifer Coolidge;
Luis Guzman;
Craig Ferguson;

2004 Level Seven [also known as Level 7]
Adapted from the Mordecai Roshwald Novel [McGraw-Hill, 1959; Signet];
Plot: Level 7 is the diary of Officer X-127, who is assigned to the
country's deepest bomb shelter housing important military personnel
and equipment. For security reasons, those who go down, stay down.
Four thousand feet away from sunshine, Level 7 is considered secure
from the most devastating attack and has been prepared to be
self-sufficient for five hundred years. Marriages are made in this
inverted heaven; food is taken in the form of pulp and pills. All is
ordained by the god Loudspeaker which, unseen and omnipotent, voices
commands for the good of its creatures.
The duty of Officer X-127 is to stand guard at the Pushbuttons,
a machine designed to rocket instant atomic destruction toward the
enemy. There are pushbuttons 1, 2, 3, and 4. Pushbutton 4 is final,
complete, total devastation.
Reviews: [of book] "Powerful, deeply imaginative, haunting.... The best
comment there has been so far on the ghastly imbicility of nuclear
armaments." [J. B. Priestly]
"No one can read Level 7 without feeling its gravest warning."
[New York Herald Tribune]
Production Companies: Level Seven Films [USA], Lonesome Oak Base Productions [USA];
Distributors: Power Point
Director: Hugo Cortina;
Screenplay: Vincent J. Francillon;

2004 Light and the Sufferer
Adapted from Jonathan Lethem short story
Director: Christopher Peditto;
Screenplay: Christopher Peditto;
Don (a.k.a. Light) -- Paul Dano;
Kaz -- Eugene Byrd
Jimmy -- Paul D'Amato;
Anette -- Paz de la Huerta;

2004 Lobo
Adapted from Keith Giffen Comic
Director: Jerrold E. Brown;

2004 Man-Thing [24 Aug 2004 release]
Adapted from Comics;
Artisan Entertainment;
collaboration between Marvel Studios and Fierce Entertainment;
Location: shot in Sydney, Australia;
Director: Brett Leonard;
Screenplay: Hans Rodionoff;
Jack Thompson;
Rawiri Paratene;
Matt Le Nevez;
Rachel Taylor;
Steve Bastoni;

2004 Megalopolis
Plot: a re-envisioning of the Utopian dream in the light of 9/11;
Director: Francis Ford Coppola;
Screenplay: Francis Ford Coppola;

2004 Millions [near-future]
Plot: kids find bank-theft loot, but must spend it before the Euro
replaces the Pound as British currency;
Director: Danny Boyle;
Screenplay: Frank Cottrell Boyce;
St. Francis of Assissi -- Enzo Cilenti;

2004 Monster-in-Law: NOT Horror, listed here to warn you

2004 Mr. 3000
Baseball Fantasy
Plot: 47-year-old who though he'd hit 3000 times in baseball, comes
out of retirement to get the number with a few more hits.
Director: Charles Stone III;
Screenplay: Eric Champnella, Keith Mitchell;
Stan Ross -- Bernie Mac;
Mo -- Angela Bassett;

2004 Onimusha 3 [videogame]
Plot: Jacques Blan is a soldier in contemporary Paris, who is
mystically bound to Samanosuke, a japanese feudal warrior;
Director: Takashi Yamazaki;
Starring (voices):
Jacques Blan -- Jean Reno;
Samanosuke Akechi -- Takeshi Kaneshiro;

2004 Paani [sci-fi] [also known as "Water" [USA literal title]
Director: Shekar Kapur;
Screenplay: Shekar Kapur, Andrew Niccol;

2004 The Passion [April 2004 release]
[can, by a stretch, be considered a Theological Fantasy]
Director/Starring: Mel Gibson

2004 The Phantom of the Opera
Adapted from Gaston Leroux novel and Andrew Lloyd Webber libretto;
Director: Joel Schumaker;
The Phantom -- Gerald Butler;
Christine Daae' -- Emmy Rossum;
Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny -- Patrick Wilson;

2004 The Polar Express [Fantasy] [animated];
Adapted from the book by Chris Van Allsburg;
Director: Robert Zemeckis;
Screenplay: Robert Zemeckis, others;
The Conductor/Hero Boy -- Tom Hanks;
Head Waiter -- Andrew Ableson;
Elf #2 -- Debbie Lee Carrington;
Know It All -- Eddie Deezen;
Steamer/Smokey -- Michael Jeter;
Lonely Boy -- Peter Scolari;
Toothless -- Chris Coppola;
Boy on Train -- Dylan Cash;
Elf #1 -- Phil Fondacaro;
Elf Lieutenant -- Ed Gale;
Holly (as Nona Gaye) -- Nona M. gaye;
Hero Boy -- Josh Jutcherson...

2004 Ram [sci-fi / thriller]
Director: David G. Knappe;
Screenplay: David G. Knappe;
Damien Maxwell -- David G. Knappe;
Greg Evans -- Jack Mulcahy;

2004 Replica
Plot: Silicon Valley software salesman Joe Miller has a failed
kidney, and gets an experimental organ transplant, by a lovely
surgeon with whom he bomes enamored. She dies in a car crash.
As Joe emerges from grief, he meets another gorgeous woman,
Claudia, but she is mysteriously connected to the biotech company
that the pervious lover Dr. Evelyn Tyler worked at...
Director: James Nguyen;
Screenplay: James Nguyen;

2004 Red Dwarf: The Movie
Director: Doug Naylor;
Screenplay: Rob Grant, Doug Naylor, others;
Arnold Juda Rimmer -- Chris Barrie;
David Lister -- Craig Charles;
The Cat -- Danny John-Jules;
Kryten 2X4B-523P -- Robert Llewellyn;
Holly -- Norman Lovett;
Kristine Z. Kochanski -- Chloe Annett;
Captain Frank Hollister -- Mac MacDonald;
Dr. McLaren -- Andy Taylor;

2004 Resident Evil: Apocalypse [computer animation?]
Lots of deadly viruses
Director: Alexander Witt;
Screenplay: Paul W. S. Anderson (also created characters);
Alice -- Milla Jovovich;
Jill Valentine -- Sienna Guillory;
Matt Addison/Nemesis -- Eric Mabius;
Carlos Olivera -- Oded fehr;
Cain -- Thomas Kretchmann;
Dr. Ashford -- Jared Harris;
Terri Morales -- Sandrine Holt;
L. J. -- Kike Epps;
Nicolai -- Zack Ward;
Menesis -- Matthew G. Taylor;

2004 Robot [India; Tamil language]
Director: S. Shankar;
Dual Personality Robot -- "Chiyaan" Vikram

2004 Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed (opens 26 Mar 2004)
Adapted from the animated TV series
[William Hanna / Joseph Barbera characters]
Director: Raja Gosnell;
Fred Jones -- Freddie Prinze Jr.;
Daphne Blake -- Sarah Michelle Gellar;
Norville "Shaggy" Rogers -- Matthew Lillard;
Velma Dinkley -- Linda Cardellini;
Scooby-Doo (voice) -- Neil Fanning;
Patrick Wisely -- Seth Green;
Heather Jasper-Howe -- Alicia Silverstone;
Ned -- Zahf Paroo;
Jacobo -- Time Blake nelson;
Jeremiah Wickles -- Peter Boyle;
more {to be done}

2004 The Shaggy Dog [remake of 1959 film comedy and its sequel
"The Shaggy D.A."]
Plot: lawyer sometimes turns into sheepdog;
Production Company: Disney;
Director: Brian Robbins [The Perfect Score];
Tim Allen;

2004 Shrek II [computer animated] (opens June 2004)
Screnplay: Ted Elliott, Terry Rossio, Joe Stillman, & Roger S. H. Schulman
Studio: [DreamWorks];
Starring (voices):
Antonio Banderas -- Puss In Boots;
Mike Meyers -- Shrek;
Eddie Murphy -- Donkey;

2004 A Sound of Thunder (opens April 2004) [USA/Germany]
Adapted from Ray Bradbury story by Warner Bros.;
TIME TRAVEL: Annotated link-list of 120
movies, television movies, and videogames about time travel,
last updated 29 July 2003
Director: Peter Hyams;
Screenplay: Thomas Dean Donnelly;
Plot: loosely based on the Bradbury classic, Travis Ryer is the
entrepreneur who finances his time travel tech with revenue from
billionaires who want to shoot dinosaurs (Latin: "thunder lizards"}.
Once the guns fail, and when Travis revisits that time on what
for him is the next day, he finds that the time portal computer
is screwy, volcanos are exploding, and dinosaurs are dying.
Then, when he returns to his present, he finds missing files on
his computer, weird weather, and strange plants sprouting in New
York City. So he figures that his people have somehow "corrupted
the timeline."
So Travis Ryer meets with Allison, the timne portal inventor,
while a "time wave" hits New York, covering it with swarms of
insects, while many buildings and people vanish. Travis
concludes that one of his hunters carried a butterfly back from
the past, in violation of strict rules. That butterfly must
have been a turning point in evolution. Travis and Allison
travel through an altered New York, now a jungle filled with
predators. They must find and return the butterfly to the
Cretaceous era, or else a final time wave might undo the very
existence of human beings.
Charles Hatton -- Ben Kinglsey [the corrupt executive who runs the
time-travel theme-park];
Travis Ryer -- Edward Burns [the man who travels to shoot a dinosaur];
Sonia Rand -- Catherine McCormack;
Jenny Krase -- Jemima Rooper;
Dr. Lucas -- Wilfried Hochholdinger;
Clay Derris -- August Zirner;
Christian Middleton -- Corey Johnson;

2004 Spider-Man II
Adapted from Steve Ditko Marvel Comics series,
where Spidey faces his nemesis Doctor Octopus (Doc Ock);
Director: Sam Raimi;
Screenplay: Michael Chabon;
Peter Parker/Spider-Man -- Tobey Maguire;
Mary Jane Watson -- Kirsten Dunst;
Dr. Otto Octavius / Dr. Octopus -- Alfred Molina;
Harry Osborn -- James Franco;
Betty Brant -- Elizabeth Banks;
Snooty Usher -- Bruce Campbell;
Aunt May -- Rosemary Harris;
J. Jonah jameson -- J. K. Simmons;
Hoffman -- Ted Raimi;

2004 Starship Troopers II: Hero of the Federation
sequel to Adaptation of Robert Heinlein novel
Director: Phil Tippett;
Screenplay: Edward Neumeier;
Captain Dax -- Richard Burgi;
Private Lei Sahara -- Colleen Porch;
Private Otis Brick -- Bill Brown;
Corporal Joe Griff -- Ed Quinn;
Private Kipper Tor -- Drew Powell;
General J. G. Shepherd -- Ed Lauter;
Private Charlie Soda -- Kelly Carlson;
Private Billy Otter -- Cy Carter;
Sergeant Dede Rake -- Brenda Strong;
Lieutenant Pavlov Dill -- Lawrence Monoson;
Private Duff Horton -- Jason-Shane Scott;
Private Jill Sandee -- Sandrine Holt;
Tech Sergeant Ari Peck -- J. P. Manoux;
Corporal Thom Liu -- Brian Tee;
Smiling Lieutenant -- Sebastian Siegel;

2004 Tales from Beyond
Plot: magic bookstore sends man and woman in love, into the worlds of
those books;
Director: Josh Austin, Nate Barlow;
Screenplay: Josh Austin (segment), Nate Barlow (segment);
Jay ("the bookstore" segment) -- Adam West;
Victor Cisco ("Fighting Spirit" segment) -- Josh Austin;
Joe Teufel ("Life Replay" segment) -- Nate Barlow;
Nick Sanders (Nex's Diner" segment) -- Eric Manning;
Evan Phillips ("Abernathy" segment) -- Russell Scott;

2004 Tetsujin niju-hachigo [Japan; Japanese language]
Director: Shin Togashi;
Screenplay: Hiroshi Saito, Kota Yamada;

2004 The Thunderbirds (opens 6 Aug 2004)
Live-action adaptation of 1960s BBC puppet TV series
with Gerry and Sylvia Anderson characters;
Plot: First, an oil-rig disaster; then the Thunderbirds
fly back to their secret island base (not the one VP Dick Cheney works
in). Then their space station TB5 is crippled, apparently by
meteors, but really by arch villain Arsiotle Spode to get them
to leave their base, which he then takes over, and gives Brain
drugs to make him compliant. Or something.
Director: Jonathan Frakes;
Alan Tracy -- Brady Corbet;
Jeff Tracy -- Bill Paxton;
Fermat -- Soren Fulton;
The Hood [villain] -- Ben Kingsley;
Brains -- Anthony Edwards;
Lady Penelope -- Sophia Myles;
Parker -- Ron Cook;
Scott Tracy -- Philip Winchester;
John Tracy -- Lex Shrapnel;
Virgil Tracy -- Dominic Colenso;
Gordon Tracy -- Ben Torgerson;

2004 Troy [19 May 2004 release]
[can, by a stretch, be considered an Historical Fantasy]
Visually splendid, veers between strong and pathetic acting,
pretty much a waste of star casting, utterly wrongheaded in eliminated
the Gods of Mount Olympus. We don't have to believe in them, but the
characters must, or this makes little sense. Sad to say, this must be
dismissed as loosely based on Homer.

2004 Ultraviolet
Plot: a world of human versus vampires, and a boy who makes a
Producer: Lucas Foster;
Director: Kurt Wimmer;
Screenplay: Kurt Wimmer;
Location: Shanghai (half-complete super-skyscraper);
production also in China and Hong Kong
Six -- Cameron Bright;
?? -- Milla Jovovich;

2004 Van Helsing [a Dracula spinoff]
Universal Pictures;
opens 7 May 2004;
Plot: In the style of an Errol Flynn swashbuckler, this film features
a long-haired Hugh Jackman as the title character, a mercenary
for the Catholic Church who does "wet ops" -- that is,
assassination of vampires and other possessed souls, including
wolfmen. Frankenstein's monster makes a cameo appearance.
The character is conflicted, unhappy with his job, and portrayed
as more complex than James Bond. Film rights play a role here:
Universal Pictures (owned by Vivendi Universal) has the rights
to Dracula, Wolfman, and Frankenstein's monster films.
Van Helsing, vampire hunter -- Hugh Jackman ["Wolverine"]
Carl [monk/weapons-maker] -- David Wemham

2004 The Village [working title had been "The Woods"]
Plot: in 1897, a remote forest community is surrounded by mythical
creatures. Or maybe not. The acting is good, launching
Bryce Howard into stardom. But my wife and I both guessed the
Twist Ending, which rather deflated the fine atmospheric
directing and interesting location shooting (rare use of
windiness in background and audio).
Director: M. Night Shyamalan;
Screenplay: M. Night Shyamalan;
Lucius Hunt -- Joaquin Phoenix;
Ivy Walker -- Bryce Howard;
Edward Walker -- William Hurt;
Alice Hunt -- Sigourney Weaver;
Noah Percy -- Adrien Brody;
Kitty Walker -- Judy Greer;

2004 War of the Worlds [yet another remake of 1953 film]
Adaptation: of H. G. Wells novel;
Director: Timothy Hines
??? -- Katie Tomlinson;
??? -- Julio Perez;

2004 Watchful Eyes [British] [Sci-Fi / Crime]
Plot: criminals control a city, and cops are drawn into unethical
action to combat them. Young officer Stephanie Gallagher slides
towards corruption. Are the Wolf packs on the right or wrong side?
Producers: Amber Benson, Diane Benson;
Director: Teri Owens;
Screenplay: Teri Owens;
Stephanie Gallagher -- Amber Benson;

2004 The Winning Season [made for TV]
Baseball Fantasy.
Director: John Kent Harrison;
Screenplay: Dan Gutman;
Mandy -- Kristen Davis;
Flo -- Sharon Bajer;
Times Photographer -- Chad Bruce;
Joe Stoshack -- Shawn Hatosy;
Babe Adams -- Ryan Holliman;
Nate -- Stan Lesk;
Honus Wagner -- Matthew Modine;
Ty Cobb -- William Lee Scott;
Cap Clarke -- John Tench;

2004 ["The Woods": working title had been] renamed: The Village;
see The Village
Plot: in 1897, a remote forest community is surrounded by mythical
Director: M. Night Shyamalan;
Screenplay: M. Night Shyamalan;
Lucius Hunt -- Joaquin Phoenix;
Ivy Walker -- Bryce Howard;
Edward Walker -- William Hurt;
Alice Hunt -- Sigourney Weaver;
Noah Percy -- Adrien Brody;
Kitty Walker -- Judy Greer;

2004 Sky Captain and World of Tomorrow
Plot: in 1939, the world's top scientists are disappearing. A reporter
discovers this, and tries to solve the mystery. Supported by an
adventurer and a pilot, she finds that a mad scientist is behind
the events...
Good reception at preview, San Diego Comic-Con, July 2004
Director: Kerry Conran;
Screenplay: Kerry Conran;
Sky Captain -- Jude Law;
Polly Perkins -- Gwyneth Paltrow;
Frankie -- Angelina Jolie;
Dex -- Casey Affleck;
Mysterious Woman -- Ling Bai;

2004 Xenosaga Episode II: Jenseits von Gut und Bose [videogame]

2004 The X-Files 2

2005 Films:

2005 Air Battle Force [Technothriller]
Adapted from Dale Brown novel [he's a Tom Clancy-like Technothriller novelist]
Plot: "Maverick Pilot Patrick McLanahan takes aerial warfare into
unknown territory in this heart racing new adventure. Can a handful
of commandos half a world away, aided by an unproven force of
robot warplanes, fight and win a war in which everyone -- even
'friendly' forces at home -- want them to fail?"

2005 The Amityville Horror [remake]

2005 Astro Boy [animation] [Japan]
Adapted from early anime series
Director: Eric Leighton;
Screenplay: Todd Alcott, Ken Kaufman, others;

2005 Batman 5 [starts shooting Feb 2004]
also known as: Batman: Intimidation;
Adapted: from the Bob Kane character;
Plot: rumor has Christian Bale in Iceland battling Ras Al Ghul's
protege. The plot is adapted from year one and year two
Batman stories.
Production Companies: DiBonaventura Pictures [USA], Warner Bros.;
Executive Producers: Benjamin Melniker, Michael E. Uslan;
Producer: Emma Thomas;
Director: Christopher Nolan [Insominia (2002), Memento (2000)];
Cinematographer: Wally Pfister;
Film Editor: Dody Dorn;
Production Designer: Nathan Crowley;
Costume Design: Lindy Hemming;
Screenplay: David S. Goyer [Blade (1998), Blade II (2002)]
Music: David Julyan;
Bruce Wayne/Batman -- Christian Bale
Alfred -- Michael Caine;

2005 Bewitched [slipped from 2004; filming starts Apr 2004]
Adapted from the 1964-1972 TV series [Fantasy / Comedy]
Production Companies: Columbia Pictures, Red Wagon Productions [USA];
Distributor: Sony Pictures Enertainment [worldwide];
Producers: Lucy Fisher, Douglas Wick;
Director: Nora Ephron;
Screenwriter: Nora Ephron;
Samantha -- Nicole Kidman
Darin -- Will Ferrell

2005 Bioncle
spun off from little kids' toy series

2005 Blade: Trinity
Director: David S. Goyer
Screenplay: David S. Goyer [Blade (1998), Blade II (2002)]
Blade -- Wesley Snipes;
Abraham Whistler -- Kris Kristofferson;
Hannibal King -- Ryan Reynolds;
Abigail Whistler -- Jessica Biel;
danica -- Parker Posey;
Flick -- Cascy Beddow;

2005 Bloodrayne [Horror]
Director: Uwe Boll [House of the Dead (2003)]
Producer: Shawn Williamson;
Production Companies: 1st Boll Kino Beteiligungs GmbH and Co [Germany],
Brightlight Pictures Inc. [Canada];

2005 Bond 21 [currently untitled James Bond technothriller]
[production start Jan 2005]
Adapted: from the Ian Fleming character;
Screenplay: Neal Purvis [Die Another Day (2002)];
James Bond -- Pierce Brosnan;

2005? Brothers Grimm [Czech Republic; English language]
Production Companies: Dimension Films
Plot: pair of itinerant con-men fall under real magical curse;
Director: Terry Gilliam;
Screenplay: Terry Gilliam, Tony Grisoni;
Status: Post-production (as of late Nov 2003]
Delatombe -- Jonathan Pryce;
Jake Grimm -- Heath Ledger;
Will Grimm -- Matt Damon;
Angelika -- Lena Headey;
Cavaldi -- Peter Strmare;
Mayor -- Roger Ashton-Griffiths;
Queen Mirror -- Monica bellucci;
Gregor -- Jan Unger;

2005 Cargo [Switzerland; German language]
Runtime: 90 minutes;
Plot: Gigantic "technoplaneten" stations in the universe;
never firm soil underfoot. Facets of the far future.
Somewhere in the vacuum between the stars, an old cargo
spaceship, the Kassandra, has only Alina Leonova awake,
and six others in cryonic suspension [shades of 2001!].
She has a one-year hitch in piloting, then it's the next pilot's
turn. But, when she wakes up her successor, something goes
horribly wrong. The new pilot is found dead, a few hours later,
with parts of her organs missing. Alina Leonova wakes
the rest of the crew to solve the murder, but is immediately
accused of being the murderer. Thenm the mission commander dies
in what may or may not be an accident. Who is on which side?
[Your Humble Webmaster's translation from the official website]
Director: Ivan Engler [Nomina Domine (2002)];
Screenplay: Arnold Bucher;
Producer: Marcel Wolfisberg;
Cinematographer: Pascal Walder;
Production Copmpanies: Centauri Media [Czech Republic];
Distributor: Ascot Elite Entertainment Group [Czech Republic];
Alina Leonova -- ???

2005 Cars [computer animated]
Plot: Route 66 roadrace between classic cars...
Studio: Pixar Animation Studios, Walt Disney Pictures;
Distributor: Buena Vista Pictures;
Director: John Lassiter;

2005 Cave [Horror/Thriller]
Plot: Expert cavers (cave explorers) are trapped in a deep
underground collapse, and (against all laws of biology) "mutate"
into neanderthals or other pre-humans;
Studios: Screen Gems/Lakeshore Entertainment;
Director: Bruce Hunt [directorial debut; previously was a 2nd and 3rd
unit director on "The Matrix" and "Matrix Revolutions"];
Screenplay: Michael Steinberg;
[lead explorer] -- Cole Hauser ["Pitch Black"];

2005 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory [remake][USA/UK]
Adapted: from the Roald Dahl novel;
Production Companies: Basic Entertainment, Plan B Films,
The Zanuck Company, Warner Bros.;
Distributor: Warner Bros.;
Producers: Matthew Baer, Brad Grey, Michael Siegel, Richard D. Zanuck;
Director: Tim Burton;
Screenplay: Gwyn Lurie, Pamela Pettler;
Music: Danny Elfman;
Willy Wonka -- Johnny Depp;

2005 Chicken Little [animation]
Production Company: Walt Disney Pictures;
Distributors: Buena Vista International, Buena Vista Pictures;
Director: Mark Dindal [sfx animator "The Little Mermaid",
"The Tom & Jerry Movie", "Oliver and Company"]
Plot: in a world of talking animals, most are perturbed by
Chicken Little's overcative imagination;
Music: John Debney;

2005 The Da Vinci Code [Technothriller / Mystery]
Adapted: from the Dan Brown bestselling novel [only the Harry Potter
books outsold this Fantasy in 2003];
Production Company: Columbia Pictures Corp., Imagine Entertainment;
Distributor: Columbia Pictures Corp.;
Producers: John Calley, Brian Grazer;
Director: Ron Howard;
Screenplay: Akiva Goldsman [I Robot (2004), A Beautiful Mind (2001),
Lost in Space (1998)]
Plot: Clues in a Leonardo Da Vinci painting connects with a murder in
the Louvre, leading to a religious mystery kept secret for two
millennia... namely that Jesus married Mary Magdelene and gave
rise to the royal bloodline in France;

2005 The Demolished Man
Adapted: from Alfred Bester novel;
Plot: in a future where crime is prevented by telepaths, a psychopath
business executive plots the perfect murder;
Director: Andrew Dominik [Chopper (2000)];

2005 Die Hard 4: Die Hardest
Plot: During a vacation, John McClane and his daughter are drawn
into a terrorist plot;
Director: John McTiernan;
Characters: Roderick Thorp;
Screenplay: Mark Bomback;
John McClane -- Bruce Willis;

2005 Dr. Strange

2005 Dungeon Siege (opens Winter 2005)
Adapted: from Gas Powered Games' videogame, released by Microsoft Game
Studios for PC in April 2002;
Plot: farm girl becomes heroine;
Studio: Boll KG;
Executive Producer: Uwe Boll;
Directors: Uwe Boll, Shawn Williams [Brightlight Pictures];
Shooting: Canada, Eastern Europe, starting Fall 2004;

2005 Elektra [Spin-off from Daredevil]
Screenplay: Raven Metzner [Deathlok (2004)], Stu Zicherman [Deathlok (2004)];
Elektra -- Jennifer Garner;

2005 Farenheit 451 [remake]
Adapted from Ray Bradbury novel
Production Companies: Castle Rock Entertainment, Storyline Entertainment;
Producers: Neil Meron, Craig Zadan;
Director: Frank Darabont;
Screenplay: Frank Darabont;

2005 Ghostrider [Fantasy / Action]
Plot: motorcycles and demons;
Director: Mark Steven Johnson;
Screenplay: Mark Steven Johnson, Shane Salerno;
Johnny Blaze / Ghostrider -- Nicholas Cage;
??? -- John Voight;

2005 The Goddess [Musical / Fantasy]
[India; English language]
Director: James Ivory;
Kali -- Tina Turner;

2005 The Green Hornet

2005 Hannibal [Historical Fantasy]
Plot: in the 3rd century BC, the General from Carthage
brings elephants and troops over the Alps to attack Rome;
Production Companies: One Race Productions, Revolution Studios;
Screenplay: David Franzoni;
Hannibal Barca -- Vin Diesel;

2005 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Adapted: from the J. K. Rowling ultrabestseller novel;
Executive Producer: Chris Columbus;
Director: Mike Newell [Mona Lisa Smile (2003), Pushing Tin (1999)];
Screenplay: Steven Kloves [Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)]
Harry Potter -- Daniel Radcliffe;
Hermione Granger -- Emma Watson;
Ron Weasley -- Rupert Grint;
Michelle Ang [New Zealand][last 2 episodes of "Xena"] -- Cho Chang;
Gamekeeper Rubeus Hagrid -- Robbie Coltrane;
Sirius Black -- Gary Oldman;
Headmaster Albus Dumbledore -- Michael Gambon;
Professor Severus Snape -- Alan Rickman;
Deputy Headmistress/Professor Minerva McGonagall -- Maggie Smith;
Professor Remus Lupin -- David Thewliss;
Caretaker Argus Filch -- David Bradley;
Draco Malfoy -- Tom Felton;
Uncle Vernon Dursley -- Richard Griffiths;
many more {to be done}

2005 Henry Bates and the Sorcerer's Balls
MGM parody of the J. K. Rowling ultrabestseller novels/films;
Plot: The evil wizard Enron is confronted by the good wizard Gandolfini
as helped by Henry Bates, the rightful king of Middlefinger;
Studio: MGM, Ricochet Films;
Producer: Ricky Strauss;
Screenplay: David Morgasen, James R. Stein,
Timothy Stack ["Son of the Beach"];

2005 His Dark Materials: Northern Lights [UK/USA]
Adapted: from the Carnegie-winning novel by Philip Pullman,
the first of a trilogy;
Plot: Young Lyra Belacqua leaves the dimension of an
alternate-universe Oxford, and enters a philosophical epic
odyssey across the dimensions... Seems like a children's action
adventure at first, but deepends and darkens...
Production Company: Scholastic Productions;
Producer: Deborah Forte;
Screenplay: Tom Stoppard;
Lyra Belacqua -- ???

2005 Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy [animated]
Adapted: from the Douglas Adams novel;
Director: Garth Jennings
Screenplay: Garth Jennings;
Starring (voice):
Marvin the Paranoid Android -- Stephen Moore;

2005 Howl's Moving Castle, also known as "Hauru no ugoku shiro"
Adapted: from the Diana Wynne Jones novel;
Director: Hayao Miyazaki ["Spirited Away", "Princess Mononoke"]
Screenplay: Reiko Yoshida;

2005 Hotwheels
Adapted from the toys [see Bioncle]

2005 The Incredible Shrinking Man [comedy remake]
Adapted: from the Richard Matheson novel;
Production Companies: Imagine Entertainment, Universal Pictures;
Distributor: MCA/Universal;
Executive Producer: Eddie Murphy;
Producer: Brian Grazer;
Director: Keenen Ivory Wayans;
Screenplay: Mark Burton, Billy Frolick, Fred Wolf;

2005 Indiana Jones 4
1 July 2005 release (or at least between May and December);
Status: preproduction, storyboards, shooting to start June 2004;
Adapted: from George Lucas characters;
Director: Steven Spielberg;
Screenplay: Frank Darabont;
Dr. Henry "Indiana" Jones, Jr. -- Harrison Ford;

2005 Instant Karma [Fantasy / Comedy / Animation]
Plot: Safecracker dies, is reborn as an anaimal, again and again;
Director: Paul Hernandez;
Screenplay: Ted Elliott, Paul Hernandez;
Starring (voices):
Pierce Brosnan;
Dom DeLuise;
David Alan Grier;
Dwayne Johnson;
Eartha Kitt;
Burt Reynolds;
Mira Sorvino;
Gene Wilder;

2005 Iron Man
Adapted from Marvel Comics series (Don Heck characters);
Plot: Billionaire alcohlic is forced to save his own life by building
a robotic suit/life-support system;
Status: now in 2nd draft by "Smallville" creators Miles Millar &
Alfred Gough;
Creator: Larry Lieber;
Executive Producers: Kevin Feige, Stan Lee;
Producers: Avi Arad, Phil Alden Robinson;
Co-Producer: Avi Arad;
Screenplay: Miles Millar, Alfred Gough [credited as Al Gough],
Phil Alden Robinson;
Characters: Don Heck, Jack Kirby, Stan Lee, Larry Lieber;

2005 James Bond 21
James Bond -- Ewan McGregor [if not Pierce Brosnan]

2005 Jurassic Park IV
Adapted: from Michael Crichton characters;
Screenplay: William Monahan;

2005 King Conan: Crown of Iron [a.k.a. Conan 3]
Adapted: from the stories by Robert E. Howard;
Production Companies: Conan properties, Paradox Entertainment,
Warner Bros.;
Distributor: Warner Bros.;
Producers: Rick Alexander, Irving Azoff, John J. Jashni,
Andy Wachowski ["Matrix"], Larry Wachowski ["Matrix"];
Director: John Milius;
Screenplay: John Milius [Clear and Present Danger (1994)];
Music: Basil Poledouris;

2005 King Kong [remake of 1933 classic, by Peter Jackson]
12 Dec 2005 release
[New Zealand];
Producers: Peter Jackson, Frances Walsh [credited as Fran Walsh];
Director: Peter Jackson [Lord of the Rings];
Screenplay: Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh, Philippa Boyens;
Story: Merian C. Cooper, Edgar Wallace;
Music: Howard Shore;
The Ape -- Andy Serkis [Gollum in "Lord of the Ring"]

2005 King Solomon's Jewel [Hungary]
Producer: Jozsef Pocsai;
Director: Jozsef Pocsai;
Screenplay: Lehel Bihari Jozsef Pocsai;
Predslava -- Nora Parti;
Akos -- Zoltan Rajkai;
Boris -- Karoly Rekasi;

2005 Kingdom of Heaven [Historical Fantasy]
[Morocco / USA]
Plot: 12th century Crusade; blacksmith leads troops, falls in love
with Princess of Jerusalem;
Director: Ridley Scott;
Screenplay: William Monahan;
William Eaton -- Russel Crowe;
Hamet Karamanli -- Ben Kingsley;

2005 Knightrider
Director: Sammo Hung Kam-Bo;

2005 The Lecter Variations [a.k.a. Hannibal 4]
Plot: Hannibal and Mischa Lecter as teenagers, whose parents died in
World War II...
Adapted: from the Thomas Harris character;
Screenplay: Thomas Harris;

2005 The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe [USA]
Adapted: from the C. S. Lewis novels;
Production Company: Waldern media;
Distributor: Walt Disney Pictures;
Executive Producers: Andrew Adamson, Perry Moore, Philip Steuer;
Producer: Grant Major;
Director: Andrew Adamson;
Screenplay: Christopher Markus, Stephen McFeely, Ann Peacock;
Production Design: Roger Ford;
Special Effects: Richard Taylor, Weta Workshops [New Zealand];

2005 The Longest Journey 2 [Videogame]

2005 Madagascar [Fantasy / Animation]
Director: Eric Darnell, Conrad Vernon;
Screenplay: Mark Burton, Billy Frolick;
Starring (voices):
Zebra -- Chris Rock;
Lion -- Ben Stiller;
Gloria the Hippo -- Jada Pinkett Smith;
The Giraffe -- David Schwimmer;

2005 Mission Impossible 3 [slipped from 2004]
Another sequel to the Bruce Geller TV series;
Status: shooting starts Jan 2004;
Director: Joe Carnahan;
Producers: Tom Cruise, Paula Wagner;
Screenplay: Dean Georgaris, Robert Towne;
Story: Ben Trebilcook;
Casting: Deborah Aquila, Mary Tricia Wood [and Associate Jen Smith];
Ethan Hunt -- Tom Cruise;
Val Kilmer -- ???;
Luther Stickell -- Ving Rhames
??? -- Kelly Brook;
??? -- Marc Blucas;

2005 Pirates of the Caribbean 2
Director: Gore Verbinski;
Screenplay: Ted Elliott, Terry Rossio;
Jack Sparrow -- Johnny Depp;
Will Turner -- Orlando Bloom;
Elizabth Swann -- Keira Knightley;

2005 The Ring
Adapted: from myths and Richard Wagner's opera cycle
"Ring of the Nibelung";
Status: shooting started 17 Nov 2003 in Capetown, South Africa;
Budget: $23,000,000;
Studio: Tandem Communications [Munich, Germany];
Executive Producers: Rola Bauer, Tim Halkin;
Director: Uli Edel;
Screenplay: Uli Edel, Diane Duane & Peter Morwood;
Story: Robert Cochran;
Benno Fuhrmann ["The Order"] -- Siegfried;
Kritsnna Loken ["Terminator III"] -- Brunhilde;
Alicia Witt -- Kriemhild;
Julian Sands -- ???;
Max Von Sydow -- ???;

2005 Robots [Animation / Sci-Fi / Comedy]
11 March 2005 release
Director: Carlos Saldanha, Chris Wedge;
Screenplay: Lowell Ganz, Babaloo Mandel;

2005 Untitled Seconds remake [maybe 2006]
Adaptation/Remake: of 1966 John Frankenheimer film, but rumored to be
more faithful than the original film starring John Randolph,
to the novel on which the 1966 film was based, said novel by David Ely.
Plot: an older man pays to get a new face, body, and identity. Things
go wrong, with a twist ending.
Producers: Hal Lieberman, Mace Neufeld;;
Director: Jonathan Mostow [directed "Terminator 3"];
Screenplay: {to be done}
Starring: {to be done}

2005 The Secret Life of Walter Mitty [remake of 1947 classic]
Wish-fulfillment Fantasy
Adaptation: of James Thurber story, about a nebbish who has heroic
daydreams starring an idealized version of himself;
Production Companies: DreamWorks SKG, Paramount Pictures;
Director: Steven Spielberg;
Producer: Samuel Goldwyn, Jr.;
Music: John Williams;
Editor: Michael Kahn;
Walter Mitty -- Jim Carey

2005 Shazam!

2005 The Six Million Dollar Man [Comedy / Sci-Fi / Action]
Adapted: from the TV series;
Executive Producers: Mary Parent, Andrew Rona, Brad Weston, Michael Zoumas;
Producers: Scott Faye, Larry Gordon, Lloyd levin;
Co-Producer: Scott Cherrin;
Director: Todd Phillips;
Screenplay: Todd Phillips;
Colonel Steve Aystin -- Jim Carrey;

2005 Spy Hunter
[production starts Spring 2004]
Plot: Former fighter-pilot battles assassins and spies in his
supercharged Interceptor car;
Production Companies: Original Films [USA], Universal Pictures [USA]
Producers: Marty Adelstein, Adrian Askarieh, Chuck Gordon, Neal H. Moritz;
Screenplay: Michael Brandt, Derek Haas
The Rock;

2005 Star Wars: Episode III
25 May 2005 release
Director: George Lucas;
Status: as of November 2003, this film is in Postproduction;
Novelization: Matthew Woodring Stover [Del Rey: Ballentine]
Plot: darker and more "Shakespearean" than the first 5 films
in the franchise; tries to wrap up all major plot lines;
includes underwater fight scene;
Samuel L. Jackson as Jedi Knight Mace Windu;
Ewan McGregor -- Obi-Wan Kenobi;

2005 Superman
either revives or dooms the franchise

2005 Talisman
Adapted: from Stephen King/Peter Straub novel;
Plot: boy searches parallel universe to find magical talisman that
can cure his mother's cancer;
Production Company: Amblin Entertainment;
Distributors: Drea, Works Distribution LLC, Universal Pictures;
Executive Producer: Steven Spielberg;
Supervising Producer: Mary Parent;
Producer: Kathleen Kennedy;
Director: Vadim Perelman ["House of Sand and Fog"];
Screenplay: Ehren Kruger;

2005 Three Litle Pigs [animated]
Screenplay: Grant Calof, Greg Lee;

2005 Valiant [animated] [United Kingdom]
Plot: World War II wood pigeons, one of whom, named Valiant, becomes
a hero of the Royal Air Force Homing Pigeon Service;
Production Companies: Ealing Studios [UK], Vanguard Film Productions [USA];
Distributors: Odyssey Distributers Ltd. [UK], Buena Vista Pictures [USA];
Executive Producer: Barnaby Thompson;
Producer: John H. Williams [same producer as "Shrek"];
Directors: Gary Chapman, Rob Letterman;
Screenplay: Phil Hay, Matt Manfredi;
Editor: Jim Stewart (really James Austin Stewart), Liz Webber;
Editorial Manager: Briana Ryan;
Look Development: Miles Bellas;
Voice-Over Recordist: Colin Cooper;
Starring [voices]:
Valiant -- Ewan McGregor [Star Wars III];
??? -- Ben Kingsley;
??? -- Jim Broadbent;
??? -- Rupert Everett;
??? -- Hugh Lauries;
??? -- John Hurt;
??? -- Ricky Gervais;

2005 The Wallace & Gromit Movie
30 Sep 2005 release
Studio: Aardman Animations [UK];
Director: Nick Park;
Lady Tottington -- Helena Bonham-Carter;

2005 XXX2 [sequel to XXX]
Executive Producers: Rob Cohen, Vin Diesel, Todd Garner, George Zakk;
Producer: Neal H. Moritz;
Director: Lee Tamahori;
Screenplay: Simon Kinberg;
Editor: Christian Wagner;
??? -- Ice Cube;
Agent Augustus Gibbons -- Samuel L. Jackson;

2006 Films:

2006 Unnamed "Buffy" [feature film]
This is the rumored feature film based on the TV show based on the
feature film.
Executive Producer: probably Joss Whedon;
Xander -- Nicholas Brendon

2006 Rendezvous With Rama [short animation?]
Adapted from Arthur C. Clarke novel;
Plot: rumor has it that Morgan Freeman's production company will debut
this film simultaneously in theatres and on the World Wide Web,
hoping to start a trend.
Production Company: Revelations Entertainment [CEO Lori McCreary;
company controlled by Morgan Freeman];
Director: Aaron Michael Ross;
Editor: Joe Miale;
Screenplay: ???;
Music: Jason Poss;
Special Effects: Intel is rumored to be involved;
??? -- Jens Rasmussen;

2006 Scooby-Doo 3
Adapted from the animated TV series
Velma -- Linda Cardellini [reprise role] ["ER"];
[museum curator love interest] -- Seth Green;

2006 Spider-Man 3
Adapted from the Marvel Comics series

2006 X3, also known as X-Men 3
Adapted from the Marvel Comics series;
Plot: focus on Famke Janssen's "Jean Grey" character and her apparent
transformation into Dark Phoenix, foreshaodwed late in X2.
There will be a "Wolverine" movie spinoff, but only after X3.
Production Companies: 20th Century Fox, Marvel, Bad Hat Harry Productions;
Director: Bryan Singer;
Screenplay: Bryan Singer, Dan Harris, Michael Dougherty;
Executive Producers: Avi Arad, Tom DeSanto, Bryan Singer;
Producers: Lauren Shuler Donner, Ralph Winter;
Editor: John Ottman;
Music: John Ottman;

2006 Untitled Pixar Rodent Project

2006 X-Men 3
Status: talks between Brian Singer and 20th century Fox Production
President Hutch Parker as of December 2003, but complicated by
the fact that cast members' deals were for the original 2000 film
and options for one sequel, so this 2nd sequel will require
brokering new and more expensive deals;
Adaptation: of Marvel comics series;
Director: Brian Singer;
Hugh Jackman;
Patrick Stewart;
Ian McKellan;
Halle Berry;

{to be done}

2007 Films:

2007 Fantastic Four II [maybe; franchise start was 2004]
Adapted from Marvel Comics series;
Plot: bunch of astronauts exposed to radiation get super powers,
battle their antagonist Doctor Victor Von Doom;
Story: Michael France;
Screenplay: Mark Frost;

2007 Halloween 10 [maybe; 31 Oct 2007 release]

June 2007 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Screenplay: Steven Kloves [Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)]

2007 His Dark Materials: The Subtle Knife [UK/USA] [maybe]
Adapted: from the Carnegie-winning novel by Philip Pullman,
the second of a trilogy (Northern Lights was the first);
Plot: Young Lyra Belacqua leaves the dimension of an
alternate-universe Oxford, and enters a philosophical epic
odyssey across the dimensions... Seems like a children's action
adventure at first, but deepends and darkens...
Production Company: Scholastic Productions;
Producer: Deborah Forte;
Screenplay: Tom Stoppard;
Lyra Belacqua -- ???

2007 The Hobbit [as Prequel to the "Lord of the Rings"
trilogy, by Peter Jackson]
[begun after release of Peter Jackson's remake of King Kong]
Adapted: from the J.R.R. Tolkien novel;
New Line Cinema [but shot in & effects in New Zealand]
Director: Peter Jackson [Lord of the Rings];
Screenplay: Peter Jackson;
The Australian Advertiser newspaper said (Jan 2004) that legalities
threaten this production. Why? Because New Line Cinema (which made
Lord of the Rings) owns the movie rights to The Hobbot, but United
Artists owns the distribution rights controlling The Hobbit,
albeit New Line has "first refusal rights" to produce the film.
J.R.R. Tolkien's great-gandson, Royd Tolkien, 34 years old,
said "I would love to see Peter Jackson make a film of The Hobbit.
That would be the perfect ending."

2007 Pirates of the Caribbean 3 [maybe; #2 was in 2005]
Director: Gore Verbinski;
Screenplay: Ted Elliott, Terry Rossio;
Jack Sparrow -- Johnny Depp;
Will Turner -- Orlando Bloom;
Elizabth Swann -- Keira Knightley;

2007 Rapunzel Upbraided [animated]
Plot: not a bookwormish girl like Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
nor a passive victim like Snow White, tower-resident
Rapunzel of the golden tresses is Disney's first fully comedic
princess (a style usually resrved for sidekicks);
Disney Fairytale/Fantasy

2007 Shrek III [computer animated] (maybe) [II was in 2004]
Screnplay: Ted Elliott, Terry Rossio, Joe Stillman, & Roger S. H. Schulman
Studio: [DreamWorks];
Starring (voices):
Antonio Banderas -- Puss In Boots;
Mike Meyers -- Shrek;
Eddie Murphy -- Donkey;
More {to be done}

2008 Films:

2008 Batman 6 [maybe]

2008 Blade: Forewarned [maybe]
Director: David S. Goyer
Screenplay: David S. Goyer [Blade (1998), Blade II (2002), Blade: Trinity (2005)]
Blade -- Wesley Snipes;
Abraham Whistler -- Kris Kristofferson;

2008 Bond 22 [currently untitled James Bond technothriller]
[production start Dec 2007]
Adapted: from the Ian Fleming character;

2008 Constantine II [maybe; sequel to 2004 franchise start]
Adapted from the DC-Vertigo comic "Hellblazer",
about the supernatural detective John Constantine;
Plot: John Constantine is a supernatural detective who has returned
from hell...;
Studio: Warner Bros.;
Producer: Lauren Shuler Donner ["Timeline" 2003];
Director: Francis Lawrence;
Screenplay: Steve Bissette (co-creator), Mark Bomback, others;
John Constantine -- Keanu Reeves;
Angela Dodson -- Rachel Weisz;
Pap Midnite -- Djimon Hounsou;
Gabriel -- Tilda Swinton;
??? -- Shia LeBeouf;

2008 Elektra [Spin-off from Daredevil, Elektra (2005)]
Screenplay: Raven Metzner [Deathlok (2004)], Stu Zicherman [Deathlok (2004)];
Elektra -- Jennifer Garner;

2008 Red Dwarf 2: The Blue Giant [maybe]

2008 The Stars My Destination [maybe]
Adapted: from Alfred Bester novel;

2008 XXX3 [sequel to XXX, XXX2]
Executive Producers: Rob Cohen, Vin Diesel, Todd Garner, George Zakk;

{to be done}

2009 Films:

2009 Die Hard 5: Die Already [maybe]
Plot: John McClane suspects that his daughter was brainwashed
by terrorists;
Director: John McTiernan;
Characters: Roderick Thorp;
Screenplay: Mark Bomback;
John McClane -- Bruce Willis;

2009 Indiana Jones 5 [maybe; sequel to Indiana Jones 4 (2005)]
Adapted: from George Lucas characters;
Director: Steven Spielberg;
Screenplay: Frank Darabont;
Dr. Henry "Indiana" Jones, Jr. -- Harrison Ford;

2009 Jurassic Park V [maybe]
Adapted: from Michael Crichton characters;
Screenplay: William Monahan;

2009 Mission Impossible 5 [maybe; #4 was in 2005]
Another sequel to the Bruce Geller TV series;
Status: shooting starts Jan 2004;
Director: Joe Carnahan;
Producers: Tom Cruise, Paula Wagner;
Screenplay: Dean Georgaris, Robert Towne;
Story: Ben Trebilcook;
Casting: Deborah Aquila, Mary Tricia Wood [and Associate Jen Smith];
Ethan Hunt -- Tom Cruise;
Val Kilmer -- ???;
Luther Stickell -- Ving Rhames
??? -- Kelly Brook;
??? -- Marc Blucas;

2009 Scooby-Doo 4 [maybe]
Adapted from the animated TV series

2009 Spider-Man 4 [maybe]
Adapted from the Marvel Comics series

2009 X-Men 4 [maybe]

{to be done}

2010 Films:

2010 His Dark Materials 3: The Amber Spyglass [UK/USA] [maybe]
Adapted: from the Carnegie-winning novel by Philip Pullman,
the second of a trilogy [Northern Lights was the first,
The Subtle Knife (2007) was 2nd];
Plot: Young Lyra Belacqua leaves the dimension of an
alternate-universe Oxford, and enters a philosophical epic
odyssey across the dimensions... Seems like a children's action
adventure at first, but deepends and darkens...
Production Company: Scholastic Productions;
Producer: Deborah Forte;
Screenplay: Tom Stoppard;
Lyra Belacqua -- ???

2010 Star Wars: Episode VII [maybe]
He said he'd stop at 6 films, but now it look more like
a triple trilogy (9 films);
Director: George Lucas;

{to be done}

Major Television of this Decade 2000-2010

TV of 2000
TV of 2001
TV of 2002
TV of 2003
TV of 2004
TV of 2005
TV of 2006

2000 TV:

2000 The Accuser

2000 Aeon - Countdown im All; German 2000 A.D. miniseries
Director: Holger Neuhäuser
Writers: Daniel Maximilian, Thomas Pauli
Cast Includes:
Chris Sanders -- Bernhard Bettermann
Laura Giordan -- Anna Vallei
Production Companies: Sat.1, Tellux Film GmbH;
Special Effects (Digital): Cybersign, V-Empire;
Funding: FilmFernsehFonds Bayern

2000 Andromeda
Captain Dylan Hunt commands the sentient Andromeda Ascendant
starship, which is part of the military muscle of multi-galaxy utopian
All-Systems Commonwealth monarchy. That Commonwealth is a blend of the
Federation (as Roddenberry invented for "Star Trek") without the depth of
Ken McLeod's Communist utopian Solar Union ("Cassini Division" is its
elite military force), or Iain Banks' Anarcho-socialist Culture novels
("Consider Phlebas", "The Player of Games", "Use of Weapons", "Excession")
or the very Capitalist Qeng Ho interstellar trading fleet in Vernor
Vinge's novels ("A Fire Upon the Deep", "A Deepness in the Sky").
That is, in my opinion, "Andromeda" is Space Opera without the deep
politics of literary science fiction, or the exuberent fun of, say,
"5th Element."
The Nietzcheans back-stab the Commonwealth, Hunt has little choice
but to order his crew to abandon ship, and fling Andromeda Ascendant
into a black hole. Three centuries later, the passing salvage ship
Eureka Maru drags the ship out of the frozen time near the black hole.
To Hunt's horror, the All-Systems Commonwealth is virtually forgotten,
and the Three Galaxies have sunken to barbarianism (as ripped off from
Isaac Asimov's "Foundation" novels).
The rag-tag crew of salvage crew, alien Nietzchean mercenary,
alien predator monk must, under the quixotic leadership of Captain Dylan
Hunt, aboard the intelligent living spaceship (think HAL-9000 of Clarke &
Kubrik's "2001" crossed with Sci-Fi Channel's "Lexx") to re-establish
the Commonwealth and restore the glory of civilization (as in David
Brin's self-indulgently filmed "The Postman" with its Re-United States
of America."
So, in summary, Gene Roddenberry was a TV genius, but Star Trek
was his real hit. "Andromeda" is utterly derivative, and so stupid that
I could never sit through any full episode. Almost as stupid as
"Star Wars", politically speaking, but without the cool special effects.
So shoot me.
Canada / USA; ??? 60-minute episodes;
Executive Producers:
Majel Barrett (2000-2001) (credited as Majel Roddenberry),
Allan Eastman, Jay Firestone, Adam Haight, Kevin Sorbo;
Co-Executive Producer: Robert Hewitt Wolfe (2000-2001) ;
Producers: Keri Young, Kevin Sorbo;
Directors: Allan Eastman, Allan Harmon, Allan Kroeker, George Mendeluk,
Mike Rohl (as Michael Rohl), T.J. Scott, Brenton Spencer,
David Warry-Smith, David Winning (episodes "The Banks of The Lethe",
"The Pearls That Were His Eyes", "The Sum of Its Parts",
"A Heart For Falsehood Framed", "Last Call at the Broken Hammer");
Developed By: Robert Hewitt Wolfe;
Writers: Steven Barnes (episode 1.16 "The Sum Of It's Parts"), others;
Tagline: Worlds Apart from the Rest;
Plot Summary: Dylan Hunt is the captain of the Andromeda Ascendant,
a spaceship which ... [to be done]
Cast (in credits order):
High Guard Captain Dylan Hunt -- Kevin Sorbo
Freighter Captain Rebeka 'Beka' Valentine -- Lisa Ryder
Tyr Anasazi Out of Victoria by Barbarossa aka Nemo -- Keith Hamilton Cobb
Trance 'The Purple One' Gemini -- Laura Bertram
Reverend 'Rev' Bem aka Behemial Far Traveler aka Redplague -- Brent Stait
Seamus Zelazny Harper -- Gordon Woolvett (credited as Gordon Michael Woolvett)
Andromeda aka Shining Path to Truth and Knowledge AI model GRA 112,
serial number XMC-10-182 aka Rommie -- Lexa Doig;

2000 Buzz Lightyear of Star Command; Disney Channel, 2000;
Production Companies:
Pixar Animation Studios, Walt Disney Television;
Distributor: Buena Vista Television.
Directors: Victor Cook, Steve Loter, other;
Story Editor: Michael Merton;
Writers: James W. Bates, Michael Merton, Don Mackinnon,
Chris Rutkowski (episode: "Devolutionaries"),
Nick Dubois (episodes" "Millenial Bugs", "Little Secrets")
(credited as Nicolas DuBois),
Richard Gitelson,
Eddie Guzelian (episode "Sunquake"),
Lisa Klink (episode "The Starthought")
Douglas Langdale (episode "Devolutionaries") (credited as Doug Langdale)
Julia Lewald (episode "The Lightyear Factor") ,
Brian Swenlin,
Alexx Van Dyne (credited as Alex Van Dyne),
Greg Weisman (episodes: "Clone Rangers", "Star Crossed");
Plot Outline: The further adventures of Buzz Lightyear as a Space Ranger of
Star Command and his comrades. Based in the movies Toy Story
and preparing for the movie Toy Story 2.
Cast Includes: (in credits order)
Buzz Lightyear, LGMs (voice) -- Patrick Warburton
Booster Sinclair Munchapper (voice) -- Stephen Furst
XR (voice) -- Larry Miller
Mira Nova (voice) -- Nicole Sullivan
Others in Cast (alphabetical order):
Warp Darkmatter (voice) -- Diedrich Bader
Commander Nebula (voice) -- Adam Carolla
XR (voice) -- Neil Flynn
Evil Emperor Zurg (voice -- Wayne Knight
Grubs (voice) -- Frank Welker
Executive Producers: Mark McCorkle, Robert Schooley, Tad Stones;
Original Music: Adam Berry;
Sound Department:
Assistant Sound Designer: Stuart McCowan;
Score Mixer: Casey Stone;
Language: English

2000 Cleopatra 2525, 2000-2001;
__ 30-minute episodes (2000); __ 60-minute episodes (2001);
Production Company: Renaissance Pictures;
Distributor: Studios USA Television;
Directors: Rick Jacobson, John Laing, T.J. Scott,
Greg Yaitanes (pilot plus several episodes);
Writers: Chris Black, Melissa Blake, Carl Ellsworth,
Zoe I. Finkel, Rich Fox, Joel Metzger (credited writer);
Executive Producers: Sam Raimi, R.J. Stewart, Robert G. Tapert;
Co-Executive Producers: Eric Gruendemann, Janine Dickins;
Producers: Chris Black, Janine Dickins, Chloe Smith;
Co-Producers: Sally Campbell, Michael MacDonald;
Associate Producer: Sam Clark;
Plot Summary: Stripper battles robots. Really. An exotic dancer,
cryogenically frozen in the year 2001, is
accidentaly unfrozen in the year 2525. Things have changed,
but cleavage remains the focus. Robots now dominate Earth,
underground humans struggle for freedom. Decent special effects;
scripts not as lame as the story suggests. I find it painful
to watch more than a few minutes, unless beer dulls my critical
senses (don't try this at home, kids).
Starring: (in credits order):
Hel (Helen) -- Gina Torres;
Cleo (Cleopatra) -- Jennifer Sky;
Sarge (Rose) -- Victoria Pratt;
Mauser -- Patrick Kake;
Horst -- David Press;
Cat Man -- Mark Williams;
Voice -- Elizabeth Hawthorne;
Granger -- Rupert Cocks

2000 Dark Angel; Also Known As: James Cameron's Dark Angel;
__ 60-minute episodes;
Production Companies: 20th Century Fox Television, Cameron/Eglee Productions;
Distributors: Fox Network [USA], CanWest Global [Canada 2001-]
OnTV / CH [Canada 2000-2001];
Executive Producers: James Cameron (episodes "Out", "Red", "Art Attack",
"Rising"), Rae Sanchini,
Charles H. Eglee (episodes "Out", "Red", "Art Attack", "Rising");
Tagline: Engineered To Raise Hell.
Plot Outline: There's been a war; EMP (electromagnetic pulse)
has fried all the computers (sorry, Bill Gates); the USA
is in shambles; the logic is vague; the atmosphere, stylish.
A genetically-enhanced 18-year-old girl makes a daring escape
from a secret government lab near Seattle. Now she works for
a messenger service in the post-apocalyptic Oregon/Washington/
Vancouver area. It's Max Headroom meets The Postman..
What can be done to find and save her clonely super-siblings?
Can America be rebuilt? Who, exactly, are the good guys and
the bad guys? What was the lab supposed to do? And so forth...
Starring (credits order):
Max Guevara/X-5 452 -- Jessica Alba;
Logan Cale/Eyes Only -- Michael Weatherly
Zero (2001-) -- Jamie Bell;
Cynthia 'Original Cindy' McEachin -- Valarie Rae Miller;
Zack/X-5 599 -- William Gregory Lee;
Reagan 'Ray'/'Normal' Ronald -- J.C. MacKenzie;
Ben (2001)/Alec (2001-) -- Jensen Ackles

2000 Day One

2000 Dune (mini-series; see major Films of Decade)
3-part Mini-series, The Sci-Fi Channel (USA), 2001;
Chum Television [Canada];
Production Companies:
Beta Film GmbH [Germany],
New Amsterdam Entertainment Inc. [USA],
in collaboration with Tandem Communications,
in association with Victor Television Productions, Inc. [Canada];
Director: John Harrison;
Producers, Technical Credits: {to be done};
Writers: Frank Herbert (novel),
John Harrison (teleplay) (credited as John S. Harrison);
Starring (credits order):
Duke Leto Atreides -- William Hurt;
Paul Atreides/Muad'Dib -- Alec Newman;
Lady Jessica Atreides -- Saskia Reeves;
Duncan Idaho -- James Watson;
Thufir Hawat -- Jan Vlasák;
Chani -- Barbora Kodetova;
Gurney Halleck -- P.H. Moriarty;
Dr. Wellington Yueh -- Robert Russell;
St. Alia Atreides -- Laura Burton;
Baron Vladimir Harkonnen -- Ian McNeice;
Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen -- Matt Keeslar;

2000 Epoch

2000 Escaflowne [anime], Fox Kids Network, 2000;
Also Known as:
FoxKids' Escaflowne;
The Vision of Escaflowne;
26 30-minute episodes, in USA;
Country: Japan
Executive Producer (English Dub): Ken Iyadomi;
Co-Executive Producers (English Dub): Jerry Chu,
Richard Kekahuna, Kumi Kiyonari;
Production Companies:
BEI, Fox Kids Network, Sunrise, The Ocean Group;
Bandai Entertainment Inc. [Japan]
Fox Kids Network [USA]
Fox Television [USA] (2000-)
Pioneer Entertainment [USA]
YTV [Canada];
Director: Kazuki Akane;
Plot Summary: Hitomi Kanzaki is a typical high school girl, with typical
problems, but also those of anime fantasy complications in this
dumbed-down de-eroticized version of an anime classic;

2000 Exposure

2000 Freaky Links, Fox Network, 2000;
Production Companies: 20th Century Fox Television, Regency Television;
Distributors: CanWest Global [Canada], Fox Network [USA];
Also Known As: Fearsum (2000 working title);
?? 60-minute episodes;
Plot Outline: In imitation of "The Blair Witch Project," this show's
protagonist dsicovers that his supposedly deceased brother is not dead.
The unsettling discovery is made by our hero when he sees his undead
brother on a web site. The episodes trace the character through
atmospheric horror/sci-fi as he tries to figure out what is really
going on. Maybe the tagline should be cloned from X-Files:
"the truth is out there."
Executive Producers: David S. Goyer, Tommy Thompson, David Simkins;

2000 Freedom

2000 He'almut; [miniseries] also known as "Disappearance"
Israeli production; Hebrew language;

2000 Hollywood Off-Ramp

2000 The Invisble Man

2000 Jinzo ningen Kikaida [anime]
also known as "Android Kikaider"

2000 Level 9, UPN, 2000;
A sci-fi thriller similar in some ways to the Net Force book/game
series by Tom Clancy.
Production Company: Paramount Television;
Chum Television [Canada]
United Paramount Network (UPN) [USA]
__ 60-minute episodes;
Executive Producers: Michael Connelly, Josh Meyer, David Percelay,
John Sacret Young;
Co-Executive Producers: Aaron Lipstadt, John Mankiewicz;
Supervising Producer: Peter M. Lenkov;
Producer: Jane Bartelme;
Co-Producers: Geoffrey Hemwall, Brent Thomas;
Directors: Sarah Pia Anderson, Norberto Barba,
Goran Gajic (episode "Wetware"), Robert Harmon, Aaron Lipstadt,
Vince Misiano, Jeffrey Reiner, John Sacret Young
Writers: Michael Connelly, Paul Guyot, John Mankiewicz, Josh Meyer;

2000 Life Force, British, 2000;
Global Warning, psychic children 2025 A.D. Science Fiction dumbed-down
to "family entertainment" level.
13 25-minute episodes;
Producer: Peter Tabern;
Line Producer: Peter Miller;
Director: Justin Chadwick;

2000 The Man Who Used to Be Me

2000 Mashuranbo [anime]

2000 Max Steel
22 30-minute episodes;
Sci-Fi action animation TV series.
Directors: Andre Clavel, Sam Liu;
Katherine Fugate (episodes "Sharks", "When Lightning Strikes Twice"),
Steven Melching,
Others {to be done};
Plot Outline: Josh McGrath, a teenage boy who, by chance, gets body
enhancements, finds himself fighting miscellaneous enemies of peace
as a super-powered secret agent known as Max Steel -- not a normal
life for a 19-year-old.
Starring Voices (Credit order):
Chuck Marshak -- Edward Asner;
Josh McGrath/Max Steel -- Christian Campbell;
Josh McGrath/Max Steel -- Matthew Kaminsky;

2000 Mirai sentai Timeranger, Japan, 2000;
Language: Japanese;

2000 The Mutant Watch

2000 Mysterious Ways
sort of an Inspirational X-Files;
Creator: Peter O'Fallon

2000 NASCAR Racers [animated], (Syndicated: Saban), 2000;
Also Known As: "NASCAR Superchargers" (announced title)
__ 30-minute episodes; animated;
Director: Dennis Woodyard;
Plot Outline: The good Team Fastex races against
the evil Team Rexcor in this fantastic, futuristic
animated series!

2000 NieA under 7 [Japan]

2000 The Others, Dreamworks/NBC, 2000;
Production Companies:
DreamWorks Television;
NBC Productions;
Distributor: National Broadcasting Company (NBC);
__ 60-minute episodes;
Executive Producers: John D. Brancato, Michael Ferris,
Glen Morgan, James Wong;
Supervising Producer: Mick Garris;
Producer: Sarah Caplan;
Sanford Bookstaver (episode "$4.95 A Minute");
Bill Condon (episode "1112");
Mick Garris (episodes "Pilot", "Luciferous", "Don't Dream It's Over");
Tobe Hooper (episode "Souls On Board");
Tom McLoughlin (episode "Theta");
Jake Paltrow (episode "Mora");
Glen Morgan, James Wong;
Plot Summary: Marian Kitt, a college student, traumatically discovers
that she has the ability to look into the "other side." News of Marian's
vision spreads to Miles Ballard, a Professor fascinated by paranormal
and psychic phenomena. Professor Ballard introduces Marian to
"the others," a group of people with the power to telempathetically
experience feelings, thoughts and experiences of other people,
and who seek to help those gifted people understand the paranormal
phenomena. Elmer Greentree, a famous medium, is the spiritual leader
of "the others," and quickly becomes a mentor figure for Marian.
Marian's future possibility to see "all of the light" is strong.
Now that Marian has joined them them, "the others" intend to help
each other understand their powers, while they encounter
otherworldly, often frightening, alternate dimensions of reality.
They gradually become aware that a dark force threatens them all,
and even menaces the entire world.
Starring: (credits order)
Marian Kitt -- Julianne Nicholson;
Dr. Mark Gabriel -- Gabriel Macht;
Ellen 'Satori' Polaski -- Missy Crider (credited as Melissa Crider);
Elmer Greentree -- Bill Cobbs;
Professor Miles Ballard -- John Billingsley;
Warren Day -- Kevin J. O'Connor;
Albert McGonagle -- John Aylward;
Original Music: Klaus Badelt (theme), Shirley Walker;
Cinematographer: Shelly Johnson;

2000 Power Rangers Lightspeed Racer, Fox Kids, 2000;
Production Companies:
MMPR Productions;
Renaissance-Atlantic Films;
Saban Entertainment Inc.;
Toei Company Ltd. [Japan];
Fox Kids Network;
Fox Television;
Saban Entertainment Inc.;
Plot Summary: Five extraordinary teens carry on the legacy as the
Lightspeed Power Rangers, attempting to add depth to paper-thin
roles in previous TV shows of this series, and as they fight
to defend the city of Mariner Bay from the evil archvillian Diabolico

2000 The Privateers
Production Company: Dragoncor/Earth Dragon, LLC;
Plot Summary: sort of a Sci-Fi/Fantasy Pirate adventure;

2000 Robocop: Prime Directives [miniseries], syndicated (Sci Fi Channel) July 2001;
4-part mini-series that continues the RoboCop saga.
Mini-series USA premier on Sci-Fi on July 16, 2001.

2000 SeaLab 2021

2000 StarWhores [British parody/comedy]

2000 Static Shock, Animated, Kids WB, 23 Sep 2000-5 May 2001;
Plot Summary: Static Shock! is an original animated
series about the first teenage African American superhero.
Clever and resourceful Virgil Hawkins acquires "electromagnetic"
superpowers after exposure to a "mutanic gas." He puts on the
persona of Static, an urban hero that he created. The series
tries to confront real problems and issues faced by today's kids,
such as "peer pressure, gangs and growing up in an ethnically
diverse urban neighborhood." Virgil must master his powers,
figure out how to patrol the skies at night, and (in the teen
hero pattern invented for Spiderman), still make it home in time
to study for his chemistry class. Virgil's greatest discovery
becomes the real "charge" (pun intended) that he gets from
helping people and making a positive change in his community.

2000 The Strangerers

2000 Vandread

2000 Witchblade, Turner Network Television (TNT), 2001;
__ 60-minute episodes;
Genre: Fantasy / Police Action
Production Company: Blade TV Productions;
Adapted: from the Top Cow comic book;
Plot Summary: "A new force of justice
hits the streets of New York."
New York cop Sara Pezzini finds the Witchblade,
a magical artifact, giving her super strength,
agility, bullet deflection with an armored glove
(she instantly gets full armor and sword when
her life is in danger). Shadowy millionaire
Kenneth Irons keps trying to steal the Witchblade.
As is typical for mythic weapons, the Witchblade
has a mind of its own and its own agenda.
Executive Producers: Dan Halsted, Ralph Hemecker;
Producer: Vikki Williams;
Starring (credits order):
Sara Pezzini -- Yancy Butler;
Jake McCartey -- David Chokachi;
Kenneth Irons -- Anthony Cistaro;
Danny Woo -- Will Yun Lee;
Ian Nottingham -- Eric Etebari;
Dominique Boucher -- Laila Robins;
Conchobar -- Kim De Lury;

2000 X-Men: Evolution; sequel to 1992 animated series

2000 The Zack Files, Fox Family (USA), dates?
Channel 4 (UK), YTV (Canada);
16 30-minutes episodes;
Production Company: DECODE Entertainment
Creator: {to be done};
Production Company: {to be done};
Distributor: {to be done}
Producers: {to be done}
Directors: {to be done}
Writers: {to be done}
Technical Credits: {to be done}
Based On: a book series by Dan Greenburg
Plot Summary: Paranormal experiences complicate
the otherwise normal life of 12-year-old
Zack Greenburg, introducing humor and wonder.
He turns 13, goes to 7th Grade, helps
his dad (Dan, a freelance writer fascinated
by the unknown) cope with Mom living somewhere
else, and accepts the paranormal events
without being disturbed. His best friend,
Spencer Sharpe, is the Scully to Zack's
Muldur, keeping detailed notes and always
seeking rational explanations for weirdness.
Cam Dunleavey is the third of the triad of
friends, a year older, the most popular in
school. Vernon Manteuffel is the arrogant
bully and school antagonist. His father
is a wealthy industrialist. Gwen is the
love interest; at least she has a crush on
Zack; her dad's the school headmaster.
Zack's Grandman Leah may be the source
of the genes that make Zack's life strange.
Zack Greenburg -- Robert Clark;
Spencer Sharpe -- Michael Seater;
Cam Dunleavey -- Jake Epstein;
Gwendolyn Kilerby -- Katie Boland;
Vernon Manteuffel -- Noah Giffin;
Dan Greenburg -- himself??
Grandman Leah -- ??

2001 TV:

2001 Alias, ABC: 2001-????, ??? 60-minute episodes;
Production Companies: Sisyphus Productions, Touchstone Television;
Directors: Jeffrey Abrams, Daniel Attias, others;
Writer: Jeffrey Abrams (credited as J.J. Abrams);
Genre: Adventure / Action / Sci-Fi / Thriller
Plot Outline: Sydney Bristow is an international spy hired away from
college. She was educated in espionage and self-defense by her
mysterious Secret-Service father.
Cast includes:
Sydney Bristow -- Jennifer Garner
Michael Vaughn -- Michael Vartan
Arvin Sloane -- Ron Rifkin
Will Tippin -- Bradley Cooper
Francine Calfo -- Merrin Dungey
Dixon Marcus -- Carl Lumbly
Marshall Flinkman -- Kevin Weisman
Jack Bristow -- Victor Garber

2001 Alien Hunter

2001 All Souls

2001 Anarchy Online: The Animated Series [animation]

2001 The Chronicle [also known as "News from the Edge"]

2001 Clone, O

2001 Cosmo Warrior Zero

2001 Cubix: Robots for Everyone [animation]

2001 Digimon Tamers [animation]

2001 Electra Woman and Dyna Girl

2001 Enterprise
latest of the "Star Trek" series. Starring Scott Bakula,
this features the time period between the invention of warp drive and
the original Star Trek

2001 Heavy Gear: The Animated Series [animation]

2001 Invader ZIM [animation]

2001 Kamen Raida Agito [also known as "Masked Rider Agito"] [animation]

2001 Kido tenshi angelic layer [also known as "Angelic Layer"] [animation]

2001 The Last Band on the Planet

2001 Lloyd in Space

2001 The Lone Gunmen
spinoff of "The X-Files"

2001 Mahoromatic [also known as "Mahoromatic: Automatic Miaden"] [animation]

2001 Medabots

2001 Millennium Mann

2001 Mutant X [syndicated]
Rip-off of X-Men, thankfully cancelled before start of Fall 2004

2001 Night Visions

2001 outTHERE

2001 Les Redoubtables

2001 Saibogu 009 [also known as "Cyborg 009: The Cyborg Soldier"]

2001 Samurai Jack [animation]
My 14-year-old son and I both love this stylish animation created by
Gennedy Tartakovsky. In a Fantasy version of ancient Japan, the world
is menaced by evil shape-shifting wizard Aku, never defeated, and
having attacked other nations before Japan.
Aku captures the head of a local tribe/city. The leader's son
trains throughout the nations of the world in every martial arts
discipline. He learns bow and arrow from Robin Hood, wrestles with
the best in ancient Greece, masters spear-throwing in the Congo.
At last he arrives at a temple of mythical beast/demigods. Grown up,
he rejoins his mother, who gives him a sacred sword, which is the only
weapon that might defeat Aku.
The samurai prince attacks Aku, but is thrust through time to our
future, a sort of dystopian "Jetsons" world where Aku is overlord to a
panoply of aliens, high-tech robots, spaceships, and other things
beyond the samurai's cognition. The samurai adopts the name "Jack"
after inner city aliens first address him as "hey, Jack..." His quest
is to defeat Aku, free the future, and somehow find his way back to his
home country in his own time. The martial arts are the best in any
animated series. The graphic style varies from episode to episode,
ingeniously combining visual motifs. This moves a hundred times
faster than "Dragonball-Z" and is gorgeous to look at, in a minimalist
way. Recommended, not for its time travel, but for its panache.

2001 SF:UK

2001 Shotgun Love Dolls

2001 Smallville
Set in the universe of Superman, when he was in High School.
A surprise hit, due to its fine acting, strong production values, and
often engaging story line.

2001 Star Ocean EX

2001 Starhunter

2001 Time Squad

2001 Tracker

2001 Transformers: Robots in Disguise [animation]

2001 The Zeta Project

2002 TV:

2002 .hack// [Japan]
Director: Keith Arem, Kazumi Kawashiro;
Screenplay: Kazunori Ito, Akemi Omoda;
In "The World" (a videogame) a character named Tsukasa
insists that he is a real human boy...

2002 .hack//Mutation [videogame]

2002 2030 CE [Canada] [also known as "AD 2030"]
utterly forgettable post-apocalypse where everyone dies by age 30

2002 The 5th Quadrant [Canada]
Writer/Director: Lee Smart;
Parody of paranormal-oriented TV shows;
27-minute episodes

2002 Black Hole High [also known as "Strange Days at Blake Holsey High"]
Directors: Marni Banack, Anthony Browne, others;
Writers: Jeff Schechter, Jeff Biederman, others;
Science Club students try to figure out the black hole under the
school that connects with the destroyed Peradyne Industries, and
various paranormal events

2002 Captain V [Canada]
Parody of "Lexx"? Unfortunately lacking humor.

2002 Chobits [Japan] [anime]
26 30-minute episodes
Director: Morio Asaka

2002 Clone High [also known as "Clone High U.S.A."] [animated]
Created by: Phil Lord, Chris Miller, others;
rather clever series about the greatest figures in History being
cloned as High School kids. Interesting tension between what we know
of the characters and how they play against type. My son and
I liked it, my wife couldn't stand it.

2002 Codename: Kids Next Door [animated]
Writer/Director: Tom Warburton

2002 Cyberchase [animated]
Director: Larry Jacobs;
Writers: George Bloom, Kristin Laska Martin, others;
10-year-olds and a virtual bird "Digit" use math skills to defeat the
Hacker and save Cyberspace. ReBoot meets Muppets.

2002 The Dead Zone
Adapted from a Stephen King novel character;
Creators: Michael Piller, Shawn Piller;
Johnny Smith -- Anthony Michael Hall
Sarah Bannerman -- Nicole de Boer
Reverend Eugene "Gene" Purdy -- David Ogden Stiers
Bruce Lewis -- John L. Adams
Sheriff Walter "Walt" Bannerman -- Chris Bruno

2002 Dinotopia
60-minute episodes
The hidden continent that has a human-dinosaur culture

2002 Doomsday [animated]
Writer: Howard Stern

2002 Firefly
Creator: Joss Whedon ["Buffy"]
15 60-minute epidoes;
5 centuries from now, after a galactic civil war, a rag-tag group on a
spaceship experience a unique blend of "Westerns" and Science
Fiction. The network killed the show too soon: the characters were
quite complex, with interesting back-stories, well acted, and the
show had more depth than any one-time viewer could imagine.
Note: the 9 Dec 2003 DVD set features 3 previously unaired episodes,
runs in the intended order (not the order aired)

2002 Flatland [China]
Directors: Richard Franklin, Ian Gilmour, others;
Writers: Steve Feke, Steven Whitney, others;
Starring: Dennis Hopper

2002 Galidor: Defenders of the Outer Dimension
Power Rangers in watered-down Star Wars. Feeble.

2002 Gun Frontier [Japan; animated]
Director: Soichiro Zen;
Sci-Fi Western

2002 He-Man and the Masters of the Universe [animation]
A prince of Eternia becomes a warrior against Skeletor *yawn*

2002 Hypaspace [Canada] [Nonfiction]
Host: Jonathan Byrn Llyr
Entertainment and sci-fi news.

2002 Jeremiah [USA/Canada] [Showtime]
Creator: J. Michael Straczynski ["Babylon 5"]
Post-apocalyse (bio-war); bleaker than "The Postman";
Jeremiah -- Luke Perry
Frank -- Michael Teigen
Treva Geary -- Wendy Russell
Into its 3rd season, but without J. Michael Straczynski helming.
Cancelled or not returning for Fall 2004 season.

2002 John Doe
Creators: Brandon Camp, Mike Thompson, others;
60-minute espisodes;
John Doe -- Dominic Purcell;
Frank Hayes -- John Marshall Jones;
Jamie Avery -- Jayne Brook;
Very entertaining series about a mystery man with amnesia who seems
to know absolutely everything except his own identity, who sees in
black and white except for a few people or items of mysterious
personal significance; ruined by theological ending which tricks
science fiction viewers into realizing that this was actually Fantasy
all along. Still, I tried to watch every episode. Being adapted to
feature film.

2002 Kiddy Grade

2002 Kikkikuman nisei [also known as "Muscle man: Second Generation"]

2002 Kokaku kidotai: Stand Alone Complex
[also known as "Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex" [anime]

2002 Legacy of the Silver Shadow [Australia]
13 25-minute epidoes;
Creators: Chris Anastassiades, Ray Bosley, others;
Kids discover that their home toen did once have an actual superhero

2002 Living with the Dead [miniseries]

2002 Odyssey 5

2002 Onegai Teacher [also known as "Please Teacher"]

2002 Portal
"The Hub" is an omni-dimensional control center for the adventures of
Cybernaut Dave Meinstein (played by himself) and his virtual buddy VAL

2002 RahXephon

2002 Rizelmine [also known as Rizerumain"]

2002 Saishu heiki kanojo

2002 Stargate: Infinity [animated]
Director: Will Meugniot;
Writers: Katherine Lawrence, Randy Littlejohn, others;

2002 Taken [TV miniseries]

2002 Ted and Alice

2002 Transformers: Armada

2002 The Twilight Zone [3rd series of what was orginally
created and hosted by Rod Serling]
Host: Forest Whitaker

2002 Videobob's Stupid Movie of the Week

2002 Whatever Happened to Robot Jones?

2002 Zoids: Chaotic Energy

{to be done}

2003 TV:

2003 The Adventures of Lilo & Stitch

2003 Alienated

2003 Battle Force: Andromeda

2003: Battlestar Galactica
Premiers: 8 Dec 2003 on SciFi channel;
Edward James Olmos -- Commander Adama;
Mary McDonnell ["Dances with Wolves"] -- President Roslin;

2003: Buffy the Vampire Slayer [series is several years old, listed here
for award nomination]
Mutant Enemy Inc./20th century Fox
Episode: "Chosen"
Writer/Director: Joss Whedon
Final Ballot, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation (Short Form)

2003 Children of Dune [miniseries]

2003 Carnivale [HBO]
Winner, Television, International Horror Award

2003 Choseijin Guranseiza ["Super Star God Granseiza"]

2003 Dead Like Me
wonderful afterlife Fantasy

2003 Firefly [didn't last beyond the year, listed here for award nominations]
Mutant Enemy Inc./20th century Fox
Episode: "Heart of Gold"
Writer/Director: Joss Whedon
Final Ballot, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation (Short Form);
Episode: "The Message"
Director: Thomas J. Wright
Writer: Brett Matthews
Final Ballot, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation (Short Form)

2003 "Gollum's Acceptance Speech at the 2003 MTV Movie Awards"
Studios: Wingnut Films/New Line Cinema
Writers/Directors: Fran Walsh, Philippa Boyens & Peter Jackson
Final Ballot, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation (Short Form)

2003 Gunparade March

2003 Jake 2.0 [UPN]
Six Million Dollar Man remade for younder demographic.
Cancelled before start of Fall 2004 season.

2003 Joan of Arcadia
Premiered 26 Sep 2003
God speaks to highschool girl in suburban Amrica.
Skewed female in demographics, but I (male) enjoy each episode.
Golden Globe nomination for Amber Tamblyn for Best Actress in a
Television Series, Drama.

2003 Phil of the Future

2003 Phunkee Zee

2003 Scare Tactics

2003 Shugeki! Machine Robo Rescue [anime]

2003 Smallville [not a new series, listed here for award nomination]
Studios: Tollin/Robbins Productions/Warner Bros.;
Episode: "Rosetta";
Director: James Marshall;
Writers: Al Gough & Miles Millar;
Final Ballot, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation (Short Form)

2003 Spider-Man: The Animated Series

2003 Star Wars: Clone Wars

2003 Starhunter 2300

2003 Stripperella [animated]

2003 Teen Titans

2003 Tremors

2003 Tru Calling
Network: Fox;
Supernatural series, 20 episodes picked up;
Plot: Newly graduated from college, Tru discovers that she can hear
pleas for help from recently dead people, whose last 24 hours alive
she relives;
Creator: Jon Harmon Feldman;
Executive Producers: Jon Harmon Feldman, Marty Adelstein, Neal Moritz,
Dawn Parouse, R.W. Goodwin;
Tru -- Eliza Dushku [Buffy]

2003 Ultimate Gamer

2003 Wolf Rain

2004 TV:

[2004] Angel [WB] [not returning in Fall 2004] [Transition to TV movie?]

2004 5 Days to Midnight [Sci-Fi Channel; miniseries]
Plot: "24" meets "D.O.A." -- Physics Professor J.T. Neumeyer
gets a police file from the future, which includes photographs of
his own bloody murder, which he has 5 days to prevent;
Production Companies: Lions Gate Television, David Kirschner
Productions, Hallmark Entertainment Distribution;
Executive Producers: David Kirschner [Frailty], Corey Sienega [Frailty],
Anthony Peckham [Don't Say a Word], David Aaron Cohen [The Devil's Own];
Co-Executive Producer: Robert Zappia
Director: J. T. Michael Watkins;
Screenplay: Robert Zappia [Midnight], Anthony Peckham, David Aaron Cohen,
Cindy Meyers;
Professor J.T. Neumeyer -- Timothy Hutton;
Jesse Neumeyer [Prof's 9-year-old daughter] -- Gage Golightly;
Carl Axelrod [onsessed student] -- Hamish Linklater;

2004 The 4400 [USA Channel] [run completed by Fall 2004]
Alien abduction? No, the 4,400 people were abducted by time travelers...

2004 Atomic Betty [Cartoon Network] [8 p.m. Sundays] [17 Sep 2004 - ???]
Production Companies: Breakthrough Animation, Atomic Cartoons,
Teleimages Kids
26 episodes
Premise: schoolgirl Betty of Moose Jaw Heights Junior High just wants
to hook up with Noah, but Admiral DeGill keeps calling her to
assume her secret role as Galactic Guardian and Defender of the
Cosmos against dark deeds and sinister plots of Supreme Overlord
Maximus I.Q.

2004 Back in Time [Italy; English language]
Director: Fernando Muraca;
Writer: Francisco Arlanch;
Cinematographer: Massimo Lupi;
Giampiero Judica -- Tutilius;
Music: Maurizo Filardo;

2004 The Batman [Kids WB!, Cartoon Network] [11 Sep 2004 - ???]
Production Company: Warner Bros. Animation
Young Batman versus Catwoman, The Joker, Mr.Freeze, the Riddler
Theresong: U2

2004 Century City [CBS]
Stylish science fiction about future L.A. law firm, dealing with
genetically-youthful boy band, cloning, excellent -- and too smart
for the mass market, cancelled by Fall 2004. Darn. I liked it.

2004 Crossing Over with John Edward [syndicated]
unwatchably stupid Fantasy about afterlife, presented straight-faced
as if nonfiction. Happily, it was cancelled before start of Fall 2004

2004 Da Boom Crew [Kids WB!] [11 Sep 2004 - ???] [animated]
Production Companies: Jambalaya Studio / BFC Berliner Film Companie
Premise: 4 kids in orphanage invent hip-hop computer game, get
magically transported into it, and must find each video-game cartridge
to avoid doom by villians Scortch, hedlok, and Jerome

2004 Dark Shadows
Network: WB;
[remake of 1966-1971 ABC-TV classic, starring Jonathan Frid as the
vampire Barnabas Collins; previously revived as 1991 miniseries
starring Ben Cross as vampire Barnabas Collins]
Executive Producers: Dan Curtis [original Producer], John Wells ["West Wing"];
Teleplay: Mark Verheiden [wrote "Timecop" TV pilot;
co-Executive Producer of "Smallville"]];

2004 Dave the Barbarian [animated]
Premise: The barbarian is more involved in family life andf gourmet
cooking than in battles;
Director: Howy Parkins
Writer: Douglas Langdale;
Cast (voices):
Dave the Barbarian -- Danny Cooksey;
??? -- Joan Rivers;
??? -- James Hetfield;
??? -- Melissa Rivers;
??? -- Lars Ulrich;

2004 Delta State [animated][Canada; English language]]
Premise: 4 super-powered 20-something antiheroes;
Length: 22-minute episodes;
Directors: Pascal David, Wayne Moss;
Cast (voices):
Martin -- Dusan Dukie;
Claire -- Ilona Elkin;
Phillip -- Nicolas Wright

2004 Desperate Housewives [ABC] [9 p.m. Sundays; 3 Oct 2004 - ???]
Premise: Mary Alice Young commits suicide, leaving her ideal suburban
life. However, from her afterlife she observes and begins to
understand her husband Paul Young digging up the pool at midnight --
why? She follows the lives of her friends and the mysteries related to
her death.Divorcee Susan Mayer seeks love. Lynette Scavo shifts from
professional success to housewife. Bree Van De Kamp is modeled on
Martha Stewart. Gabrielle Solis is a gorgeous ex-model happy with a
rich husband, but sexually involved with a teenaged gardener. This is
a well-acted soap opera with a fantasy viewpoint, not as witty as
Joan of Arcadia or Dead Like Me.
Mary Alice Young -- Brenda Strong
Paul Young -- Mark Moses
Susan Mayer -- Teri Hatcher
Lynette Scavo -- Felicity Huffman
Bree Van De Kamp -- Marcia Cross

2004 Desperation [ABC; 3-hour TV adaptation; midseason]
Adapted from Stephen King 1996 novel;
Premise: man wanders into weird mining town named
Desperation, Nevada. He's pulled over by weird sheriff.
Something's killed the residents, and he must destroy it to
Executive Producer: Mark Sennet [K Street];
Director: Mick Garris [The Stand];
Screenplay: Stephen King;

2004 Dragon Booster [ABC Family; Toon Disney] [animated]
Production Company: Alliance Atlantis Entertainment Group
Ripped off from Anne McCaffrey's bestselling science fiction.
In an alternate world of humans and dragons, Artha Penn is picked to
ride the famous dragon Beaucephalis, to fight the bad guys.

2004 Drawn Together [Comedy Central] [animated] [10:30 p.m. Wednesdays]
[27 Oct 2004 - ???]
Creators: Matt Silverstein and Dave Jeser
8 episodes
Premise: Toontown meets Reality TV. Adult animated series features an
octet of cartoon characters from differing genres, all living in one
dysfunctional household. Music, betrayal, romance, chaos.
Cast (voice):
Captain Hero -- {to be done}
Princess Clara -- {to be done}
Toot Braunstein -- {to be done}
Foxxy Love -- {to be done}
Spanky Ham -- {to be done}
Ling-Ling -- {to be done}
Wooldoor-Sockbat -- {to be done}
Xandir -- {to be done}

2004 F-Zero GP Legend [Fox Box] [animated] [Saturdays] [18 Sep 2004 - ???]
In 2201 the Elite Mobile Task Force resurrects policeman/car racer
Rick Wheeler to help them win F-Zero races and beat the evil Black Shadow

2004 Father of the Pride [NBC, 9 p.m. Tuesdays] [Animated] [31 Aug 2004 - ???]
Producers: same as Shrek; sao same animation style
Premise: animal-viewpoint of Siegfried & Roy show in Las Vegas
Cast (voice):
Larry the Lion -- John Goodman
Sarmoti -- Carl Reiner
Sierra -- Danielle Andrea Harris
Hunter -- Daryl Harris
Snack the Gopher -- Orlando Jones
Donkey -- Eddie Murphy (reprise of Shrek role)
Guest Characters: Lisa Kudrow, Danny DeVito

2004 Fearless [WB]
This one sounded interesting... but no episodes were ever aired.

2004 Game Over [UPN] cancelled before Fall 2004

2004 Ghost School ["3D"][Germany; English language]
26 26-minute episodes;
Premise: Oliver goes to a supernatural school...

2004 Ghost Hunters [SciFi Channel] [9 p.m. Wednesdays] [6 Oct 2004 - ???]
Premise: Ghostbusters meets Reality TV. The two founders of TAPS
(The Atlantic Paranormal Society) keep their day jobs as plumbers
while using Sherlock Holmesian footwork and modern equipment to
disprove alleged haunted houses.
Executive producer: Craig Piligian
Jason Hawes -- himself
Grant Wilson -- himself

2004 Ham-Ham Halloween [Cartoon Network] [animated] [15 Oct 2004 - ???]
Saccharine "Hamtaro and the Ham-Hams" in Haloween costumes.

2004 Hi Hi Puffy Amiyumi [Cartoon Network] [animated] [19 Nov 2004 - ???]
Yellow Submarine meets Japanese Pop
Actual Japanese pop stars Ami and Yumi do their own voices in alleged comedy
about themselves, with occasional live segments of Puffy AmiYumi, as
they travel the world(s) in their Puffy bus.

2004 The Infinite Darcy
Premise: Multiple copies -- maybe an infinite number -- of the heroine

2004 Jacob's Ladder [sci-fi / comedy / adventure] [Canada; English Language]
Creator: Jeff Schecter;

2004 Jack & Bobby [WB] [9 p.m. Sundays] [12 Sep 2004 - ???]
Premise: with names evoking the Kennedys, this story is set in 2049 AD
under the pretext of a documentary by White House staffers
remembering President McCallister, cut back and forth with the
contemporary scenes of two brothers (we wonder which one will
become President) who are social misfits at school.
This one is surprisingly good!
Jack McCallister -- Matt Long
Bobby McCallister -- Logan Lerman
Grace McCallister (Mom) -- Christine Lahti

[2004] Justice League [Cartoon Network] [animated]
Changing in unspecified ways into "Justice League Unlimited"
(Fall 2004]

2004 Kingdom Hospital [ABC]
Disappointing ratings of complex Stephen King series, ended rerun
before Fall 2004 season.

2004 Lost [ABC] [8 p.m. Wednesdays] [22 Sep 2004 - ???]
Premise: Survivor meets Monster. 48 plane-crash survivors are
stalked and picked off one-by-one by a monster, about which we only
know is not a dinosaur. Starring Jack, a surgeon and many others.
Reputedly the most expensive pilot ever shot for TV, for some reason
the 2-hour premier is split across the first 2 weeks.
Jack -- Matthew Fox

2004 One Piece [Fox Box] [Anime] [American broadcasts 18 Sep 2004 - ???]
Monkey D. Luffy wishes he could be a pirate like Red-Haired Shanks.
Eating the magical Gum-Gum fruit makes him some kind of cross between
Plastic Man and Captain Jack Sparrow. He seeks the Treasure of the
Black Pearl, ummm, I mean the Gold Roger's "One Piece."

2004 Popeye's Voyage: The Quest for Pappy [Fox] [animated] [19 Dec 2004 - ???]
Computer animation resurrects Popeye, at least as a pilot.
Writer: Paul Reiser
Themesong: Mark Mothersbaugh [Devo]
Popeye -- Billy West
Sea Hag -- Kathy Bates

2004 Power Rangers Dino Thunder [yet another sequel to the martial-arts
costumed technology-enhanced dingbats...]

2004 Proof Positive: Evidence of the Paranormal [SciFi Channel]
[8 p.m. Wednesdays] [6 Oct 2004 - ???]
Premise: CSI meets Unsolved Mysteries. 3 documentaries per episode
probe physical evidence and testimony of eyewitnesses, with one
story each time being touted as "Proof Positive" of the
paranormal, and the other two debunked.
Executive Producer: Terry Meurer [Unsolved Mysteries]
Host: Amanda Tapping [Stargate]

2004 Salem [miniseries] [2-parts, 4 hours; TNT; June 2004]
Adapted: from Stephen King's novel "Salem's Lot", which has been
previously adapted for television;
Plot: Successful author Ben Mears comes home to Jerusalem's Lot,
and finds bad stuff done by vampires;
Director: {to be done};
Teleplay: {to be done};
Ben Mears -- Rob Lowe;
??? -- Donald Sutherland;
??? -- Rutger Hauer;
??? -- James Cromwell;
??? -- Samantha Mathis;
??? -- Andre Braugher;
??? -- Rebecca Gibney;

2004 Scary Godmother Halloween Spooktakular [Cartoon Network] [1 Oct 2004]

2004 Sea of Souls

2004 Still Life [Fox]
Interesting premise, no episodes ever aired as of fall 2004 when it
was cancelled

[2004] Tarzan [WB] [not returning in Fall 2004]

2004 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [miniseries]
Premise: yet another sequel to the martial-arts
costumed technology-enhanced turtles named after Renaissance

2004 Tom Goes to the Mayor [Cartoon Network] [animated] [Nov 2004]
Loony Tom Peters gets the mayor of Jefferson to enact his wacky ideas
Producuer-Writers: Tim Heidecker, Eric Wareheim
Cast (voice):
Tom Peters -- Tim Heidecker
Mayor -- Eric Wareheim
??? -- David Cross
??? -- Jack Black
??? -- Kyle Glass

2004 Tripping the Rift [animated] [Sci Fi channel's 1st animation]
[debut 4 March 2004]
Plot: the Enterprise-like spaceship "The Free Enterprise"
is a smuggling vessel crewed by a motley assortment of oddballs
and captained by Chode, a short-limbed purple extraterrestrial;
Starring [voices]:
Stephen Root ["News Radio"];
Gina Gershon ["Prey for Rock & Roll];
John Melendez [stutterer on the Howard Stern show];
Maurice LaMarche [the Brain in "Pinky & the Brain"];

2004 Wonderfalls [Fox] [midseason replacement in first quarter 2004]
[not returning in Fall 2004 season]
Premise: inanimate objects tell a young woman what to do at a souvenir
shop at Niagra Falls;
Caroline Dhavernas;

2004 V: The Second Generation [miniseries] [sequel to 1983 mini-series]
Premise: The visitors came to earth 20 years ago. Now they have
conquered Earth, making humans into slaves. The Resistance is
being badly beaten by th alien masters, until a strong ally
Director: Kenneth Johnson;
Writer: Kenneth Johnson;
Diana -- Jane Badler;
Dr. Juliet Parrish -- Faye Grant;
Mike Donovan -- Marc Singer;

2004 {to be done}

2005 TV:

2005 American Dad [Fox] [Jan 2005] [Animated]
Creator: Set Macfarlane [Family Guy]
Premise: The father is a wacky CIA agent named Smith, whose talking
goldfish keeps hitting on his wife, while a sarcastic alien
comments [Family Guy's evil baby Stewie meets Alf]

2005 "Deutche in Amerika"
Director: Fritz Baumann;
Teleplay: Fritz Baumann, Axel Engtsfeld;

Spring 2005 Blake's 7 Miniseries remake of 1978-1981
classic (a low-tech British Star Wars/Star Trek clone)
now done with high-tech effects, a 5 to 6 megabuck budget
(3-3.7 million pounds);
Starring: Paul Darrow

2005 Rome [War / Action]
Teleplay: Alexandra Cunningham, David Frankel;

2005 Squidbillies [Cartoon Network] [animated]
Squids meet hillbillies in mountsins of North Georgia

2005 Star Wars: The Clone Wars II [Cartoon Network] [animated] [21 Mar 2005]
5 episodes on conseutive evenings following Star Wars: Episode III
feature film release

2005 Stroker & Hoop [Cartoon Network] [animated]
Private Eye and talking car

2005 Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! [ABC Family; Toon Disney]
Imitation anime with amazing voice cast
Cast (voice):
Mark Hammill
Wil Wheaton
Clacy Brown
Tom Kenny
Corey Feldman

More {to be done}

2006 TV:

{to be done}

Other Key Dates and Stories of
this Decade 2000-2010

2000 Stories/Books/Events:

31 Aug-4 Sep 2000: Chicon 2000; the 58th World Science Fiction Convention,
in Chicago, Illinois.

Jan 2000: Kristine Kathryn Rusch: "Millennium Babies" [Asimov's, Jan 2000]
Winner, 2001 Hugo Award for Best Novelette

Jan 2000: David Langford: "Different Kinds of Darkness" [F&SF, Jan 2000]
Winner, 2001 Hugo Award for Best Short Story

3 Sep 2000: The 2000 Hugo Awards were presented at Chicon,
the 60th World Science Fiction Convention.

Dec 2000 Jack Williamson: "The Ultimate Earth" [Analog, Dec 2000]
Winner, 2001 Hugo Award for Best Novella

2001 Stories/Books/Events:

30 Aug-3 Sep 2001: Millennium Philcon; the 59th World Science Fiction Convention,
in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

2001 M. Shayne Bell: "The Pagodas of Ciboure"
[The Green Man: Tales From the Mythic Forest, Datlow/Windling, eds; Viking]
Finalist Nominee, 2002 Nebula Award for Best Novelette

2001 Richard Bowes: "The Ferryman's Wife" [F&SF, May 2001]
Finalist Nominee, 2002 Nebula Award for Best Novelette

2001 Adam-Troy Castro" "Sunday Night Yams at Minnie and Earl's"
[Analog, Jun 2001]
Finalist Nominee, 2002 Nebula Award for Best Novella

2001 Ted Chiang: "Hell is the Absence of God"
[Starlight 3, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, ed., Tor]
Finalist Nominee, 2002 Nebula Award for Best Novelette

2001 Andy Duncan: "The Chief Designer" [Asimov's, Jun 2001
Finalist Nominee, 2002 Nebula Award for Best Novella

2001 Carol Emshwiller: "Creature" [F&SF, Oct/Nov 2001]
Finalist Nominee, 2002 Nebula Award for Best Novelette

2001 Megan Lindholm: "Cut" [Asimov's, May 2001]
Finalist Nominee, 2002 Nebula Award for Best Novelette

2001 Jack McDevitt: "Nothing Ever Happens in Rock City" [Artemis, Summer 2001]

2001 Bud Sparhawk: "Magic's Price" [Analog Mar 2001]
Finalist Nominee, 2002 Nebula Award for Best Novella

2001 Allen Steele: "The Days Between" [Asimov's, Mar 2001]
Finalist Nominee, 2002 Nebula Award for Best Novelette

2001 Charles Stross: "Lobsters" [Asimov's, Jun 2001]
Finalist Nominee, 2002 Nebula Award for Best Novelette

2001 Michael Swanwick: "The Dog Said Bow-Wow" [Asimov's, Oct/Nov 2001]
Finalist Nominee, 2002 Nebula Award for Best Novelette;
Winner, 2002 Hugo Award for Best Short Story

2002 Stories/Books/Events:

29 Aug-2 Sep 2002: ConJose; the 60th World Science Fiction Convention,
in San Jose, California.

2002 Ted Chiang: "Hell Is the Absence of God"
[Starlight 3, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, ed., Tor]
Winner, 2002 Nebula Award for Best Novelette;
Winner, 2002 Hugo Award for Best Novelette

2002 Richard Chwedyk: "Bronte's Egg" [F&SF, Aug 2002]
Winner, 2002 Nebula Award for Best Novella;
second place, Theodore Sturgeon Award for best short SF of the year

2002 Greg Egan: "Singleton" [Interzone]
third place, Theodore Sturgeon Award for best short SF of the year

2002 Charles Coleman Finlay: "The Political Officer" [F&SF Apr 2002]
Finalist Nominee, 2002 Nebula Award for Best Novella

2002 Jeffrey Ford: "Creation" [F&SF May 2002]
Finalist Nominee, 2002 Nebula Award for Best Novelette

2002 Carol Emshwiller: "Creature" [F&SF Oct/Nov 2002]
Winner, 2002 Nebula Award for Best Short Story

2002 "Falling Onto Mars", Geoffrey A. Landis (Analog Jul/Aug 2002)
Winner, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Short Story

2002 Tom Piccirilli: "The Misfit Child Grows Fat on Despair" [The Darker Side]
Winner, Bram Stoker Award for Best Short Fiction,
from the 2003 Horror Writers Association

2002 Tim Pratt: "Little Gods" [Strange Horizons, 4 Feb 2002]
Finalist Nominee, 2002 Nebula Award for Best Novelette

2002 Lucius Shepard: "Over Yonder" [first published online by Sci Fiction]
winner: Theodore Sturgeon Award for best short SF of the year

2002 "Slow Life", Michael Swanwick (Analog Dec 2002)
Winner, 2003 Hugo Award for Best Novelette

2002 Vernor Vinge: "Fast Times at Fairmont High"
[The Collected Stories of Vernor Vinge, Tor]
Winner, 2002 Hugo Award for Best Novella

2003 Stories/Books/Events:

7 June 2003: Winners of the Bram Stoker Awards were presented Saturday evening,
at the 2003 Horror Writers Association Annual conference and Stoker Banquet
in New York City.

19 Apr 2003: Winners of the 2002 Nebula Awards were announced at a banquet
Saturday evening, in Philadelphia PA.

17 May 2003: Christopher Priest's novel The Separation is winner of this year's
Arthur C. Clarke Award, given annually for the best science fiction
novel receiving its first British publication in the previous year. The
award was announced on Saturday, May 17, at a ceremony at the
Science Museum in London.

11 July 2003: This year's John W. Campbell Award for best SF novel of the year
was presented to Nancy Kress's Probability Space, published by Tor.
At the same ceremony in Lawrence, Kansas, on July 11, the
Theodore Sturgeon Award for best short SF of the year was
presented to "Over Yonder" by Lucius Shepard, first published online
by Sci Fiction. Kress was present to accept her award; Shepard's
was accepted by James Gunn.

30 Oct-2 Nov 2003: World Fantasy Convention, Washington DC.

8 Nov 2003: Con*Cept 2003, the Montreal Science Fiction & Fantasy Conference.

12-14 Dec 2003: Philcon 2003, the Philadelphia Area SF convention.

30 Aug 2003: The 2003 Hugo Awards were presented Saturday evening, at Torcon 3,
the 61st World Science Fiction Convention in Toronto.

2004 Events:

2-6 Sep 2004: Noreascon 4, the 62nd World Science Fiction Convention, in
Boston, Massachusetts.

2005 Events:

4-8 Aug 2005: Interaction, the 63rd World Science Fiction Convention, in
Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom.

1-5 Sep 2005: CascadiaCon
NASFiC (North American Science Fiction Convention),
in Seattle, Washington, for North Americans who choose not to go to the 63rd World Science Fiction Convention, in
Glasgow but want something about the same size and subject.

2006 Events:

23-27 Aug 2006: L.A.con IV, the 64th World Science Fiction Convention, in
Anaheim, California (across the street from Disneyland).

2007 Events:

30 Aug 2007-3 Sep 2007: the 65th World Science Fiction Convention,
Yokohama, Japan (a country which has never had a WorldCon before)

?Aug-?Sep? 2007: NASFiC (North American Science Fiction Convention),
CascadiaCon, in Seattle, Washington, for North Americans who choose not to go
to the 65th World Science Fiction Convention,
but want something about the same size and subject.

2008 Events:

?? Aug/Sep 2008: the 66th World Science Fiction Convention;
Denver and Chicago both unofficially bidding for this

2009 Events:

?? Aug/Sep 2009: the 67th World Science Fiction Convention;
Montreal and kansas City unofficially bidding for this

2010 Events:

?? Aug/Sep 2010: the 68th World Science Fiction Convention;
Australia unofficially bidding for this

Major Writers Born this Decade 2000-2010

2000 would be 4 years old in 2004 (few authors published by that age)
2001 would be 3 years old in 2004 (few authors published by that age)
2002 would be 2 year old in 2004 (few authors published by that age)
2003 would be 1 year old in 2004 (few authors published by that age)
2004 would be under year old in 2004 (no known authors published by that age)
2005 Not conceived by 2004
2006 Not conceived by 2004
2007 Not conceived by 2004
2008 Not conceived by 2004
2009 Not conceived by 2004
2010 Not conceived by 2004

Major Writers Died this Decade 2000-2010

2000 99 Carl Barks (1901-2000) Artist
2000 75 David R. Bunch (1925-2000)
2000 52 Frederick S. Clarke (1948-2000)
2000 93 Catherine Crook de Camp (1907-2000)
2000 93 L. Sprague de Camp (1907-2000)
2000 72 Lew Gallo (1928-2000)
2000 53 Michael Gilbert (1947-2000)
2000 75 Edward Gorey (1925-2000) Artist/Author
2000 86 Sir Alec Guinness (1914-2000) Actor
2000 72 Charlotte B. Hensley (1928-2000)
2000 74 Gil Kane (1926-2000)
2000 100 Jack S. Liebowitz (1900-2000)
2000 58 Joe Mayhew (1942-2000)
2000 85 Emil Petaja (1915-2000)
2000 65 Keith Roberts (1935-2000)
2000 61 Mark Schultzinger (1939-2000)
2000 72 Nancy Tucker Shaw (1928-2000)
2000 98 Curt Siodmak (1902-2000)
2000 63 John T. Sladek (1937-2000)
2000 85 Phyllis White (1915-2000)
2000 88 A. E. Van Vogt (1912-2000)

2001 75 Poul Anderson (1926-2001)
2001 49 Douglas Adams (1952-2001)
2001 66 Sheila Bostick (1935-2001)
2001 82 Ronald Chetwynd-Hayes (1919-2001)
2001 75 Johnny Craig (1926-2001)
2001 45 Keith Allen Daniels (1956-2001)
2001 78 Gordon R. Dickson (1923-2001)
2001 81 George Evans (1920-2001)
2001 91 William Hanna (1910-2001)
2001 86 Sir Fred Hoyle (1915-2001)
2001 51 Terry Hughes (1950-2001)
2001 52 Scott Imes (1949-2001)
2001 74 Dr. Morton Klass (1927-2001)
2001 54 Richard Laymon (1947-2001)
2001 95 Astrid Lindgren (1907-2002)
2001 81 John Lucas (1921-2002)
2001 65 Gray Morrow (1934-2001)
2001 54 Rick Shelley (1947-2001)
2001 85 Ray Walston (1914-2001) Actor

2002 79 Lloyd Biggle, Jr. (1923-2002)
2002 75 John Buscema (1927-2002) Marvel Comics artist
2002 ?? Dalvin M. Coger ( - 2002)
2002 69 Walter R. Cole (1933-2002)
2002 45 George Alec Effinger (1947-2002)
2002 70 Robert L. Forward (1932-2002)
2002 ?? Stanley R. Greenberg (193?-2002)
2002 57 Jon Gustafson (1945-2002)
2002 61 Jack C. Haldeman II (1941-2002)
2002 89 Jonathan Harris (1914-2002)
2002 ?? Joan Harrison ( -2002)
2002 69 Laurence Mark Janifer (1933-2002)
2002 ?? Norman Jolley (-2002)
2002 87 Robert Kanigher (1915-2002)
2002 80 Damon Knight (1922-2002)
2002 89 R. A. Lafferty (1914-2002)
2002 69 Cele Goldsmith Lalli (1933-2002) editor
2002 ?? Kathleen M. Massie-Ferch ( -2002)
2002 47 Craig Mills (1955-2002)
2002 76 John Middleton Murry (1926-2002)
2002 57 Tom Olander (1945-2002)
2002 66 Bruce Pelz (1936-2002)
2002 92 John Pierce (1910-2002)
2002 67 William A. S. Sarjeant (1935-2002)
2002 82 Kurt Schaffenberger (1920-2002)
2002 67 Charles Sheffield (1935-2002)
2002 90 Jerry Sohl (1913-2002)
2002 65 Tom Sutton (1937-2002)
2002 72 Cherry Wilder (1930-2002)
2002 59 Ron Walotsky (1943-2002)

2003 44 Michael P. Anderson (1959-2003) Columbia Payload Commander
2003 47 David M. Brown (1956-2003) Columbia Mission Specialist
2003 69 "Kir Bulychov" pseudonym of Igor Mozheiko, Moscow, Russia,
(18 Oct 1934-4 Sep 2003) 20 screenplays, several novels,
best known for Young Adult stopries about gal from future,
translated to English as "Alice: The Girl From Earth."
Also translator of many SF stories and books.
2003 41 Kalpana Chawla, Ph.D., Columbia Mission Specialist 2;
born in Karnal, India.
2003 42 Laurel Clark, M.D. (1961-2003) , Columbia Mission Specialist 4
2003 81 "Hal Clement" [Harry Stubbs] (30 May 1922-Oct 2003)
The leading "Hard SF" author, always getting his
science correct in his fiction.
B.S., Astronomy, Harvard; M.Ed., Boston University;
M.S., Chemistry, Simmons College; Lieutenant Pilot,
Army Air Corps, 35 combat missions in B-24 with 8th Air
Force; squadron Executive Officer and Technical Instructor
recalled to active duty 1951; retired a full Colonel;
taught High Scoool science 1947-1987. I have appeared
with him on numerous panel discussions at SF cons, where he
was a uniformly brilliant gentleman. He even reviewed and
assisted me with one of my refereed papers on interstellar
flight. See photo and obituary with comments at
Hal Clement @ SFWA
2003 93 Lloyd Arthur Eschbach (20 June 1910-29 Oct 2003)
Author (first SF story sold 1929), magazine publisher
(Marvel Tales; The Galleon), book publisher (Fantasy Press,
1946-1950; Polaris Press 1952); novelist and memoirist
late in his career.
Lloyd Arthur Eschbach @ SFWA
2003 89 Howard Fast (1914-2003) Bestselling Novelist (40+ books)
best known for "Sparticus" (adapted to Academy Award-winner)
but also wrote SF stories, as collected in "The General Zapped
an Angel" and "The Edge of Tomorrow."
2003 ?? Fred Freiberger(191?-2003)
2003 86 Virginia Heinlein (1917-2003) wife of Robert A. Heinlein;
he always considered her the superior Engineer
2003 72 Mike Hinge (1931-2003) SF Artist; born in New Zealand
2003 46 Rick D. Husband (1957-2003) Columbia Commander;
U.S. Air Force Colonel
2003 78 Monica Hughes (3 Nov 1925-Mar 2003) Canadian award-winning
Childrens author; born in Liverpool, England; lived in
Cairo, Egypt; World War II in Women's Royal Naval Service;
lived in Zimbabwe; moved to Canada 1954. 35 novels.
2003 82 Matt Jeffries (1921-2003) Film/TV Art Director, designed TV
Star Trek's "Enterprise." Bronze Star combat co-pilot of
of B-17 missions (England, Africa, Italy).
2003 82 Virginia Kidd (2 June 1921-11 Jan 2003) Literary Agent,
editor, anthologist, story author, poet
2003 42 William C. McCool (1961-2003) Columbia Pilot;
U.S. Navy Commander, test pilot
2003 75 Pete Morisi (1928-2003) Comic Book artist (superhero
"Thunderbolt" who was involved in Eastern mysticism; Westerns)
and NYPD cop
2003 69 Igor Mozheiko, wote Science Fiction and screenplays in
Russia under the pseudonym Kir Bulychov, see above
2003 both 56 George and Jan OÕNale (194?-June 2003) Virginia
publishers : Cheap Street Press
2003 49 Ilan Ramon (20 June 1954-2003) Columbia Payload Specialist;
born in Tel Aviv, Israel; one of the combat pilot who
successfully bombed Iraq's nuclear reactor complex
2003 xx Bernard Schwartz (1918-17 Oct 2003) Film/TV Producer;
best know for mainstream work (Caol Miner's daughter)
but listed here for Alcoa Presents: One Step Beyond;
Psycho II; Journey to the Center of the Earth
2003 54 Mark Richard Siegel (1949-12 Nov 2003), Attorney,
English Professor (Arizona State U., University of
Wyoming) and author (film, popular culture, true crime)
and science fiction: novel "Echo and Narcissus";
biography of James Tiptree, Jr; and various short stories
2003 81 Harry Stubbs, Grandmaster of SFWA, see pseudonym "Hal Clement"
2003 74 Zheng Wenguang (1929-2003) "the father of Chinese Science
Fiction." Born in Vietnam; research astronomer;
published China's first SF story [1954]; in English
as "The Mirror Image of the Earth" [The Penguin World Omnibus
of Science Fiction]; first Chinese SF novel [1979].

2004 {to be done}

2005 {to be done}

2006 {to be done}

2007 {to be done}

2008 {to be done}

2009 {to be done}

2010 {to be done}

For Obituaries on many of the above from 1997-2003,
see then click on "news" and then "obituary archive."
AIDS data from Cory Doctorow in

For more on individual writers:
annotated list of 3,274 links, last updated 23 Sep 2003;
also some brief notes on 6,107 authors and pseudonyms NOT on the Internet, last updated
4 May 2000, for a total of 9,381 authors' hotlinks or names or pseudonyms or notes.

The "Joke" version of this page, from 1997,
predicting the decade 2000-2010

This is a page extrapolating on the science fiction of the early 21st
century -- yet to be written !

There are xyz hotlinks here to authors, magazines, films,
or television items elsewhere in the Ultimate Science Fiction Web Guide or
Most recently updated: 19 April 1997

Major CyberTainments/Films/TV of the Decade 2000-2010

2000 The Day the Earth Stood Still [America On-Line]
2000 Jurassic Park III [Net-Profits]
2000 Millennium: But There Was No Year Zero [New-Year's-Eve-Net]
2000 Back to the Future IV: A Paradox Can Be Paradoctored [Edu-Net]
2000 Edward Scissorhands II: The Eunich [Unix]
2000 Gremlins IV: Gremlins vs. Tribbles [Hair-Net]
2000 The Absent-Minded Professor vs. Whats-his-name [I forget the URL]
2000 Death Race 2000 vs. Road Warrior [Live by Car Phone]
2001 Arachnophobia II [Sticky-Web]
2001 Dark Star II: The Malcolm X-Files (Eddie Murphy vs. O.J. Simpson)
2001 2001: A Space Odyssey: The Virtual Reality [DVD and VR-Net]
2001 The Handmaid's Tale II: Women On Top [CyberSex]
2001 Jesus of Hong Kong: Turn the Other Cheek Ninja [Cross-Linked]
2001 Alien Reboot [MotherBoard]
2001 Star Trek's First Contact and R2D2's Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind
& Fantastic Four meet Babylon 5 & Blakes 7 some 20,000 Leagues
Beneath the Sea
2002 The Jetsons: Really in Space [VR-Net from Space Station Alpha]
2002 Anaconda II: The Big Squeeze [Worm Drive]
2002 Martians, Go Home [VR-Net from Mars Rock Return Mission]
2002 Batman vs. the Cat in the Hat [Rat-Tail File]
2002 Crash II: J. G. Ballard's Driver's License [Auto-Load]
2002 Contact II: Billions of Lawyers -- The Battle for Carl Sagan's Estate
2003 RoboCop V: The Oval Office [Max Headroom-Net]
2003 Robot Jox II: The Urine Test [Water-Sports/Yellow-Journalism]
2003 ER: The Movie: Mr. Spock, Dr. Spock, Dr. Jekyll, Dr. Moreau & Dr. Demento
2003 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles VI: Leonardo Online [Brain-Net]
2003 Dante's Peak II [HotLinks]
2003 George of the Jungle vs. Tarzan [Hollwood and Vine]
2004 James Bond: The Prisoner ("007, meet Number 6")
2004 Total Recall III: We Can Remember It For You Wholesale [Brain-Net]
2004 Tremors vs. The Big One [not available in the ruins of Los Angeles]
2004 Emperor Godzilla [RisingSunSoft]
2004 Mortal Kombat V [Punch Cards]
2004 King Kong on the Planet of the Apes [SimiaNet]
2005 Men In Black [The UFOs won't let you see this]
2005 Hercules vs Xena [Court-TV Online]
2005 Honey, We Shrink-Wrapped the Disk [Teeny-weeny Incompatible-Disks]
2005 The Witches [Psi-Net]
2005 The Postman [David Brin] Meets The Brinman [Jonathan Post]
2005 Indiana Jones and the Evil Empire [I-Ran-Contra]
2006 Terminator 5-VR [VR-Net Sense-Enhanced]
2006 Interview with You, the Vampire [Capillary-Net]
2006 The Mask III: Those Darn VR Goggles!
2006 Ishmael the Gorilla vs. Bonzo the Chimp [ReagaNet]
2006 Rocket Man III: Rocket In My Pocket [Re-Fuse]
2007 Stargate 3: The Anubis Gates vs. Bill Gates
2007 Star Trek: Geriatric [Mind-Meld-Net]
2007 Madonna Meets The Saint [VaticaNet]
2007 Star Wars Sexology Special Edition [Lucassette]
2008 Independence Day VI: The Day We Get the Construction Invoice
2008 Space Truckers III [CB-Radio]
2008 Spawn IV [Vet-Net]
2009 Sphere II: Space Balls -- Things to Come
2009 Starship Troopers II: Alien Sexual Harassment
2009 Power Rangers vs. VR-Rangers vs. the Lone Ranger
2009 Volcano II: Get Your Rocks Off [CyberSex]
2010 Freejack, Bug Jack Barron, You Don't Know Jack [Jack-in-the-Box]
2010 2010: Space Odyssey Special Edition [Art-Clarke live from Orbit]
2010 Superwoman: The First Lady []
2010 Blade Runner III: Replican/Replican't [Phillip K. Dick-tator]
2010 Metropolis II: On the Fritz [GermaNet]
2010 Invasion of the Body Snatchers vs. Censorship of the Snatch-Bodiers
2010 A Clockwork Orange [not available without a color monitor]
2010 Alphaville: The Beta Test [Gamma rays/The Omega Man]
2010 Andromeda Strain II: Mickey Mouse as a Lab Rat
2010 Forbidden Planet Interactive [Robbie the Robot is at your door]
2010 The Blob [sneezed on your screen]
2010 Star Wars XIX: Death Star on Hollywood Boulevard
2010 M for Murder of the Story of O by Star Trek's Q and X-Files' Z for Zorro
2010 Monster in the Manger: Gold, Myrrh, and Frankenstein
2010 War of the Worlds: Microsoft Explorer vs. Netscape Navigator

Major Books of the Decade

2000 Asimov 2000: Two Thousand of Isaac Asimov's Books on one DVD
2001 Ray Bradbury: The Martian Chronic [Farenheit: $4.51]
2002 Arthur C. Clarke: "Hal-9000 and Me" [Sri Lanka: Monolith]
2003 Frank Herbert: "Dune vs. Doom: James Dean's Great Dane"
2004 Ballard, Brin, Bear, Benford, and Bova: "The Ultimate B-Movie"
2005 Robert Heinlein: "I Shall Fear No Sequel" [Stranger in a Strangelove]
2006 Stanislaw Lem: "Solaris OS"
2007 Stephen King: "Gross Prophets"
2008 Anne McCaffrey: "The Dragonrider Who Sang All the Way to the Bank"
2009 R. L. Stine: "Mother Goosebumps"
2010 H. G. Wells & Stephan W. Hawking: "A Brief History of Time Machine"

Major Science Fiction Events of this Decade

Return to Top of Timeline 1980s Page

Hotlinks to other Timeline pages of SF Chronology

|Introduction: Overview and Summary
|Prehistory: Ancient Literary Precursors
|Cosmic History:13 Billion BC to 3000 BC
|6th Millennium BC: When the Goddess Ruled
|5th Millennium BC: Mesopotamia, Egypt
|4th Millennium BC: Iceman of the Alps, Old Kingdom Egypt
|3rd Millennium BC: Gilgamesh and Cheops
|2nd Millennium BC: Abraham to David
|1st Millennium BC: Homer, Buddha, Confucius, Euclid
|1st Century: Jesus, Cymbeline, Caligula, Pliny
|2nd Century: Hero, Ptolemy, Nichomachus
|3rd Century: 3 Kingdoms China, Legendary Japan
|4th Century: Constantine, Hypatia, Ausonius
|5th Century: Rome in Crisis, Dark Ages start
|6th Century: Boethius, Taliesin, Mohammed
|7th Century: Bede, Brahmagupta, Isidorus
|8th Century: Beowulf, Charlemagne, 1001 Arabian Nights
|9th Century: Gunpowder and the first printed book
|10th Century: Arabs, Byzantium, China
|11th Century: Khayyam, Gerbert, Alhazen
|12th Century: Age of Translations
|13th Century: Crusades, Kublai Khan, Universities
|14th Century: Dante, Marco Polo, and Clocks
|15th Century: Dawn of Scientific Revolution
|16th Century: Ariosto and Cyrano on the Moon
|17th Century: Literary Dawn
|18th Century: Literary Expansion
|19th Century: Victorian Explosion
|1890-1910: Into Our Century
|1910-1920: The Silver Age
|1920-1930: The Golden Age
|1930-1940: The Aluminum Age
|1940-1950: The Plutonium Age
|1950-1960: The Threshold of Space
|1960-1970: The New Wave
|1970-1980: The Seventies
|1980-1990: The Eighties [you are HERE]
|1990-2000: End of Millennium
|2000-2010: This Decade
|2010-2020: Next Decade
|Cosmic Future: Billions, Trllions, Googols

Where to Go for More

51 Useful Meta/Data Modules

Beyond the World Wide Web... there is the library of old-fashioned books
printed on paper. I strongly recommend that you start or follow-up your
explorations of this web site by consulting any or all of these outstanding
sources {this is, of course, a joke version. See pages for other decades
to get a genuine list of reference books on Science Fiction}:

ALDISS*: "Quadrillion Year Spree" an update for quad-density and 4x CD-ROM drives
(first available in 2001 from McDonalds-Apple-Disney)
of "Trillion Year Spree" which in turn was an update of "Billion Year Spree:
The True History of Science Fiction", Brian W. Aldiss
(New York: Doubleday, 1973; Schocken Paperback, 1974)

ALLEN*: "The Neurotic's Guide to Science Fiction" by Woody Allen and Woody Toystory,
(Millennial Press, 2001)
based on "Science Fiction Reader's Guide", L. David Allen
(Centennial Press, 1974)

AMIS*: "Memory Maps of Hell", by Amis & Andy, (Mordor: Gollum, 2002)
based on "New Maps of Hell", Kingsley Amis (London: Gollancz, 1960;
New York: Harcourt Brace, 1960)

ASH1*: "Who's What in Science Fiction", by R2D2, C3P0, THX 1138 & Hal 9000
based on "Machines Who Think" by Pamela McCorduck & Daffy Duck and
"Who's Who in Science Fiction", by Brian Ash (Taplinger, 1976)

ASH2*: "The Virtual Encyclopedia of Science Fiction", edited by V. R. R. Tolkein,
(Dischord Datacord, 2007), based on
"The Visual Encyclopedia of Science Fiction", edited by Brian Ash
(Harmony Books, 1977)

ASHLEY*: "The History of the Science Fiction Website" [65,636 volumes]
(London/Bridge: Is Fallingdown, 4321) based on
"The History of the Science Fiction Magazine" [3 volumes]
(London: New English Library, 1974)

ASIMOV*: "Asimov on Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine on Asimov on Science Fiction
and On and On and On and On..." (New York, New York: Isahellofatown)
based on "Asimov on Science Fiction" (New York: Avon, 1981)

ATHELING*: "The Mouse at Hand: Magic Dragon Multimedia's Ultimate Science Fiction
Web Guide" by William Athlete, Jr. [James Blush], based on
"The Issue at Hand", "William Atheling, Jr." [James Blish]
(Chicago: Advent, 1964)

BARRON*: "Anatomy of Blunder", edited by Bug Jack Barron (Bowser, 2006)
based on "Anatomy of Wonder", edited by Neil Barron (Bowker, 1976)

BAXTER*: "Science Fiction in the X-Rated Cinema", Just Another John,
based on "Science Fiction in the Cinema", John Baxter
(London: A. Zwemmer, 1970; New York: A. S. Barnes, 1970)

BERGONZI*: "Orson Welles, H.G. Wells, and All's Well That Ends Well", Saint Bernard,
based on "The Early H.G. Wells", Bernard Bergonzi
(Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1961)

BLEILER*: "The Internet List of Fantastic Stuff" Eveready F. Blather,
(Chicago Bulls: Shasta Softdrinks, 2008), based on
"The Checklist of Fantastic Literature" Everett F. Bleiler
(Chicago: Shasta, 1948)

BRETNOR1*: "Post-Modern Science Fiction: Its Meaninglessness and Dim Future", edited by
Grendel Briarton (New York: Coward-Chicken-McNugget, 2003) based on
"Modern Science Fiction: Its Meaning and Future", edited by
Reginald Bretnor (New York: Coward-McCann, 1953)

BRETNOR2*: "The Graft of Science Fiction", Reggie, Archie, and Jughead
(New York: Row, Row & Row Your Boat, 2007)
"The Craft of Science Fiction", Reginald Bretnor
(New York: Harper & Row, 1977)

BRINEY*: "SF Bibs: Don't Be Drool", Robert E. Brainey & Ed Wood
(Invent: Advent, Convent, and Denvention, 2002) based on
"SF Bibliographies", Robert E. Briney & Edward Wood
(Chicago: Advent, 1972)

CLARESON1*: "SF: The Dark Side of the Disk", edited by Thomas Declare's Son
(Bench Press, Press Pass, Pass the Buck, and Buck Rogers, 2008) based on
"SF: The Other Side of Realism", edited by Thomas D. Clareson
(Gregg Press, 1978)

CLARESON2*: "Interpolation, 1984-2010", edited by Thomas D. Doubter
(Bowling Alley, Ohio: University Unpopular Press, 2001) based on
Extrapolation, 1959-1969", edited by Thomas D. Clareson
(Bowling Green, Ohio: University Popular Press, 1971)

CLARKE*: "Biting the Tail Off the Future", Mickey Mouse & Ignatz the Mouse
(London: The Library Ass, 2002) based on
"The Tale of the Future", I. F. Clarke
(London: The Library Association, 1961, 1972)

CONTENTO*: "Kleenex of the Science Fiction Obsessives and Compulsives",
Willy B. Contented?: Down-the-Hall, 2008) based on
"Index to the Science Fiction Anthologies and Collections",
William Contento G.K. Hall, 1978)

DAY*: "Spandex to the Science Friction Magazine: 1926-50", Dawnof D. Day
(Rosemary, Oregono: Jimmy Olson & Perry White Press, 2002) based on
"Index to the Science Fiction Magazine: 1926-50", Donald B. Day
(Portland, Oregon: Perri Press, 1952)

DeCAMP*: "Science Fiction Handjob", Dismust B. DeCamp
(New York: Hermitage House, 1953)
"Science Fiction Handbook", L. Sprague DeCamp
(New York: Hermitage House, 1953)

ELLIK*: "The Universes of Doc Smith, Doc Holiday and Whatsup Doc", Ron L. Luck & Billie Vans
(Chicago: Air Vent, 2006) based on
"The Universes of E. E. Smith", Ron Ellik & Bill Evans
(Chicago: Advent, 1966)

EVANS*: "The Daffy Dux of Sci-Fi Zines", Bull Evans with Chuck Spear,
based on "The Index of Science Fiction Magazines", Bill Evans with Jack Speer
(Denver: Robert Peterson, 1946?)

FRANKLIN*: "Past Plu-Perfect: American Science Friction of the 19th Century",
Ben Franklin (Philadelphia: Lightning Rod/Bifocal Press, 2006) based on
"Future Perfect: American Science Fiction of the Nineteenth Century",
H. Bruce Franklin (New York: Oxford University Press, 1966)

FREWIN*: "One Hundred Years of Science Fiction Computer Graphics", Anthony Makewind
(Great Red Spot: Jupiter Books, 2004) based on
"One Hundred Years of Science Fiction Illustration", Anthony Frewin
(London: Jupiter Books, 1974)

GOODSTONE*: "Pimps, Pulps, and Polyps", Fred Flintstone (Little Rock: Chelsea Clinton, 2000)
based on "The Pulps", Tony Goodstone (New York: Chelsea House, 1970)

GUNN*: "Alternate Weirds", Have Gunn, Will Travel (Jump From Cliffs NJ: Apprentice-Hell, 2005)
based on "Alternate Worlds", James Gunn (Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1975)

HARRISON*: "John W. Campbell-Soup: Collected Ravings from Analog/Digital", Hairy Harrison
(Garden versus City: Doubledealing, 2006) based on
"John W. Campbell: Collected Editorials from Analog", Harry Harrison
(Garden City NY: Doubleday, 1966)

HOLMBERG*: "Science Fiction Hysteria", John-Henri V. Steamengine
(Vader/Borg, Sweden: Askiss & Karnevall, 2004) based on
"Science Fiction History", John-Henri Holmberg
(Vanersborg, Sweden: Askild & Karnekull, 1974)

KNIGHT*: "In Search of Plunder", Dayand Knight (Chiclets: Advert, 2006; breasts enlarged 1967)
"In Search of Wonder", Damon Knight (Chicago: Advent, 1956; enlarged 1967)

KYLE*: "A Pectoral History of Science Fiction Superheroes", Divot Coil
(Piedpiper: Hamlyn House, 2006) based on
"A Pictorial History of Science Fiction", David Kyle
(London: Hamlyn House, 1976)

LOCKE*: "Worlds Underfoot", edited by Quay Locke (London: Cornlaw Repress, 2002)
based on "Worlds Apart", edited by George Locke (London: Cornmarket Reprints, 1972)

LUNDWALL*: "Science Fiction: What It's All About, Alfie-Ralphie?", Sam J. Bluntwall
(New York: Acey-Deucey Books, 2001) based on
"Science Fiction: What It's All About", Sam J. Lundwall
(New York: Ace Books, 1971)

METCALF*: "The Index of Indices to Indexed Magazines, 1951-2051", Nerd Mooncalf
(I've Been Stark-Naked, 2008) based on
"The Index of Science Fiction Magazines, 1951-1965", Norm Metcalf
(J. Ben Stark, 1968)

MILLIES*: "Science Fiction: Primmer and Stricter for Teachers", Suzanne Militants
(Dontstop, OH!: Pflegm, 2005) based on
"Science Fiction Primer for Teachers", Suzanne Millies
(Dayton OH: Pflaum, 1975)

MOSKOWITZ#1*: "The Immoral Storm", Some Muscatel
(IFSO Press, 2001; Hyperbole Press, 2002) based on
"The Immortal Storm", Sam Moskowitz
(AFSO Press, 1954; Hyperion Press, 19??)

MOSKOWITZ#2*: "Explorers of the Info-Net: Shoppers of Science Fiction",
Some Muscatel (Cleveland & New York: World, 1963)
"Explorers of the Infinite: Shapers of Science Fiction",
Sam Moskowitz (Cleveland & New York: World, 1963)

MOSKOWITZ#3*: "Suckers of Tomorrow", Some Muscatel (John Cleland & New Jerk: Whirl'd, 2003)
based on "Seekers of Tomorrow", Sam Moskowitz (Cleveland & New York: World, 1963)

NESFA*: "Index to the Science Fiction Fans", No English Science
Fiction Administration (Top'o'the World, MA: NESFA-Gesundheit, 2001)
based on "Index to the Science Fiction Magazines", New England Science
Fiction Association (Cambridge MA: NESFA, 1971)

PERRY*: "The Comic Book of Penguins", Adm. Peary & Alien Alldrudge
(Antarctica: Penguin, 2001) based on
"The Penguin Book of Comics", George Perry & Alan Aldridge
(London: Penguin, 1971)

ROGERS*: "A Wreck I Am for Astounding", Olive Oyl Ruggers (Chicago: Adverse, 2004)
based on "A Requiem for Astounding", Alva Rogers (Chicago: Advent, 1964)

ROTTSTEINER*: "The Only Science Fiction Book I Ever Read", Franz Rottweiler
(Jumpinthe: Thames & Thensome, 2005)
"The Science Fiction Book", Franz Rottsteiner
(London: Thames & Hudson, 1975)

SADOUL*: "Hear Hear, 2000 Dirty Pictures from the Golden Age of Science Fiction",
Shock Theschool (Paris: Editorial Denial, 2003) based on
"Hier, L'An 2000 [Illustrations from the Golden Age of Science Fiction]",
Jacques Sadoul (Paris: Editions Denoel, 1973)

STRAUSS*: "The MIT Sci Fi Society's Sliderule of the SF Magazines: 3.141592"
Waltzes-Strauss (The Other Cambridge: Getyer Mitts of My Sci Fi, 2.718281828)
"The MIT Science Fiction Society's Index to the SF Magazines: 1951-64"
Erwin S. Strauss (Cambridge MA: MIT Science Fiction Society, 1966)

TUCK*: "The Encyclical of Science Fiction and Fantasy, MCMLIXth Edition",
Friar Tuck (Hoboy Amistuckin, Tasmania: Friar Tuck, 1959) based on
"The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy, 2nd Edition",
Donald H. Tuck (Hobart, Tasmania: Donald H. Tuck, 1959)

VERSINS: "Gymnopedie des loopie, des fromages extraordinaires et de la
science friction", (Losin': Belle de Jour, 1972) based on
"Encyclopedie des l'utopie, des voyages extraordinaires et de la
science fiction", (Lausanne: L'Age d'Homme, 1972)

WAGGONER*: "The Seeds of Caraway", Diana Waggonwheels (Adnauseum, 2008)
based on "The Hills of Faraway", Diana Waggoner (Athenaeum, 1978)

WARNER*: "Yesterday, All My Tribbles Seemed so Full Of Hay", Time-Warner, Jr. (Ago: Went, 2009)
based on "All Our Yesterdays", Harry Warner, Jr. (Chicago: Advent, 1969)

WELLS*: "Fictional Accounts of Trips to the Bank", Less Than H. G. Wells
(The Boys from Syracuse University Library, 2002) based on
"Fictional Accounts of Trips to the Moon", Lester G. Wells
(Syracuse NY: Syracuse University Library, 1962)

WILLIAMSON*: "H.G. Wells: Cricket of Profits", Jack Will-Loan-Some
(It's Just More Mirage, Express, 2003) based on
"H.G. Wells: Critic of Progress", Jack Williamson
(Baltimore: Mirage Press, 1973)

WOLLHEIM*: "The Universal Fakers", Donald A. Wollheim
(New York: Harpist & Bow, 1971)
"The Universe Makers", Donald A. Wollheim
(New York: Harper & Row, 1971)

Return to Ultimate SF Table of Contents

Compiled by Magic Dragon Multimedia

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Copyright 1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006 by Magic Dragon Multimedia.

All rights reserved. May not be reproduced without permission.

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